18 episodes

“AAAHHHGG! Why on earth did I think I could be a dad, and build a business on top of that!?! What was I thinking?!”

“I’m not sure I have what it takes to do this!” 

 “I don’t think I can keep it up much longer”

Many men who are both dad and entrepreneur are plagued by these thoughts and questions (which often come wrapped in guilt, resentment, and/or shame).

Most of the time this struggle is rooted in a poor concept of what a dad is ‘supposed’ to be. So we need to re-invent our concept of what it is to be ‘dad’, because being ‘dad’ isn't what it used to be. Most of us are stuck with the old instruction manual - if we have any manual at all. 

Many of us are just faking it, hoping we don’t ruin our kids lives. 

Lets walk together on the journey from being a ‘well-behaved’ dad who is doing what he thinks he’s supposed to and hoping its right, to becoming a ‘high performance’ dad who is clear on who he is, where he and his family are going and why. It’s an exciting and challenging process to be sure. And if you put in the work to being a ‘high performance’ dad, you’ll definitely become a Legendary Dad; one who’s legacy can never be taken away from his children and grandchildren. His legacy is a family that has all the resources they need to live the fullest and best life they can. That’s what makes him a family legend for generations!

I believe we all have what it takes to give our families everything they need from us - whether its physical, social, mental/emotional, or financial needs, I have learned that we are capable of so much more than we ever dared imagine and that thinking we don’t have what it takes is something we’ve learned - it’s an idea that is only true if you choose to accept it.

There are no participation trophies here. If you want the title, you’ll have to do the work. Being a legend doesn’t come easy, but it is absolutely worth the effort!

Legendary Dads Kevin Williams

    • Kids & Family

“AAAHHHGG! Why on earth did I think I could be a dad, and build a business on top of that!?! What was I thinking?!”

“I’m not sure I have what it takes to do this!” 

 “I don’t think I can keep it up much longer”

Many men who are both dad and entrepreneur are plagued by these thoughts and questions (which often come wrapped in guilt, resentment, and/or shame).

Most of the time this struggle is rooted in a poor concept of what a dad is ‘supposed’ to be. So we need to re-invent our concept of what it is to be ‘dad’, because being ‘dad’ isn't what it used to be. Most of us are stuck with the old instruction manual - if we have any manual at all. 

Many of us are just faking it, hoping we don’t ruin our kids lives. 

Lets walk together on the journey from being a ‘well-behaved’ dad who is doing what he thinks he’s supposed to and hoping its right, to becoming a ‘high performance’ dad who is clear on who he is, where he and his family are going and why. It’s an exciting and challenging process to be sure. And if you put in the work to being a ‘high performance’ dad, you’ll definitely become a Legendary Dad; one who’s legacy can never be taken away from his children and grandchildren. His legacy is a family that has all the resources they need to live the fullest and best life they can. That’s what makes him a family legend for generations!

I believe we all have what it takes to give our families everything they need from us - whether its physical, social, mental/emotional, or financial needs, I have learned that we are capable of so much more than we ever dared imagine and that thinking we don’t have what it takes is something we’ve learned - it’s an idea that is only true if you choose to accept it.

There are no participation trophies here. If you want the title, you’ll have to do the work. Being a legend doesn’t come easy, but it is absolutely worth the effort!

