37 min

Insights In Everyday Life - Gregory Duquesne, Strategy Head Sweathead, A Strategy Podcast

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Gregory Duquesne leads planning at M&CSAATCHI.GAD in Paris having been Managing Partner of Naked. He published a book called "Oeil Neuf" a few years ago in which he demonstrates how a planner's fresh eyes can apply critical thinking to questions such as "Why don't we pay attention to fire extinguishers even though they are red and very visible?", "Why do some people have more luck than others?", and "Why do students do better when they like their professors?" 

You can find Greg here https://www.linkedin.com/in/gr%C3%A9gory-duquesne-a328a71/

For more strategy talk:
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The deskbook “Strategy Is Your Words” is out soon http://www.strategyisyourwords.com

Gregory Duquesne leads planning at M&CSAATCHI.GAD in Paris having been Managing Partner of Naked. He published a book called "Oeil Neuf" a few years ago in which he demonstrates how a planner's fresh eyes can apply critical thinking to questions such as "Why don't we pay attention to fire extinguishers even though they are red and very visible?", "Why do some people have more luck than others?", and "Why do students do better when they like their professors?" 

You can find Greg here https://www.linkedin.com/in/gr%C3%A9gory-duquesne-a328a71/

For more strategy talk:
Newsletter: http://www.markpollard.net/email-newsletter/
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/markpollard
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/markpollard
Facebook - join 10,000+ strategists: http://www.sweathead.co
The deskbook “Strategy Is Your Words” is out soon http://www.strategyisyourwords.com

37 min