28 min

Let's Get You Self Published! If I Did It So Can You‪!‬ The Debbie Nigro Show

    • Entrepreneurship

I wrote a ‘little’ book and just recently got it up for sale on Amazon. I even recorded it myself as an audio book for Audible which syncs the book on Amazon.
It's called:
 "How To Talk To Strangers Advice from a Professional Stranger Talker"
 (And I'm a roll with 5 star reviews! Good reviews mean everything to an author)
 I could not have done it without the help of Donna Kozik, a book coach gal pal out in San Diego,CA  who I've been featuring for years on my radio show because I love her style and how she shows people how to get a book done.
 Meanwhile even though it sounded doable, and even though I do know how to write - Donna knows that I tried for a few years but kept not getting it done. I kept backing off. Why? I don't know. I didn't think what I wrote was good enough. I didn't think it was compelling enough. I had imposter syndrome. Then came the pandemic and the totally wrong timing for the topic. And of course, then there were the never ending barrage of life distractions. Finally, with Donna's help and unwavering encouragement, I did it! Whew! Feels Good! 
 I knew nothing about the process of publishing an ebook or soft cover book, but Donna helped me get it into the right format, helped me with the proofreading, helped me get the cover art done, educated me about Kindle and how to upload it on Amazon and was always available for my zillion email questions.
 I had no idea how to set the right price (learned an eBook sweet spot price is $2.99), or the importance of getting reviews, or how to navigate Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing system for the first time. 
 I’m just deciding how I am going to market the book now that the audio I recorded separately with fabulous Al Hemberger at The Loft Recording Studios in Bronxville, N.Y., was approved by Audible. (Who knew they reserve the right to set the price based on the length of the audio?) That was another thing that took way longer than I had anticipated but, finally got that done too! Whew! Personal accomplishment! 
 I’m hoping my new ‘little’ book will be as Donna calls it "My Big Business Card".
 Utilizing a Book as a Business Tool
 Donna Kozik book coach extraordinaire, says, a book IS a "Big Business Card" and there are various ways to leverage it for building credibility, obtaining speaking engagements, and promoting one's expertise.
 'Short books' she says are the way to go, especially in today's information-saturated world. A short book can be easily read and can still carry a powerful message, making it a good option for authors and readers alike.
 My book, "How To Talk To Strangers Advice from a Professional Stranger Talker" is 62 pages, and the audio book is 47 minutes. It’s a little book with a big message. You’ll get my point, get some laughs and get some tips in under an hour.
 I'd love my book to lead to some speaking engagements about teaching people how to connect and communicate better in person. I really do think I have some sage knowledge to share in a fun way. I will now be looking to share it with some event planners, etc. who might be looking for someone like me to speak about this.
 Encouragement for Aspiring Authors
 I invited Donna Kozik back to join me on my radio show so we could discuss the self-publishing process now that I’ve been through it, so we could share information with those of you who might have a book in you too!
 Donna says many potential authors face the same challenges as I mentioned I had above, and that procrastination or life events should not discourage them. She said, once a book is published, people do not focus on how long it took. (Did I mention I started this book idea 5 years ago? LOL)
 Besides her great advice for listeners who may want to write a book, Donna offers a step-by-step approach to getting started, including making the decision, taking action, creating a structure. Her program "Write a Book in a Weekend," her group coaching, an

I wrote a ‘little’ book and just recently got it up for sale on Amazon. I even recorded it myself as an audio book for Audible which syncs the book on Amazon.
It's called:
 "How To Talk To Strangers Advice from a Professional Stranger Talker"
 (And I'm a roll with 5 star reviews! Good reviews mean everything to an author)
 I could not have done it without the help of Donna Kozik, a book coach gal pal out in San Diego,CA  who I've been featuring for years on my radio show because I love her style and how she shows people how to get a book done.
 Meanwhile even though it sounded doable, and even though I do know how to write - Donna knows that I tried for a few years but kept not getting it done. I kept backing off. Why? I don't know. I didn't think what I wrote was good enough. I didn't think it was compelling enough. I had imposter syndrome. Then came the pandemic and the totally wrong timing for the topic. And of course, then there were the never ending barrage of life distractions. Finally, with Donna's help and unwavering encouragement, I did it! Whew! Feels Good! 
 I knew nothing about the process of publishing an ebook or soft cover book, but Donna helped me get it into the right format, helped me with the proofreading, helped me get the cover art done, educated me about Kindle and how to upload it on Amazon and was always available for my zillion email questions.
 I had no idea how to set the right price (learned an eBook sweet spot price is $2.99), or the importance of getting reviews, or how to navigate Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing system for the first time. 
 I’m just deciding how I am going to market the book now that the audio I recorded separately with fabulous Al Hemberger at The Loft Recording Studios in Bronxville, N.Y., was approved by Audible. (Who knew they reserve the right to set the price based on the length of the audio?) That was another thing that took way longer than I had anticipated but, finally got that done too! Whew! Personal accomplishment! 
 I’m hoping my new ‘little’ book will be as Donna calls it "My Big Business Card".
 Utilizing a Book as a Business Tool
 Donna Kozik book coach extraordinaire, says, a book IS a "Big Business Card" and there are various ways to leverage it for building credibility, obtaining speaking engagements, and promoting one's expertise.
 'Short books' she says are the way to go, especially in today's information-saturated world. A short book can be easily read and can still carry a powerful message, making it a good option for authors and readers alike.
 My book, "How To Talk To Strangers Advice from a Professional Stranger Talker" is 62 pages, and the audio book is 47 minutes. It’s a little book with a big message. You’ll get my point, get some laughs and get some tips in under an hour.
 I'd love my book to lead to some speaking engagements about teaching people how to connect and communicate better in person. I really do think I have some sage knowledge to share in a fun way. I will now be looking to share it with some event planners, etc. who might be looking for someone like me to speak about this.
 Encouragement for Aspiring Authors
 I invited Donna Kozik back to join me on my radio show so we could discuss the self-publishing process now that I’ve been through it, so we could share information with those of you who might have a book in you too!
 Donna says many potential authors face the same challenges as I mentioned I had above, and that procrastination or life events should not discourage them. She said, once a book is published, people do not focus on how long it took. (Did I mention I started this book idea 5 years ago? LOL)
 Besides her great advice for listeners who may want to write a book, Donna offers a step-by-step approach to getting started, including making the decision, taking action, creating a structure. Her program "Write a Book in a Weekend," her group coaching, an

28 min