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Join us for a daily podcast going through the Key Chapters of the Bible! Pastor Russ explains each chapter and how it fits into God's message for us today. You can start today, or jump back to Genesis and catch up! Don't forget to subscribe!

Key Chapters of the Bible Pastor Russ Brewer

    • Religion & Spirituality
    • 4.9 • 38 Ratings

Join us for a daily podcast going through the Key Chapters of the Bible! Pastor Russ explains each chapter and how it fits into God's message for us today. You can start today, or jump back to Genesis and catch up! Don't forget to subscribe!

    9/11 Finally! The New Covenant Is Inaugurated!

    9/11 Finally! The New Covenant Is Inaugurated!

    For the past 9 months, we have been looking forward to the arrival of the New Covenant! Well, today it has arrived and we will look at how and when Jesus established this covenant during the Last Supper. Join us as we study this Key Chapter!
    Like us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/keychapters 
    Grateful to be included in the "Top 40 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com https://blog.feedspot.com/bible_podcasts/ and for frequently being chosen as "Podcast of the Day" by PlayerFM https://player.fm/

    • 15 min
    1/1 Genesis 1* - Foundations for Life's Questions

    1/1 Genesis 1* - Foundations for Life's Questions

    Welcome to the 2022 Key Chapters of the Bible Podcast! Starting today, we're back in Genesis 1 for another run through God's Word together! Genesis 1 is one of the most important passages in the entire Bible. Here, we learn about God, His work in creation, His design for us, and we'll begin to answer the questions of "Who am I?", "Why am I here?" and "What does God want me to do with my life?" The answers are powerful and life-changing. Join us! 
    Genesis 1 1.    Read through Genesis 1 and underline the verses that are particularly meaningful to you. Why did you underline them?
    2.    Draw a circle around every occurrence of the word “said.” Who is speaking? What does this say about how creation came about? Is this truth a struggle for you to accept? Why or why not?
    3.    Draw a box around every occurrence of the word “good.” What does this tell us about the condition of God’s original design? Why is that important for us to know as we now live in a world that is not perfect?
    4.    Genesis 1 describes trillions upon trillions of actions in simplified terminology that anyone can understand. What does this tell us about God’s intent to clearly communicate His message to mankind?
    5.    According to the study, who “made God”?
    6.    In reading Genesis 1, what is God like? How is this similar or different from what people typically think about Him?
    7.    Throughout this passage, God’s creation takes place over 6 days. How should these days be understood? What impact does this have on your understanding of how the universe came into existence?
    8.    When did you first realize God created the light before He created the Sun and Moon? Did that surprise you? Did it cause you to question God’s Word? How does our understanding of God’s glory relate to the order in which He created light?
    9.    Revelation 22:5 tells us that the New Heaven and the New Earth will have no darkness. Why do you think God allowed darkness here? Why won’t there be darkness in the New Heaven and New Earth?
    10.    What are some possible reasons God refers to Himself in the plural in verse 26? How does John 1:1-3 fit in with Genesis 1? Likewise, how was Jesus involved in creation?
    11.    What does Genesis 1:27 mean when it says mankind was created in God’s image? What does this not mean? What kinds of conclusions should we not draw from this statement?
    12.    In Genesis 1:28, the Lord commands mankind to “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.” What reasons are given in the study for mankind to “fill the earth”? How does this relate to verse 27?
    13.    As you reflect upon the God who created you, what do you think are some reasons for why you are “here”? If a person is struggling to answer this question, what advice would you give them to help them find their purpose(s) in life?
    14.    When you go throughout your day and look at the world God has created, what should your response be? How might this guide you to develop a habit of worship and praise to God throughout your day? According to Romans 1:20-23, how is this different from how people of the world typically respond to creation?
    Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on  Amazon just in time for the Genesis relaunch in January!
    To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: www.keychapters.org.
    Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links:
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6OqbnDRrfuyHRmkpUSyoHv
    Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/366-key-chapters-in-the-bible/id1493571819
    YouTube: Key Chapters of the Bible on YouTube.
    As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.
    Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.
    Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 

