58 min

Inflation, terrorists allowed inside the US, reaction to Hunter Biden conviction and why we need Joe's audio The Alan Sanders Show

    • News Commentary

On today’s show we open with the latest inflation numbers. While the Biden regime is wanting to take a victory lap for a CPI that didn’t go up (or down), the number still represents a sharp increase from four years ago. In fact, if you are not making at least $12,000 more a year than what you were making four years ago, then you are not even breaking even.
Speaking of breaking, it seems the news from last night is 8 members of ISIS-K were arrested across three cities here in the United States. All of them came across our southern border. In fact, the rise of people on the known terrorist watch list has skyrocketed under Joe Biden.
Next, I give you my thoughts on Hunter Biden being found guilty on the three charges related to him lying on the gun purchase form. This was the lowest of all the low-hanging fruit and the one crime that would not remotely connect to Joe Biden. The real issue is whether the DOJ will go after all of the other far more serious crimes that run throughout the Biden Crime Family Syndicate.
Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) reminds us how US Attorney David Weiss initially cut a sweetheart deal for Hunter and allowed the statute of limitations to expire on serious tax evasion charges. We also need to recognize that the DOJ went along with the Biden campaign to cover-up Hunter’s laptop.
Work done by the non-profit group Marco Polo reminds us they put out a 640 page report on the Biden laptop, containing 2,020 citations that documents 459 crimes committed by the Biden family and their business associates. 140 were business crimes, 191 sex crimes and 128 were drug crimes.
Rep. James Comer (R-KY) says, “Justice won’t be served until the DOJ prosecutes the Biden family’s FARA violations and other financial crimes. And, let’s remind you that the 2020 Biden campaign, with the help of Antony Blinken, got 51 intelligence community operatives to lie about the laptop and then Joe Biden lied to the American people.
Rep. Harriet Hageman (R-WY) helps us understand why we need to audio of Joe Biden’s testimony to Special Counsel Robert Hur. To illustrate her point, I say the following line three different ways: No. Stop it. You! I said stop. What are doing? Stop...stop...stop. There is a huge difference between reading a transcript and hearing the delivery.
Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

On today’s show we open with the latest inflation numbers. While the Biden regime is wanting to take a victory lap for a CPI that didn’t go up (or down), the number still represents a sharp increase from four years ago. In fact, if you are not making at least $12,000 more a year than what you were making four years ago, then you are not even breaking even.
Speaking of breaking, it seems the news from last night is 8 members of ISIS-K were arrested across three cities here in the United States. All of them came across our southern border. In fact, the rise of people on the known terrorist watch list has skyrocketed under Joe Biden.
Next, I give you my thoughts on Hunter Biden being found guilty on the three charges related to him lying on the gun purchase form. This was the lowest of all the low-hanging fruit and the one crime that would not remotely connect to Joe Biden. The real issue is whether the DOJ will go after all of the other far more serious crimes that run throughout the Biden Crime Family Syndicate.
Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) reminds us how US Attorney David Weiss initially cut a sweetheart deal for Hunter and allowed the statute of limitations to expire on serious tax evasion charges. We also need to recognize that the DOJ went along with the Biden campaign to cover-up Hunter’s laptop.
Work done by the non-profit group Marco Polo reminds us they put out a 640 page report on the Biden laptop, containing 2,020 citations that documents 459 crimes committed by the Biden family and their business associates. 140 were business crimes, 191 sex crimes and 128 were drug crimes.
Rep. James Comer (R-KY) says, “Justice won’t be served until the DOJ prosecutes the Biden family’s FARA violations and other financial crimes. And, let’s remind you that the 2020 Biden campaign, with the help of Antony Blinken, got 51 intelligence community operatives to lie about the laptop and then Joe Biden lied to the American people.
Rep. Harriet Hageman (R-WY) helps us understand why we need to audio of Joe Biden’s testimony to Special Counsel Robert Hur. To illustrate her point, I say the following line three different ways: No. Stop it. You! I said stop. What are doing? Stop...stop...stop. There is a huge difference between reading a transcript and hearing the delivery.
Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

58 min