32 min

Joanna Penn Shares Her Book Marketing Strategies, Sources of Income, and Publishing Industry Insights AuthorMBA: Conversations About Book Marketing, Publishing, Author Platforms, and Other Business Strategies for Authors

    • Careers

Few in the self-publishing world are as experienced, wise, and respected as Joanna Penn. Although Joanna's books are primarily fiction thrillers, she shares oodles of advice about book marketing, self-publishing, audience building, editing, and more with her non-fiction work under her The Creative Penn brand. Speaking with Joanna is always a delight and opportunity to learn something new about the business of books.

Few in the self-publishing world are as experienced, wise, and respected as Joanna Penn. Although Joanna's books are primarily fiction thrillers, she shares oodles of advice about book marketing, self-publishing, audience building, editing, and more with her non-fiction work under her The Creative Penn brand. Speaking with Joanna is always a delight and opportunity to learn something new about the business of books.

32 min