    • 21 min
    1/2 Genesis 2* - God's Design for Men and Women

    1/2 Genesis 2* - God's Design for Men and Women

    As we continue in our study in the book of Genesis, we now move to Genesis 2, which gives us a closer, more intimate look at the creation of Adam and Eve. In this chapter, we find profound truths about who we are and God's purposes for our lives. And as we rest in God's purposes and design for mankind, we will find our ultimate fulfillment. Join us! 
    Genesis 2 1.    Underline every place where the Lord lays out men’s and women’s purposes and tasks. How are they similar? How are they different? How might these similarities and differences be reflected in our world today? 
    2.    When you think of “utopia,” what does it look like? What is the basis for your thinking about it this way? Does it conform to the picture you see in this chapter? Why or why not?
    3.    In verse 2, what did God do when He finished His work of creation? Why is that significant? Is there any transferrable principle for our own life today?
    4.    In verse 4, God is called “the Lord.” What does this name mean? Why should we call Him this? (By the way, the Key Chapters podcast discusses this in even more detail). 
    5.    Based on verse 7, what makes mankind different than other animals? What does this mean about the value of human life to God? 
    6.    What two trees were named in the Garden of Eden? What were they for?
    7.    What were some of the reasons Adam was to cultivate the garden? What did God give to Adam to equip him for this task? What talents, resources or means has God given you to carry out the tasks that He has set before you? 
    8.    What are some specific ways you could bring glory to God in your daily tasks?
    9.    What responsibilities did God give to Adam? How does this help us understand God’s design for men today? 
    10.    How does the separate and distinct creation of Eve establish her dignity in the design of God? How does this honor her?
    11.    What was God’s purpose in creating Eve? Is any of that original purpose still transferable to the role of women today? Why or why not?
    12.    God’s command to not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil was a command, among other things, to not seek to learn about evil. What are some ways people still seek to learn about evil? 
    13.    Why do you think God decided it was necessary to so clearly state that a husband was to leave his family and be joined to his wife (in verse 24)? What does it look like when this principle is not followed in a marriage? 
    14.    If you are married, how are you seeking to follow God’s design for men and women in your home? Why would following God’s design bring peace, joy, and meaning in life? Why would it even help resolve some of the other challenges mentioned in the study?
    15.    As you reflect on Genesis 2, what windows does this give into God’s plan for your own life? Why not take a moment and lay those before the Lord, that He might transform every aspect of your life to align with His design?
    Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon just in time for the Genesis relaunch in January!
    To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: www.keychapters.org.
    Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links:
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6OqbnDRrfuyHRmkpUSyoHv
    Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/366-key-chapters-in-the-bible/id1493571819
    YouTube: Key Chapters of the Bible on YouTube.
    As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.
    Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.
    Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 

    • 17 min
    1/3 - Genesis 3* - Man's Rebellion & God's Solution

    1/3 - Genesis 3* - Man's Rebellion & God's Solution

    Questions about evil and suffering are difficult for anyone; and yet the Bible does provide answers and today we'll look at the Fall of Man in Genesis 3, but specifically God's solution to Evil. The answers may surprise us! So, please join us in this foundational passage on why there is evil and suffering and what God is doing about it. 
    Genesis 3 1.    Draw a box around Genesis 3:15. This is one of the most important verses in the entire Bible. Why? What hope does this give to us?
    2.    Using different underlining methods (for example: a single underline, double underline, or dash) underline God’s judgments on Satan, Adam, and Eve. What is different about how each person will experience the curse? Why do you think men and women experience the curse differently? How do we all experience all aspects of the curse?
    3.    How did Satan tempt Eve to doubt God’s integrity? What is the significance of the fact that Satan used lies and deception to cause Eve to question God? How does Satan sometimes deceive people into doubting God today? 
    4.    Once Satan twisted Eve’s understanding of God, she was more amenable to sin. In what ways does a twisted understanding of God’s Word also lead to a twisted understanding of God? How might this make a person more willing to sin? 
    5.    What does sin look like in the Bible? What does it look like in our world today? How about in our own lives? 
    6.    When Adam sinned, “what” did he want to learn about? How does this same root desire still manifest itself in our lives today?
    7.    In many ways, the “curse” that mankind currently experiences can be summarized as God allowing the evil that man wanted to know about to exist in our world. What promise and hope does God give regarding a Savior, in Genesis 3:15? 
    8.    Who is Genesis 3:15 speaking of and what will He one day do? How is getting crushed on the head far worse than being wounded on the heel? How did Jesus fulfill this promise? 
    9.    After the fall, Adam and Eve began to have conflict in their home. How does this passage help us understand the conflict that sometimes arises in our homes today? 
    10.    Did God’s command to work come before or after the Fall? How does the curse impact our work experiences today? What kinds of things can a person do to minimize this impact?
    11.    What do we learn from the account of God making clothes for Adam and Eve made of animal skins? What does this teach us about God’s loving mercy and provision for His people? Why do we need God to “cover” our sin? 
    12.    According to the study, why did God send Adam and Eve from the garden? What would be so bad about living forever in a state that was eternally separated from God? What hope does this give us about our future? 
    13.    How does this study help us answer the question, “Why doesn’t God do something about the pain and suffering in the world?” How does this answer give us hope and comfort as we still live in a world that “knows evil”? 
    Check out our brand-new Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon just in time for the Genesis relaunch in January!
    To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: www.keychapters.org.
    Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links:
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6OqbnDRrfuyHRmkpUSyoHv
    Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/366-key-chapters-in-the-bible/id1493571819
    YouTube: Key Chapters of the Bible on YouTube.
    As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.
    Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.
    Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 

