44 episodes

An audio magazine covering the Indie arts world — music, film, games, literature, performance, and more.

INDIEcent Exposure – INDIEcent Exposure the mongrel

    • Music

An audio magazine covering the Indie arts world — music, film, games, literature, performance, and more.

    INDIEcent Exposure #45: NTRVW — ETHeGirl

    INDIEcent Exposure #45: NTRVW — ETHeGirl

    ABOVE: (center) Sarah Marie; photo via Instagram; (left and right, respectively) "Cheers to Futures Past" and "I am the Dragon Breathing Fire" NFTs featuring a pin-upped ETHegirl; via OpeneSea

    Heya, Brothers and Sisters!

    Thanks for tuning in to Episode 45 of INDIEcent Exposure. I am your master of ceremonies, the mongrel, and I have to say, this is an episode of INDIEcent Exposure like no other that’s come before or probably that will ever follow. We will start off with a couple of great tunes I’ve been meaning to share with you but, the bulk of this extended episode will be an interview that I had with the brilliant, talented, brassy, sassy, and lovely actress, singer, model and crypto-entrepreneur, Sarah Marie, a.k.a. Ethegirl.


    ETHegirl at OpenSeaETHegirl at InstagramETHegirl on TwitterAlbum: The Fire, by Kendra BlackTrack: "Ghost," by ALI3N SUP3R J3SUS

    The main topic of our conversation was meant to be all about her new collection of highly stylized NFTs, inspired by pin-up art of yore but radiating with a powerful nd competent femininity that is finally getting the appreciating it deserves in more areas of professional and public life. What actually happened is that we talked about absolutely everything under the sun, and I had the opportunity to find out just what a multifaceted talent she is. We talked dogs. We talked personal safety. We talked family dynamics. We talked hunting and gaming and living and loving and trying to hustle a comfortable place for yourself on this planet at the near edge of Armageddon.

    As I said, I’ve never brought you a conversation like this before, and I did NOT edit for length because when you’re hearing about her in the mainstream media, I want you to be able to say, “Yeah, I knew all about her good shit back in the day.” While you’re listening you should really take in her gallery of NFTs so you can get a sense of just what and who I’m talking about. There’s a link at the top of the shownotes, but if you’re not able to read the show notes on your podcatcher of choice, the link is opensea.io/ETHegirl  —  again, that’s opensea.io/ETHegirl

    And we’ll roll that interview right after we roll a track from another of my favorite ladies, Kendra Black who released the album The Fire in 2019. For those of you who heard my interview with her, you know that there are many sides to her as well, but we’ll stick to her music right now with the tune “I’m better,” right here on INDIEcent Exposure.

    NTRVW — ETHegirl

    Editor’s Note: We pay to have rough transcripts of interviews produced. We attempt to remain as faithful as possible to the speakers’ original meaning, and apologize for any errors of transcription. That said, even the imperfect transcription we perform is costly. Please support us financially by becoming a member or making a one-time contribution to help us continue to provide this service.

    the mongrel: And with me on the line, actually, Skype is the one and only ETHegirl, Sarah Marie. Sarah, thank you for joining us on the show again. Again,

    • 2 hr 15 min
    INDIEcent Exposure #44:feat. Yard of Blondes

    INDIEcent Exposure #44:feat. Yard of Blondes

    Hey, hey, hey, my INDIEcent brothers and sisters. Thanks for tuning in to Episode #44 of INDIEcent Exposure. I've got some killer tunes lined up for you, and I guess I was in the mood for music that rides a little harder, because these tracks definitely don't show the softer side of yours truly, your host, the mongrel, known in an alternet zip code as Jay V. 



    hostedButtonId: "WEBGG4WU2W5KG",






    Editor's Notes:• This post may contain affiliate links• Musicians' bio info comes from the artists, their websites, or their publicists. Click on names below to visit their websites where you can get the full story, photos, and very often video.

    I've got another great interview, with a great artist, waiting in the wings, but right now let's kick things off with some tunage. We'll hear from Imran Mandani, who conjures up Godzilla, Kim Logan, who warns us that Oedipus Wrecks, and Gürschach, who take us on a tour of their Undead Empire. First though, let's start this set off with an amazing Pop and Neo-Soul artist who hails from Georgia — And I don't mean the state that sits between Alabama and South Carolina.



    SALIO hails from the Republic of Georgia, a place known to some for its harmonic scales and the birthplace of wine, but not by most. A remarkably gifted vocalist and composer from a young age, she decided to leave her home country and find her place in the wider world.

