75 episodes

Nesting with Jesus is our daily bible reading plan. This is our daily devotional schedule for August. If you don't have your own plan, we'd love for you to join us.
This month, Lord willing, our faith family at the Chapel, along with others from all around the world, will spend the entire month in the Older Testament. We’ll exploring the profound message, mission and ministry of God’s servant, Jeremiah. Lord willing, we’ll recognize and reflect upon the need in our days for a divinely delivered, divinely decreed, divinely directed, divinely defined and divinely defended calling — the kind of work and wisdom that provides all the right ingredients needed — for enduring the highs and hardships of the mission, ministry and message of the sent servants of God.

Jeremiah Nick Holden

    • Religion & Spirituality

Nesting with Jesus is our daily bible reading plan. This is our daily devotional schedule for August. If you don't have your own plan, we'd love for you to join us.
This month, Lord willing, our faith family at the Chapel, along with others from all around the world, will spend the entire month in the Older Testament. We’ll exploring the profound message, mission and ministry of God’s servant, Jeremiah. Lord willing, we’ll recognize and reflect upon the need in our days for a divinely delivered, divinely decreed, divinely directed, divinely defined and divinely defended calling — the kind of work and wisdom that provides all the right ingredients needed — for enduring the highs and hardships of the mission, ministry and message of the sent servants of God.

    Great Reminders

    Great Reminders

    Great RemindersJeremiah, Isaiah, Daniel and Ezekiel… all stood in the gap. But when God looked among the nation and "her prophets" He found none to stand in the gap.#nestingwithjesus #jeremiah #jeremiah1 #jeremiah23 #DirectionforDividedDays #givingourbest #judges9 #isaiah19 #Ezekiel 22 #Ezekiel22and30 #psalm37 #psalm25 #Isaiah3 #isaiah54 #blacksmith #righteous #herprophets #gap #noah #weapons #waters #hebrews11 #verbal #visual #viloent #race #run #disqualified #lookup

    • 55 min
    Standing in the Gap

    Standing in the Gap

    Standing in the GapYou and I want to be found in the gap.We look at Amos in this study… as one who represents all the prophets, including Jeremiah, that have stood in the gap on behalf of God and for the people they've been given to love and lead.Standing in the gap for Jesus won't ever be easy, it can cost everything, but it will ALWAYS be worth it. Amos, a simply farmer, who didn't ask for this calling, was unwanted, unappreciated and unashamedly pushed away by the very people he prayed for and was extremely burdened over. He stood and he shared and he showed those he loved, lived among and worked around the burden and blessing God placed upon him. And his prayer life and unwanted intercession made a difference in Israel. Yes, a difference that only he and the Lord knew. The people, who wanted nothing to do with him and encouraged him to move on, had absolutely no idea what he did for them (Amos 7:1-9).He was a difference maker... one that trusted and pleaded with God and for God. He was a difference maker because he KNEW the Difference Maker. When we know someone that can make a difference, we usually turn to them to do something others can't do. Like Mary, Jesus' mother, who knew Someone...God sent them a prophet: 2 Chronicles 24:15-221. The prophets ministry is born out of God's wrath: (when the people have departed/forsaken/neglected/transgressed)2 The prophets are sent at the worst time morally but some of the best time culturally, economically and intellectually, when humanistic thinking is celebrated and trusted most. 3 The prophets ministry will appear to be one rooted in negativity because he was sent to testify AGAINST them in their immorality.