    The Balance of Power

    The Balance of Power

    Episode Summary
    In this episode Kevin explores his journey as it relates to the use of personal power in his marriage and as a Dad. He opens up about questions like:
    What is personal power?; Is it okay to use power in our family? how can we fix an imbalance of power in a marriage?; 
    Our position and role as Dad comes with great responsibility and has significant impact on our spouse and our children. How we use our personal power and positional power can be a ‘game-changer’.
    About the Host:
    Married for over 22 years, and Dad to 4 young kids, Kevin is focused on helping Dads not only be the best they can be, but also leave the best for their family. He believes that everything rises and falls on leadership - and it starts on the inside. 
    Behind this passion for working with Dads, is a heart that cries for the children and wives who are missing out, struggling, or worse, because the men in their lives are not sure that they have what it takes.
    He knows from hard-won experience that all Dads have what it takes to provide fully and deeply what their family needs from them. “When things are looking rough,” he says, “we have to hold on to the truth that all of us are capable of far more than we realize. We can see this truth when we stand firm, and don't let the storms of life chase us away from those are counting on us.”
    Kevin encourages those who engage with him to take courage, and embrace the challenge of digging deep within to see their true heart; because everything we do in life - or don’t do - stems from who we are. 
    Connect with Kevin;
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Kevinwillspeak
    Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kevinwillspeak
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kevinwillspeak
    To book a complimentary session with me: https://calendly.com/kevinwillspeak/freesession
    Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it using the social media buttons on this page.
    Do you have some feedback or questions about this episode? Leave a note in the comment section below!
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    Ratings and reviews from our listeners are extremely valuable to us and greatly appreciated. They help our podcast rank higher on Apple Podcasts, which exposes our show to more awesome listeners like you. If you have a minute, please leave an honest review on Apple Podcasts.
    Special Thanks
    This podcast was made possible by the the team at Ear Control and their Launch Your Podcast 2 Day Intensive. I am so grateful to all of them for helping me get it all together, and for their crucial role in my mission to help 1,000 men per year on the journey to building a legacy that lasts!

    • 23 min
    When "One-Size" Doesn't Fit - Amy Riley

    When "One-Size" Doesn't Fit - Amy Riley

    Episode Summary
    In this “blind-date” episode Amy shares how leadership in the family is part of family planning; how she shifted her perspective of Motherhood to being a privilege; and reveals the answer to the question, does one-size-fits-all work in parenting?
    About Amy:
    Amy L. Riley is an internationally renowned speaker, author and leadership development consultant. She’s worked with organizations such as Deloitte, Cisco Systems and Aon Hewitt and has over 20 years of experience working with leaders at all levels.
    Amy earned a Masters of Science in Training and Development (MSTD), with an emphasis in Organization Development (OD), from Loyola University in Chicago, Illinois. She is a Certified Professional Behavioural Analyst (CPBA), a certified Tiara International LLC Coach and certified in the Meyers-Briggs Type Instrument. Amy’s second book, The Courage of a Leader: How To Inspire, Engage and Get Extraordinary Results, was released on March 3, 2021 and immediately reached #1 international best-selling status.
    Connect with Amy: 
    About Kevin:
    Married for over 22 years, and Dad to 4 young kids, Kevin is focused on helping Dads not only be the best they can be, but also leave the best for their family. He believes that everything rises and falls on leadership - and it starts on the inside. 
    Behind this passion for working with Dads, is a heart that cries for the children and wives who are missing out, struggling, or worse, because the men in their lives are not sure that they have what it takes.
    He knows from hard-won experience that all Dads have what it takes to provide fully and deeply what their family needs from them. “When things are looking rough,” he says, “we have to hold on to the truth that all of us are capable of far more than we realize. We can see this truth when we stand firm, and don't let the storms of life chase us away from those are counting on us.”
    Kevin encourages those who engage with him to take courage, and embrace the challenge of digging deep within to see their true heart; because everything we do in life - or don’t do - stems from who we are. 
    Connect with Kevin;
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Kevinwillspeak
    Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kevinwillspeak
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kevinwillspeak
    To book a complimentary session with me: https://calendly.com/kevinwillspeak/freesession
    Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it using the social media buttons on this page.
    Do you have some feedback or questions about this episode? Leave a note in the comment section below!
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    This podcast...

