33 min

Kate Bryan (@k8_smallthings) on setting boundaries and offering people something they can't buy Influencer Business: A podcast by Trove

    • Marketing

Kate Bryan (@k8_smallthings) joins Influencer Business to discuss how the pandemic has affected her personal life and her business as an influencer. As someone who has been blogging for nearly ten years, Kate has some exceptional insights and tips on how to manage this unique moment in history. Though she has the same anxieties and concerns as everyone, she has set up a framework and boundaries that allow her to navigate those more effectively. This is especially important because not only do...

Kate Bryan (@k8_smallthings) joins Influencer Business to discuss how the pandemic has affected her personal life and her business as an influencer. As someone who has been blogging for nearly ten years, Kate has some exceptional insights and tips on how to manage this unique moment in history. Though she has the same anxieties and concerns as everyone, she has set up a framework and boundaries that allow her to navigate those more effectively. This is especially important because not only do...

33 min