41 min

Katie Burke - Vice President of Culture & Experience at HubSpot Built On Purpose

    • Careers

Today we're interviewing Katie Burke, the Vice President of Culture & Experience at HubSpot.
For those of you not familiar with HubSpot, they are an all-in-one inbound marketing software company. In addition to their growing financial success, the culture at HubSpot may be the topic they are most well-known for. Their culture code deck, which has been viewed almost three million times on SlideShare, contains the secret sauce behind the success of HubSpot. And when push comes to shove, Katie is the driving force behind the constant housekeeping of the HubSpot culture (although she says it’s the employees who ultimately own the culture). In this episode, Katie talks about:

the shift of culture becoming the "hard" stuff versus the traditional view of it being the "soft" stuff in business

The importance of transparency in today’s business environment, with a deep dive into Glassdoor and how important it is for leaders to get comfortable with reviewing and responding to your company’s reviews

How work/life balance is an outdated notion

How HubSpot hires for culture fit

The one book that has had the biggest impact on Katie

Katie is a freight train of energy. If you or your organization has any interest in culture, Katie’s experience and insight is worth its weight in gold. Enjoy this episode with Katie Burke!

Today we're interviewing Katie Burke, the Vice President of Culture & Experience at HubSpot.
For those of you not familiar with HubSpot, they are an all-in-one inbound marketing software company. In addition to their growing financial success, the culture at HubSpot may be the topic they are most well-known for. Their culture code deck, which has been viewed almost three million times on SlideShare, contains the secret sauce behind the success of HubSpot. And when push comes to shove, Katie is the driving force behind the constant housekeeping of the HubSpot culture (although she says it’s the employees who ultimately own the culture). In this episode, Katie talks about:

the shift of culture becoming the "hard" stuff versus the traditional view of it being the "soft" stuff in business

The importance of transparency in today’s business environment, with a deep dive into Glassdoor and how important it is for leaders to get comfortable with reviewing and responding to your company’s reviews

How work/life balance is an outdated notion

How HubSpot hires for culture fit

The one book that has had the biggest impact on Katie

Katie is a freight train of energy. If you or your organization has any interest in culture, Katie’s experience and insight is worth its weight in gold. Enjoy this episode with Katie Burke!

41 min