    .ugb-f853c6d .ugb-img{border-radius:30px}.ugb-f853c6d .ugb-feature__title{font-family:"Roboto Condensed",Sans-serif !important;font-weight:100 !important;letter-spacing:0.5px !important;color:#eeffb5;margin-bottom:14px !important}.ugb-f853c6d .ugb-feature__description{font-family:"Palatino Linotype",Palatino,Palladio,"URW Palladio L","Book Antiqua",Baskerville,"Bookman Old Style","Bitstream Charter","Nimbus Roman No9 L",Garamond,"Apple Garamond","ITC Garamond Narrow","New Century Schoolbook","Century Schoolbook","Century Schoolbook L",Georgia,serif !important;font-size:18px !important;color:#ffffff;margin-bottom:30px !important}.ugb-f853c6d .ugb-inner-block{text-align:left}.ugb-f853c6d.ugb-feature{background-color:#cf2e2e;background-attachment:fixed;background-image:url(https://www.indiecent-exposure.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/42474842_2366690783348133_3237109330507464704_n.jpg);background-position:center center;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:contain}.ugb-f853c6d.ugb-feature:before{background-color:#cf2e2e;opacity:0.3}@media screen and (min-width:768px){.ugb-f853c6d .ugb-feature__item{grid-template-columns:0.60fr 1.40fr !important}.ugb-f853c6d .ugb-img{border-radius:30px;width:750px;height:auto !important}}




    Moving to London and working with Andrew Hunt provided her with the ...

    • 57 min
    INDIEcent Exposure #43:feat. Kendra Black

    INDIEcent Exposure #43:feat. Kendra Black

    Greetings, my INDIEcent brother and sisters! How. The Hell. Have. You. Been..?Welcome to Episode #43 of INDIEcent Exposure. As you have probably noticed, this show has been on hiatus for a long bit over the Winter.

    Editor's Notes:• This post contains affiliate links• Musicians' bio info comes from the artists, their websites, or their publicists. Click on names below to visit their websites where you can get the full story, photos, and very often video.

    KENDRA BLACK — Special Guest Performance!

    After you finish listening to the show, enjoy this short set Kendra Black performed exclusively for INDIEcent Exposure.

    Photo by Jeremy Nelson; graphics by @laurasgraphicdesigner — aka Laura Luna.

    A lot of reasons for that, but probably the biggest is an onslaught of debilitating depression that affected nearly every area of my life. And with depression came doubts. And with doubts came delays. And then dust began to settle. Which depressed the f**k out of me even more. I’ve successfully battled this demon for, God, decades, and it hasn’t been this bad since way back in some very dark times. And I know I’m not alone out there. So many of my friends, especially my creative, artistic friends, fight the same demon, and this pandemic has been emotional quicksand.


    Immune is the marching band to either the apocalypse or redemption – take your pick.

    .ugb-f853c6d .ugb-img{border-radius:30px}.ugb-f853c6d .ugb-feature__title{font-family:"Roboto Condensed",Sans-serif !important;font-weight:100 !important;letter-spacing:0.5px !important;color:#eeffb5;margin-bottom:14px !important}.ugb-f853c6d .ugb-feature__description{font-family:"Palatino Linotype",Palatino,Palladio,"URW Palladio L","Book Antiqua",Baskerville,"Bookman Old Style","Bitstream Charter","Nimbus Roman No9 L",Garamond,"Apple Garamond","ITC Garamond Narrow","New Century Schoolbook","Century Schoolbook","Century Schoolbook L",Georgia,serif !important;font-size:18px !important;color:#ffffff;margin-bottom:30px !important}.ugb-f853c6d .ugb-inner-block{text-align:left}.ugb-f853c6d.ugb-feature{background-color:#cf2e2e;background-attachment:fixed;background-image:url(https://www.indiecent-exposure.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/1356316662_Color.jpg);background-position:center center;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:contain}.ugb-f853c6d.ugb-feature:before{background-color:#cf2e2e;opacity:0.3}@media screen and (min-width:768px){.ugb-f853c6d .ugb-feature__item{grid-template-columns:0.60fr 1.40fr !important}.ugb-f853c6d .ugb-img{border-radius:30px;width:596px;height:auto !important}}ImmuneTo them it might be the same thing. As the Doomsday Clock ticks and tocks its way toward oblivion, they have chosen to abandon the path of least resistance in favor of authenticity and musical defiance. Calling the broken metropolis of Los Angeles home, Immune has performed at Ozzfest and Mayhem Festival and have had their music featured in numerous films and television shows.

    • 1 hr 15 min
    The Delinquents and Losers Episode

    The Delinquents and Losers Episode

    Editor's Note: This post contains affiliate links. See our Reviews & Editorial Revenue Policy.

    Actually, that would be 42 counts of INDIEcent Exposure, seeing as how this is episode #42. It is I, brothers and sisters, your humble host, the mongrel, bringing you another amazing show — not for any talent I may or mayn’t bring to the table, oh, no, no, no.

