If Christianity was truly Jesus's Church, it would have told you about the Contract for Humanity. This Contract is no minor aspect of the gospel, it is the central point. Jesus came to fulfill YHWH's Law which allows the Contract to be executed. Executing the Contract for Humanity transfers ownership of humanity from YHWH to Jesus and His Father. It says that the Kingdoms of the world which belong to YHWH, are now the Kingdoms of the Father and His redeemer, Jesus. Jesus came to rescue us, to redeem us, to pay the ransom for us, to set the captives free. Jesus said He didn’t come to abolish YHWH’s Law, but to fulfill it. He said we were no longer slaves, but His friends. This Contract is the mysterious scroll with seven seals, opened by the Lamb of God. How is it that Jesus's Church has been utterly oblivious to this Contract for 2000 years when it's right in the Bible in Revelation 5? Because Christianity is a cult invented by the "Church Fathers" to conceal, not reveal, the truth of Jesus and His true mission, rescuing us from YHWH. If you want to create the perfect cult, you include enough truth so people clap and cheer, and then deceive through concealment, and by recontextualizing anything too hard to hide. But now what has been hidden is being revealed. Too many show-stopper discoveries are being made within the Bible, and the Christian zealots are apoplectic. Here's what the Christian should do. Understand that deception truly is everywhere, and you're not so special to be immune to it. Pray this prayer. Abba Father, free me from any imposter spirit, lift the veil from my eyes so I can see again, fill me with your Holy Spirit and remind us what Jesus taught His disciples, I ask in the name of Your Son, Jesus! Now watch my Bible Study called the Contract for Humanity. Then watch Two Gardens and a Snake. That will cause a massive jolt to your belief system. It will cause significant cognitive dissonance. This is what happens when truth counters long-standing deception. I follow Jesus not religions that use His name as bait to fool the unsuspecting. That's all I desire for you. You simply can't go wrong by simply following Jesus. I am sure you agree. So let's do that, together. I pray for you that Jesus would lift your veil and allow you to see more clearly every day, starting right now. Read the gospels in your Bible over and over again. Because Jesus alone has the words of eternal life. I'm Israel Anderson