244 episodes

Hosted by the OG Godcaster, Steve Webb, this is the award winning podcast that helps you achieve consistency in reading the Bible, and we have a new episode for you every day of the week. We will read the entire Bible in one year. Start any time!

On Sunday we read from the Epistles, Monday we read from the Law, Tuesday from one of the books of History, Wednesday are readings from the Psalms, Thursday we read from one of the Poetry books, Friday we read from one of the books of Prophecy, and Saturday we read from the Gospels. Show length varies between 10 and 30 minutes.

After completing the day's chapters, host Steve Webb shares a short commentary on that day's reading.

Love to have you along!

Lifespring! One Year Bible Rewind Steve Webb

    • Religion & Spirituality
    • 5.0 • 1 Rating

Hosted by the OG Godcaster, Steve Webb, this is the award winning podcast that helps you achieve consistency in reading the Bible, and we have a new episode for you every day of the week. We will read the entire Bible in one year. Start any time!

On Sunday we read from the Epistles, Monday we read from the Law, Tuesday from one of the books of History, Wednesday are readings from the Psalms, Thursday we read from one of the Poetry books, Friday we read from one of the books of Prophecy, and Saturday we read from the Gospels. Show length varies between 10 and 30 minutes.

After completing the day's chapters, host Steve Webb shares a short commentary on that day's reading.

Love to have you along!




    This Episode

    Letting you know what to expect with this podcast. Hosted by the OG Godcaster, Steve Webb, the Lifespring! One Year Bible Rewind is a re-do, a rerun, an encore, a re-broadcast of season 12 of the Lifespring! One Year Bible.

    This Lifespring! One Year Bible Rewind exists because the original show is no longer in production. And when I told the Lifespring! Family that I was shutting it down after 13 seasons, many of them asked for something like this show, in one way or another. They wanted to read through the bible in a year with me again.

    Listen to the episode for more!


    This a value for value podcast. There are no advertisers because advertising equals censorship. If you enjoy the Lifespring One Year Bible Rewind, decide how much value it brings to you. Only you can make that determination. Then put a number on the value and donate here: SUPPORT.

    The Team

    Transcript Correction: Lifespring Family Berean, Sister Denise Podcasting 2.0 Chapters: Lifespring Family Berean, Brother Sean of San Pedro and Lifespring Family Berean, Brother Michael HanerShow Art: Lifespring Family Berean, Brother Scott Snider and Lifespring Family Berean Jason PaschallNewsletter Publisher: Lifespring Family Berean, Sister Brittaney


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    • 7 min
    Psalms 1-2: The Perfect Way To Begin

    Psalms 1-2: The Perfect Way To Begin


    Podcast Introduction

    Hello! and welcome to Season 12, episode 2 of the Lifespring Family Audio Bible. This is episode 2, but it’s really the first official full episode of this year’s reading through the Bible. The first episode was a sort of introduction to the show, highlighting some of the new things we’ll be doing this year.

    I’m so glad you’re here today! If you’ve been around awhile, welcome back. How was your summer? If this is your first time here, WOW, I am glad you found us. I hope you like what you hear, and that you’ll be with me for the entire journey through God’s word this year. I always invite your comments, and I’ll share some comments from the Lifespring family on the show. By the way, if you’re new, that’s what I call the “listeners” to the show…FAMILY. I don’t want you to just listen to the show, I want you to participate, as a family does. YOU are very much a part of the show. And I DO rely on your contributions in many ways. We’ll talk more about that as we go along.

    Today, we are going to read from the book of psalms, chapters 1 and 2. And because the psalms are written as poetry, and in my opinion no translation matches the King James when it comes to poetic language, I’ll be reading the KJV. I will use about 13 different translations of the Bible over the course of the year.

    As always, after today’s Bible reading, I’ll share some thoughts on what we’ve read.

    Today, we will also begin the “this day in church history” segment, and I’ll begin the new “Prayer Requests” segment. 

    Thoughts On Psalms 1-2

    As you might know, most of the Psalms were written by David. He’s the guy that, as a young shepherd boy, killed Goliath. And he is also who God chose to be the second King of Israel, after King Saul. And even though he had a major moral downfall with Bathsheba, David is called “a man after God’s own heart” twice in the Bible, which truly shows that God is a forgiving God. As the year goes on, we will see many, many times where God demonstrates a tremendous capacity for forgiveness. 

    The first chapter of Psalms is really a great place to start reading the Bible. I read from the King James because it sounds so beautiful, but let’s break it down a little in the New Living Translation: “1Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night.”