    • 23 min
    Habitual Energy

    Habitual Energy

    Episode Summary
    This week Kevin takes us on an energetic journey of parenting where you can explore with him;
    the idea of being intentional about how we use our energy;ways we might direct the family energy levels;how transitions help maintain our energy level;
    It takes some effort to shift the way we move from work to home life, but learning to do it well, can be transformational for you and your family.
    About Kevin:
    Married for over 22 years, and Dad to 4 young kids, Kevin is focused on helping Dads not only be the best they can be, but also leave the best for their family. He believes that everything rises and falls on leadership - and it starts on the inside. 
    Behind this passion for working with Dads, is a heart that cries for the children and wives who are missing out, struggling, or worse, because the men in their lives are not sure that they have what it takes.
    He knows from hard-won experience that all Dads have what it takes to provide fully and deeply what their family needs from them. “When things are looking rough,” he says, “we have to hold on to the truth that all of us are capable of far more than we realize. We can see this truth when we stand firm, and don't let the storms of life chase us away from those are counting on us.”
    Kevin encourages those who engage with him to take courage, and embrace the challenge of digging deep within to see their true heart; because everything we do in life - or don’t do - stems from who we are. 
    Connect with Kevin;
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Kevinwillspeak
    Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kevinwillspeak
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kevinwillspeak
    To book a complimentary session with me: https://calendly.com/kevinwillspeak/freesession
    Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it using the social media buttons on this page.
    Do you have some feedback or questions about this episode? Leave a note in the comment section below!
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    If you would like to get automatic updates of new podcast episodes, you can subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher. You can also subscribe from the podcast app on your mobile device.
    Please leave us a review
    Ratings and reviews from our listeners are extremely valuable to us and greatly appreciated. They help our podcast rank higher on Apple Podcasts, which exposes our show to more awesome listeners like you. If you have a minute, please leave an honest review on Apple Podcasts.
    Special Thanks
    This podcast was made possible by the the team at Ear Control and their Launch Your Podcast 2 Day Intensive. I am so grateful to all of them for helping me get it all together, and for their crucial role in my mission to help 1,000 men per year on the journey to building a legacy that lasts!

    • 41 min
    Why Honouring Dad is Important

    Why Honouring Dad is Important

    Episode Summary
    How do we define an idea like ‘honour’? It may seem clear, but when we look into it, maybe there’s more to it than we realize. In this episode Kevin explore questions around how 
    honour impacts family, and social structure;we are being dishonourable to our leaders;honour empowers rather than control
    Honouring others creates an attitude that seeks the best in and for others, rather than seeking to control. Living honourably makes room for each persons gifts and abilities, where making everyone the same, limits our gifts.
    About Kevin:
    Married for over 22 years, and Dad to 4 young kids, Kevin is focused on helping Dads not only be the best they can be, but also leave the best for their family. He believes that everything rises and falls on leadership - and it starts on the inside. 
    Behind this passion for working with Dads, is a heart that cries for the children and wives who are missing out, struggling, or worse, because the men in their lives are not sure that they have what it takes.
    He knows from hard-won experience that all Dads have what it takes to provide fully and deeply what their family needs from them. “When things are looking rough,” he says, “we have to hold on to the truth that all of us are capable of far more than we realize. We can see this truth when we stand firm, and don't let the storms of life chase us away from those are counting on us.”
    Kevin encourages those who engage with him to take courage, and embrace the challenge of digging deep within to see their true heart; because everything we do in life - or don’t do - stems from who we are. 
    Connect with Kevin;
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Kevinwillspeak
    Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kevinwillspeak
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kevinwillspeak
    To book a complimentary session with me: https://calendly.com/kevinwillspeak/freesession
    Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it using the social media buttons on this page.
    Do you have some feedback or questions about this episode? Leave a note in the comment section below!
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    If you would like to get automatic updates of new podcast episodes, you can subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher. You can also subscribe from the podcast app on your mobile device.
    Please leave us a review
    Ratings and reviews from our listeners are extremely valuable to us and greatly appreciated. They help our podcast rank higher on Apple Podcasts, which exposes our show to more awesome listeners like you. If you have a minute, please leave an honest review on Apple Podcasts.
    Special Thanks
    This podcast was made possible by the the team at Ear Control and their Launch Your Podcast 2 Day Intensive. I am so grateful to all of them for helping me get it all together, and for their crucial role in my mission to help 1,000 men per year on the journey to building a legacy that lasts!