    • 16 min
    1/4 Genesis 4* - The Way of Cain / The Way of the World

    1/4 Genesis 4* - The Way of Cain / The Way of the World

    Genesis 4 gives us a challenging but important set of instruction regarding the kind of worship that God accepts. We'll look at the offering of Cain and Abel and see that there is a very real kind of worship that God is looking for. We'll also see, that Cain struggle for sincere worship was the overflow of a life out of fellowship with the Lord. Join us!  
    Genesis 4 1. Circle every reference to the name “Cain.” Looking back over this chapter, how many times does his name occur? What does this tell us about who this chapter is ultimately about? 2. Underline every place where the Lord speaks. What kind of “tone” is in the Lord’s words? Why do you think the Lord speaks with this tone towards someone who is in outright rebellion to Him? 3. In verse 2, what were Cain and Abel’s occupations? How did that influence the offerings they brought to the Lord? Do you think that mattered to God? Why or why not? 4. In verse 4, what does it mean that God “had regard” for Abel and his offering? How do Hebrews 11:4 and 1st John 3:12 help us understand why God had regard for Abel’s sacrifice and not Cain’s? 5. In verse 7, what was tempting Cain? What was Cain’s responsibility in dealing with that temptation? How did he handle it? 6. In the New Testament, Jude 11 warns us about “the way of Cain.” What does this passage tell us about Cain’s self-made religion and self-made society? How has society today gone after the “way of Cain”? 7. According to the study, how does Genesis 5:4 answer the question, “Where did Cain get his wife”? 8. As you prayerfully look into your own life, are there any places where you are following in the ways of the world and not the way of the Lord? What would it look like for you to follow the way of Abel and Seth? 9. If you’re seeing parts of your life out of fellowship with the way of the Lord, how about laying those items before the Lord so that His transforming grace might enable you to live in conformity with His instructions?
    Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!
    To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: www.keychapters.org.
    Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links:
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6OqbnDRrfuyHRmkpUSyoHv
    Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/366-key-chapters-in-the-bible/id1493571819
    YouTube: Key Chapters of the Bible on YouTube.
    As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.
    Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.
    Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 

    • 14 min
    1/5 Genesis 6 - Murky Beginnings of the Flood

    1/5 Genesis 6 - Murky Beginnings of the Flood

    The Flood is one of the most well-known stories in the entire Bible; and yet thanks to children's books, there's a lot of confusion about the flood and what the Bible says actually happened. Join us today as we look into why God sent the flood and what Noah's preparations entailed.
    Genesis 6 1. Why is the account of the flood not a cute children’s story? What was the real point of the flood? 
    2.    What do verses 1 to 4 show us about the kind of civilization mankind created? Why did this civilization need to be destroyed? 
    3.    What does it mean, in verse 5, that every intent of the thoughts of man’s heart was evil continually? Is this still true today? How does this refute the belief that man is basically good?
    4.    How should we understand the statement in verse 6 that the Lord was grieved He made mankind? How does this statement sit with you? Why?
    5.    Why do you think the Lord concluded it was necessary to “blot out” or “wipe” away mankind (in verse 7)? 
    6.    How does the word “cover” in verse 14 help us understand the concept of “atonement” that is discussed throughout the Bible? 
    7.    What is the importance of God establishing His covenant with Noah, in verse 18? The study said this covenant inherently included “mercy”? How and why was this a demonstration of God’s mercy?
    8.    Think about your own life. If the Lord was looking for someone who would immediately and fully obey His Word, would He choose you? Why or why not? If you don’t think so, how about seeking the Lord, right now, that you might have a heart that would obey Him in the same way that Noah does in Genesis 6?
    9.    As you reflect on this opening chapter of the flood, is there any place in your life that grieves God? If so, how can you seek His grace to turn from that sin?
    Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!
    To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: www.keychapters.org.
    Find us on all major platforms, or use these direct links:
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6OqbnDRrfuyHRmkpUSyoHv
    Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/366-key-chapters-in-the-bible/id1493571819
    YouTube: Key Chapters of the Bible on YouTube.
    As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.
    Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.
    Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 

    • 11 min

Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
38 Ratings

38 Ratings

Gatorman08 ,

Best way to start to say.

I’ve been using this fantastic app for about four years. Brother Russ makes things very clear and I have learned so much by listening to him. I couldn’t recommend this any higher than five stars or else I would have given it more. It’s a great way to start your day spending time with the Lord and brother Ross, thank you brother for doing this. I appreciate it very much. May God bless you and your family yours in Christ,

Neeeerceerer ,

Wonderful Podcast

It is hard to understand the Bible at times reading it without any background or definition. Russ does a wonderful job of explaining God‘s word, and in God‘s terms. It is my daily start to the day and helps me to focus on God during the day, no matter the lesson. I’ve listened to every season and it is definitely worth repeating every year. Keep up the good work Russ.

PamSassy ,

Just the Word

I love that Russ is s not adding opinion just explaining the Word. Great podcast questions also. Keep up the good work. God Bless!

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