    I don’t know about you, but I can’t think of a better way to start this season’s reading. It sort of establishes the scene, don’t you think? As we get into the Word of God together, beloved, as it becomes part of our daily lives, we *will* learn to find joy (or delight) in it. We will be instructed by it, we will be challenged by it, we will see ourselves in it, and we will learn more about who God is. Really, the Bible is a love letter to us. You see, Christianity is more than just a religion. It is a relationship with the One who created all that is. And how is a relationship built? By spending time together. We’ll be spending time with God by reading His Word. 

    As an extra bonus, you and I will be spending time together. On the show, I’ll be sharing what’s happening in my life, and I hope you will do the same, by way of email comments, reviews (I’ll talk about that in a moment), and prayer requests.

    Quickly, chapter two shows the futility of the world system thinking that they can ignore or scoff at God. It gives a warning to those who do that, and it gives a promise of joy to those who take refuge in Him.

    • 22 min
    Job 1-2: The Scene In Heaven

    Job 1-2: The Scene In Heaven


    Today's Bible Translation

    Bible translation used in today's episode: Ch. 1-2 NIV

    Podcast Introduction

    Hello! and welcome to Season 12, episode 3 of the Lifespring Family Audio Bible.

    It’s great to have you here today, and I think we have a lot of newbees, judging by what I’ve seen so far. That is so awesome! Thanks for stopping by. I hope you’ll stick around for our entire journey through the Bible. 

    This is the daily podcast where we will read the entire Bible in a year. If you’re like a lot of people, you’ve tried to read through it before, but for one reason or another, you didn’t complete it. I know that in my case I tried it several times, but never made it until I completed the first year of the Lifespring Family Audio Bible way back in December of 2007. So this is the twelfth season of the show, and do you know what? Every time I read it again, I get something new out of it. My prayer is that you’ll have that experience, too.

    Today, we are going to read from the book of Job, chapters 1 and 2. I’ll be reading from the NIV, after which I’ll share some comments.

    Thoughts on Job

    As is almost always going to happen as we read this year, the chapters will be filled with a tremendous number of points that we could talk about. The format of this show is not to talk about every point that could be made. What I will do is talk about what struck me this time as I read. If there are other things that strike you, and that you would like to comment on, I encourage you to do that, by going to comment.lifespringmedia.com. I will share some of your comments on the show.

    So today, here are my thoughts.

    The Scene

    Notice the scene in Heaven. In chapter one, verse six we read, “One day the angels came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came with them.” This tells us three things: 1) angels exist, 2) they have access to go before the presence of God, and 3) Satan is an angelic being, albeit a fallen one. He came along with a group of angels.

    So what, you might say. Why is that important? Why bring that up? Here’s why. Some people think of Satan as the opposite of God. Equal to, but opposite of. The dark side of the Force. An opponent of God that just might be able to win in a battle of Good vs Evil. 

    Nothing could be further from the truth.

    God In Comparison To Satan

    Satan is not God’s equal, because Satan is a created being. Satan was created by God as a beautiful and powerful angel, but Satan became jealous of God and wanted to be like God. But he will never be like God, and his power is limited by God. 

    We saw how God limited Satan’s power in the life of Job.

    But one of the attributes of God is omnipotence, which means is has all power. There are no limitations at all on what He can do, other than those He puts on Himself. He cannot be unjust, as an example. 

    So never believe that Satan (which I prefer to call the enemy, instead of dignifying him by calling him by name) is equal to God, or even at all closely matched.

    God Already Knew

    Another thought from today’s chapters: God knew what the outcome of this challenge with the enemy would be. He knew that Job would not curse Him. He knew because another of His attributes is omniscience. He has all knowledge. 

    So what was the point of this exchange with the enemy? Before I answer that,

    • 23 min
    Isaiah 1-6: A Messenger to Israel

    Isaiah 1-6: A Messenger to Israel


    Podcast Introduction

    I’m so glad you’re here today! A lot of you are new listeners, and it really thrills my heart to have you aboard. There’s a lot of stuff going on in the world today, and I believe with every fiber of my being that the Bible has the answers that so many people are looking for today. Specifically, I believe…no, I know from personal experience, that a personal relationship with Jesus is the way to have peace in your heart in the midst of the chaos and turmoil that is currently happening around us. 

    This is the daily podcast where we will read the *entire* Bible in a year. If you’ve never read the entire Bible, or if never read the Bible before, I hope that as we go through it, I can make this year informative and even entertaining as I talk about what we’re reading each day.

    I’m always open to your comments, and I’ll read some of them on the show. You can comment at comment.lifespringmedia.com

    Today, we are going to read from the book of Isaiah, chapters 1-6. I’ll be reading from the NIV, after which I’ll share some comments.