    • 37 min
    Troubled • By God • Transformed • For God

    Troubled • By God • Transformed • For God

    Troubled • By God • Transformed • For God We looked at the process of refining wine Sunday. And how God says He never refined Moab, but left him as he always was, unlike His own people. And we traveled throughout the Scriptures looking at the process of God and how there are times when He allows us to "suffer awhile" but it's always with a purpose and aim to get the sediment off of our lives — because He's changing how we smell and taste. (1 Peter 5 ; Jeremiah 48:11 ; Psalms 119:67 ; Nahum 1:12).God will trouble us, allow the enemy to afflict us, and He does it all with an aim to get Jesus out of us. (2 Corinthians 4). Sunday mornings message we explored how David, in Psalms 25, asked the Lord to keep the enemy from triumphing over him, that no matter what the enemy does, he will continually lift his soul to the Lord. The fact He's chosen to refine us is a wonder and lifts my spirit to thank and look unto Him. He said Moab has been at ease (never troubled by God) from his youth for God left him on his own sediment. He didn't pour him from vessel to vessel to refine him nor did He put him away in a dark cave to change his smell and flavor. (Jeremiah 48:11). Great word for us!We see in Jeremiah 46-51 how God is revealing His secret plans for the nations… as Amos 3 reminds us of how God reveals a thing to His prophets before He does it. Why? So His people will know who did it when it happens. Slothfulness exposed… (Jeremiah 48:10)Scents never changed… (Jeremiah 48:11)Moab — God's wash pot.Moab has been at ease (never troubled by God) from his youth for God left him on his own sediment. He didn't pour him from vessel to vessel to refine him nor did He put him

    • 1 hr 1 min
    Secrets Reveled…

    Secrets Reveled…

    Secrets Revealed…Slothfulness exposed…Scents never changed…Moab — God's wash pot.Moab has been at ease (never troubled by God) from his youth for God left him on his own sediment. He didn't pour him from vessel to vessel to refine him nor did He put him away in a dark cave to change his smell and flavor. (Jeremiah 48:11). Great word for us!#nestingwithjesus #jeremiah #jeremiah48 #jeremiah48and11 #jeremiah48and10thru11 #jeremiah46thru51 #appendixes #secret #secretcounsel #psalms25 #life #death #covid #wreck %evolution #generalrevelation #specificrevelation #revelation #hearing #usa #china #russia #govern #jeremiah27and5 #prophet #reveals #amos3 #moab #ruth #Lot #Genesdis19 #washpot #godswashpot #dirty #clothes #muscadine #grapes

    • 43 min
    Knowing More Tomorrow than Today

    Knowing More Tomorrow than Today

    Knowing More Tomorrow than TodayCommitted, confident and unashamed servants…#nestingwithjesus #jeremiah #jeremiah39 #jeremiah48and30 #jeremiah9and3 #knowingmoretomorrowthantoday #growing #varioustruths #silence #psalms119and74 #helpful #common #comfort #cause #conviction #hope #at&tchristians #passingonthebuck #romans8and28 #psalms34 #issueofblood #touched #compassion #at&t #notashamed #unashamed #prepared #ready #readied #growing

    • 24 min
    Tips For Life and the Dark Seasons

    Tips For Life and the Dark Seasons

    Tips For Dark Seasons and LifeThis word takes us back a few years to 2010. We look at a few tips for the night seasons and how important it is to see, understand and recognize that our DAILY journey through the revelation and message that God has given us as a lifetime investment.Knowing how to be steadfast and stretched through the dark days of life should be a priority for every servant of Jesus.It's always better to lean on God and walk for Him, through the dark, than to live without Him in the temporary light of a day."Who among you fears the Lord? Who among you obeys the voice of His Servant? Who among you walks through the darkness without the light of His splendor? Let him trust in the name of the Lord and rely fully upon his God." (Isaiah 50:10)Who among you fears the Lord? Let Him trust and lean upon Him.Who among you obeys the voice of His Servant? Let Him trust and lean upon Him.Who among you walks through the darkness without the light of His splendor? Let Him trust and lean upon Him.The conclusion, no matter the circumstances we face, the challenges we encounter, the mission we've been given, the assignment we're fulfilling and no matter the amount of light we currently have, we are to trust in the unwavering and unchanging character of the Lord and confidently lean upon Him. Yes glory... the answer and affirmation remains the same. We're to look to and lean on the Lord of glory and all grace. Isaiah 50:11 takes it a step further to teach us not to manipulate the circumstances, sparking our own flames, to get something started, but to simply trust and turn every opportunity or obstacle into an opportunity to fix our eyes

    • 42 min

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