26 min

Let's Talk Porn Part 2 Out Loud

    • Sexuality

In Part 2 of Out Loud’s Porn Series, Ky, Elena, and Mia dive even further into the world of porn and encourage the consumption of ethical porn while expanding on porn literacy.

00:20: What is Ethical Porn?

02:20: Why should we consume Ethical Porn?

06:28: Porn Consumption & Relationships

09:35: Teaching Porn Literacy

17:13: What Ethical Porn Offers

20:13: What to Avoid When Watching Porn

22:00: Resources & Ethical Porn Suggestions !

In Part 2 of Out Loud’s Porn Series, Ky, Elena, and Mia dive even further into the world of porn and encourage the consumption of ethical porn while expanding on porn literacy.

00:20: What is Ethical Porn?

02:20: Why should we consume Ethical Porn?

06:28: Porn Consumption & Relationships

09:35: Teaching Porn Literacy

17:13: What Ethical Porn Offers

20:13: What to Avoid When Watching Porn

22:00: Resources & Ethical Porn Suggestions !

26 min