    Editor's Note: Musicians' bio info comes from the artists, their websites, or their publicists. Click on names below to visit their websites where you can get the full story, photos, and very often video.

    This show is all about the tunes. And the tune makers. I’m just driving this rig. And after long and careful consideration, and input from YOU, my faithful listeners, I’ve decided that I need to drive this rig a little faster from now on. Get to the tunes faster, and keep the episodes as close to the 30-minute mark as possible.

    Gina Brooklyn (2:15)

    But don’t worry. You won’t get less of me if you don’t want. I have plans. We’ll talk about them later. Not now. Now we hear from Gina Brooklyn, whose raw power will make you prick up your ears. Her March 2020 single, “Who Are You Fighting For” is exactly the sort of scorcher that may help us all get through the rest of 2020.

    .ugb-f853c6d .ugb-img{-webkit-mask-image:url('');mask-image:url('')}.ugb-f853c6d .ugb-feature__title{font-family:"Roboto Condensed",Sans-serif !important;font-weight:100;letter-spacing:0.5px;color:#eeffb5;margin-bottom:14px !important}.ugb-f853c6d .ugb-feature__description{font-family:"Palatino Linotype",Palatino,Palladio,"URW Palladio L","Book Antiqua",Baskerville,"Bookman Old Style","Bitstream Charter","Nimbus Roman No9 L",Garamond,"Apple Garamond","ITC Garamond Narrow","New Century Schoolbook","Century Schoolbook","Century Schoolbook L",Georgia,serif !important;font-size:18px;color:#ffffff;margin-bottom:30px !important}.ugb-f853c6d .ugb-inner-block{text-align:left}.ugb-f853c6d.ugb-feature{background-color:#cf2e2e;background-attachment:fixed;background-image:url(https://www.indiecent-exposure.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/nznother_sm.jpg);background-position:center center;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:contain}.ugb-f853c6d.ugb-feature:before{background-color:#cf2e2e;opacity:0.3}@media screen and (min-width:1025px){.ugb-f853c6d .ugb-feature__item{grid-template-columns:1.40fr 0.60fr !important}.ugb-f853c6d .ugb-img{width:600px;height:auto !important}}Gina Brooklyn"Gina Brooklyn is a unique singer/songwriter whose style combines a multitude of influences that transcend through genres. By creating a captivating ambience for her distinctive vocals, soul-gripping melodies and engaging lyrics, she can lure even the most demanding listeners into her world."The Ohio born singer started her music career at the tender age of 15 when she co-wrote & recorded a song that led her to becoming a finalist in the John Lennon Songwriting Contest in 2017, whilst a year after, she was nominated for “Best Pop Song” in the Roundglass Music Awards. She signed a publishing and distribution deal with industry leading INgrooves Music Group (who has since been acquired by Universal Music Group), under which her single “Butterfly” was released in 2019 and attracted an overwhelming response from mu...

    • 38 min
    INDIEcent Exposure #41: Navigating a Charming Disaster

    INDIEcent Exposure #41: Navigating a Charming Disaster

    Welcome my INDIEcent brothers and sisters to Episode #41 of this musical carnival of dreams, INDIEcent Exposure. I am your host, the mongrel, and, as always, I thank you for tuning in.  And you can tune in to hear the best in new Indie tunes and news through Apple Podcasts. Google Podcasts, and now Spotify. Subscribe and never miss your music fix.

    Editor's Note: Musicians' bio info comes from the artists, their websites, or their publicists. Click on names below to visit their websites where you can get the full story, photos, and very often video.

    In addition to eight great tracks spanning several genre, I had a great interview with a brilliant duo unexpectedly drop into my lap this week. I think my conversation with Brooklyn-based, Charming Disaster, will more than make up for the lack of one last week. Their new album, SPELLS + RITUALS, just came out, and carries on their craft of spinning whimsically dark, slightly unhinged, stories through song. Although their summer tour has been scotched due to the pandemic, you can catch them outdoors at The Foundry, West Stockbridge, Massachusetts August 7th and 8th, if you happen to be in the neighborhood. I happen to know it’s a great space, a really great venue, so even it’s a bit of a haul for you, what the hell, make a weekend of it. Worse places to be in summer than the Berkshires. Ticket info available in the shownotes.

    WELL! I’ve got so, so many great tunes that I wanted to share with you and zero self-control. Makes for a bit of a bloated episode this week, but I doubt you’ll mind. I’ve been cutting back on carbs, so maybe this is my way of filling that pasta hole, I don’t know. But let’s get to it right now with a couple artists who showed up on my radar just in the last little while.