    • 36 min
    Multi-generational Parenting

    Multi-generational Parenting

    Episode Summary
    This week we make a foray into multi-generational parenting! Our conversation ranges from; 
    dealing with anger; different home different rules; get what you need outside your family;
    Mary has helped her family break damaging behaviour cycles and watched her children making better choices and move forward into their own journeys.
    About Mary Scott:
    Mary is a successful mother of 3 kids, and grandmother of 4 grandchildren. Continuing to raise her children as a widower, she has not only taught them well, but has built a successful business helping small businesses remove roadblocks and get the funding they need to grow their company.
    Connect with Mary;
    Book a synergy call;
    About the Host:
    Married for over 22 years, and Dad to 4 young kids, Kevin is focused on helping Dads not only be the best they can be, but also leave the best for their family. He believes that everything rises and falls on leadership - and it starts on the inside. 
    Behind this passion for working with Dads, is a heart that cries for the children and wives who are missing out, struggling, or worse, because the men in their lives are not sure that they have what it takes.
    He knows from hard-won experience that all Dads have what it takes to provide fully and deeply what their family needs from them. “When things are looking rough,” he says, “we have to hold on to the truth that all of us are capable of far more than we realize. We can see this truth when we stand firm, and don't let the storms of life chase us away from those are counting on us.”
    Kevin encourages those who engage with him to take courage, and embrace the challenge of digging deep within to see their true heart; because everything we do in life - or don’t do - stems from who we are. 
    Connect with Kevin;
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Kevinwillspeak
    Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kevinwillspeak
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kevinwillspeak
    To book a complimentary session with me: https://calendly.com/kevinwillspeak/freesession
    Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it using the social media buttons on this page.
    Do you have some feedback or questions about this episode? Leave a note in the comment section below!
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    Ratings and reviews from our listeners are extremely valuable to us and greatly appreciated. They help our podcast rank higher on Apple Podcasts, which exposes our show to more awesome listeners like you. If you have a minute, please leave an honest review on Apple Podcasts.
    Special Thanks
    This podcast was made possible by the the team at Ear Control and their...

    • 27 min
    The World is My Oyster

    The World is My Oyster

    Episode Summary
    In this deep dive into mindset, the creative power of our minds and the nature of reality, Shiraz and Kevin explore;
    why his car broke downthe hidden pride that drives parentshow to create a different future
    What we do and say as parents has significant impact on our kids - and ourselves - so the more we learn about controlling our thoughts and words, the better off we’ll all be.
    About Shiraz Baboo:
    Shiraz is an Award-Winning Author, International Speaker, and Reality Interventionist. He coaches people to get out of what he calls “Reality Addiction” and his book, How to Rewrite Reality has changed lives across the globe. Shiraz helps you to annihilate your unconscious addiction to stories of struggle and lack, resulting in an abundance of free time, money, and energy.
    Shiraz’s gift to you
    Connect with Shiraz 
    Get the Book on Amazon
    About the Host:
    Married for over 22 years, and Dad to 4 young kids, Kevin is focused on helping Dads not only be the best they can be, but also leave the best for their family. He believes that everything rises and falls on leadership - and it starts on the inside. 
    Behind this passion for working with Dads, is a heart that cries for the children and wives who are missing out, struggling, or worse, because the men in their lives are not sure that they have what it takes.
    He knows from hard-won experience that all Dads have what it takes to provide fully and deeply what their family needs from them. “When things are looking rough,” he says, “we have to hold on to the truth that all of us are capable of far more than we realize. We can see this truth when we stand firm, and don't let the storms of life chase us away from those are counting on us.”
    Kevin encourages those who engage with him to take courage, and embrace the challenge of digging deep within to see their true heart; because everything we do in life - or don’t do - stems from who we are. 
    Connect with Kevin;
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Kevinwillspeak
    Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kevinwillspeak
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kevinwillspeak
    To book a complimentary session with me: https://calendly.com/kevinwillspeak/freesession
    Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it using the social media buttons on this page.
    Do you have some feedback or questions about this episode? Leave a note in the comment section below!
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    If you would like to get automatic updates of new podcast episodes, you can subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher. You can also subscribe from the podcast app on your mobile device.
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    Ratings and reviews from our listeners are extremely valuable to us and greatly appreciated. They help our podcast

    • 44 min

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