    Best Not Broken (6:53)

    Ever since the launch of my first podcast, featuring Beantown artists, I’ve always been a sucker for a great Boston band. So there’s a familiar comfort to the sounds of the 2016 New England Music Awards winner, Best Not Broken. Their blend of rock and power pop is infectious, and the lyrics are wicked smaht — all evident in the single, “Red Flags,” released in late 2019. They’ve shared stages with such diverse greats as Pat Benetar to Jason Derulo.

    .ugb-6a838cf .ugb-img{width:800px;height:auto !important;-webkit-mask-image:url('');mask-image:url('')}.ugb-6a838cf .ugb-feature__title{font-family:"Roboto Condensed",Sans-serif !important;font-weight:100;letter-spacing:0.5px;color:#eeffb5;margin-bottom:14px !important}.ugb-6a838cf .ugb-feature__description{font-family:"Palatino Linotype",Palatino,Palladio,"URW Palladio L","Book Antiqua",Baskerville,"Bookman Old Style","Bitstream Charter","Nimbus Roman No9 L",Garamond,"Apple Garamond","ITC Garamond Narrow","New Century Schoolbook","Century Schoolbook","Century Schoolbook L",Georgia,serif !important;font-size:18px;color:#ffffff;margin-bottom:30px !important}.ugb-6a838cf .ugb-inner-block{text-align:left}.ugb-6a838cf.ugb-feature{background-color:#cf2e2e;background-attachment:fixed;background-image:url(https://www.indiecent-exposure.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/20180916_125420.jpg);background-position:center center;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:cover}.ugb-6a838cf.ugb-feature:before{background-color:#cf2e2e;opacity:0.3}@media screen and (min-width:768px){.ugb-6a838cf .

    • 1 hr 19 min
    INDIEcent Exposure #40:11 tracks from all over the map

    INDIEcent Exposure #40:11 tracks from all over the map

    Hey, whazzup, dogs? Thanks for tuning in to Episode #40 of INDIEcent Exposure. I’m your host, the mongrel, and this week’s show is absolutely bustin’ at the seams with great tunes. I love featuring interviews, but I also kinda love an episode that’s just front to back music. In fact, I’m going to save the opening monologue and get straight to a block of tunes I’ve been waiting forever to unpack.

    Editor's Note: Musicians' bio info comes from the artists, their websites, or their publicists. Click on names below to visit their websites where you can get the full story, photos, and very often video.

    Singer songwriter, and rising Dark Pop phenom, Annelie Elina, splits her time between Los Angeles and her native county of Sweden. She brings us the track “Recover” from her latest  EP Purity. Despite the name, and despite her tender young age of sixteen, do NOT be fooled. It’s a welcome relief from the cotton candy tracks being spun in other sectors of the pop world. Or rather, if her wispy trilling tricks you into thinking you’ll be tasting sweet fluff, a couple of earfuls quickly educate your soundbuds that the gossamer strains carry flavors of longing, disillusionment, fearlessness, uncertainty, self-assurance, and vulnerability. This release represents a very, very promising start to the career of a new artist. 

    .ugb-0665127 .ugb-img{width:300px;height:auto !important;-webkit-mask-image:url('');mask-image:url('')}.ugb-0665127 .ugb-feature__title{font-family:"Roboto Condensed",Sans-serif !important;font-weight:100;letter-spacing:0.5px;color:#eeffb5;margin-bottom:14px !important}.ugb-0665127 .ugb-feature__description{font-family:"Palatino Linotype",Palatino,Palladio,"URW Palladio L","Book Antiqua",Baskerville,"Bookman Old Style","Bitstream Charter","Nimbus Roman No9 L",Garamond,"Apple Garamond","ITC Garamond Narrow","New Century Schoolbook","Century Schoolbook","Century Schoolbook L",Georgia,serif !important;font-size:18px;color:#ffffff;margin-bottom:30px !important}.ugb-0665127 .ugb-inner-block{text-align:left}.ugb-0665127.ugb-feature{background-color:#cf2e2e;background-attachment:fixed;background-image:url(https://www.greylockglass.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/annelieelina_empty_room_16X9.jpg);background-position:center center;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:cover}.ugb-0665127.ugb-feature:before{background-color:#cf2e2e;opacity:0.5}@media screen and (min-width:768px){.ugb-0665127 .ugb-feature__item{grid-template-columns:0.60fr 1.40fr !important}}Annelie Elina" One of my biggest goals when writing is to create something that my listeners can connect to. With this in mind, I really think about how the lyrics, beat, and vocals will make my audience feel. Some of my biggest inspirations are Billie Eilish, Julia Michaels, Lennon Stella, LÉON, Madison Beer, Alec Benjamin, Clairo and many more!I wrote my first original song "Staring at the Sun" after coping with losing somebody very close to me…Made me feel calm and relieved after writing about it. I wrote 4 more original songs that year in 2016 and you...

    • 57 min

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