    After that, we’ll have the “On This Day In Church History” segment, and then “Prayer Requests”

    Introduction to Isaiah

    This book is the first of what are considered the books of prophecy. Most people, when they hear the word “prophecy” think of telling the future. And sometimes it does, but that is only a part of prophecy. A biblical prophet is a person who speaks for God. God has actually given them a specific message, usually for a specific person or specific group of people, and he tasks the prophet to deliver the message. 

    By the way, the prophet Isaiah was a little bit like the Billy Graham of his time. Billy Graham counseled every president from Harry S. Truman to Barak Obama…twelve consecutive presidents. His active ministry years stretched from 1943 to 2013, seventy years. (As an aside, I had the privilege to interview Dr. Graham’s longtime friend and musical director, George Beverly Shea on the Lifespring! podcast in 2006. Here's the link.)

    Isaiah’s ministry lasted from about 740 BC to around 680 BC, roughly 60 years. And unlike some other biblical prophets, he had personal access to the kings of his day. And like Billy, Isaiah maintained an international perspective throughout his book.

    Of course, with a sixty year ministry, God gave Isaiah more than one message. Isaiah spoke to the people about caring for the poor and needy, following God’s instructions on how to live, and pursuing social and economic justice. And he spoke of coming judgement because of Israel’s failure. But, and this is important, he also spoke of God’s promise to restore Israel if and when they would turn from their errant ways and return to Him.

    Thoughts On Isaiah

    I like the way chapter two ends:

    22Stop regarding man, whose breath of life is in his nostrils; For why should he be esteemed?

    Isaiah 2:22 NASB

    The NIV says is a bit more clearly:

    22Stop trusting in mere humans, who have but a breath in their nostrils. Why hold them in esteem?

    Isaiah 2:22 NIV

    Beloved, I am as interested in politics as anybody else is. These days,

    • 39 min
    Matthew 1-2: Jesus' Birth

    Matthew 1-2: Jesus' Birth

    Podcast Introduction

    You know, a lot of you are new to the show, and I would love to know what brought you here. How did you find the show? Did a friend tell you, did you hear about the show on another podcast? If so, which one? Email me at steve@lifespringmedia.com, and use the subject line “Here’s where I found you”. 

    This is the daily podcast where we will read the entire Bible in a year. Stick around, and before you know it, a year will have gone by and you’ll be able to say you’ve read the entire Bible. Every time I read through the Bible again, I’ve learned something new. I hope you’ll be able to say the same thing. 

    I’m always open to your comments, and I’ll read some of them on the show. You can comment at comment.lifespringmedia.com

    Thoughts on Matthew 1-2

    Introduction to Matthew

    Since this is our first reading of The Gospel According to Matthew, let’s start with an introduction, shall we?

    First, the word “gospel” means Good News. It’s the good news of the salvation that Jesus of Nazareth brings to anyone who believes in Him.

    Matthew was one of the twelve disciples. Before Jesus called him, Matthew was a tax collector. When Jesus was on Earth, Israel was under Roman rule. And Matthew, a Jew, collected taxes for the Romans, so most Jews considered Matthew a traitor. Tax collectors were hated by the Jews, not only because they were working for the Romans but because they often took much more in taxes than were actually owed, and whatever excess they took in, they kept for themselves. And many of them became rich.

    The book of Matthew was probably written somewhere between 55 and 65 A.D. during the early life of the church. At that time, most Christians were Jewish converts. This is probably why much of what Matthew wrote with a very Jewish perspective. He shows, by often quoting from the Old Testament, how Jesus fulfilled all the prophecies regarding the coming Messiah.

    The Genealogy

    Chapter one begins with the genealogy of Jesus, and if you are familiar with the Old Testament, many of the names in this genealogy will be familiar to you. Some highlights are Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (of course); Judah (you may have heard Jesus referred to as the “Lion of the tribe of Judah”); Amminadab; Boaz and Ruth; Jesse and his son David; and Solomon.

    As we read the OT, more of the names in Jesus’ genealogy will become familiar to you. I used to think that this was just a long list of boring names, but the more we learn of these men, the more interesting the list becomes.

    For example, did you know that one of Jesus’ ancestors was a prostitute? Another was a murderer? Stick around.

    The Birth

    After the genealogy, Matthew tells us the account of the birth of Jesus. The betrothal of Joseph and Mary. That Mary became pregnant by the Holy Spirit, how Joseph wanted to break off the marriage agreement when he learned that she was pregnant, etc.

    What a special family God the father chose to raise the Messiah in. Think about this. At this point in human history, God had been silent for 400 years. Many Jews were Jewish in name only. A bit like today, in fact. Sure, they went to temple but they didn’t have a true faith in God. They lived their lives by the Law of God, not the love of God.

    But this man Joseph was a godly man, and a compassionate man. When he learned that his fiance was pregnant, he could have had her stoned to death. At the very least he could have disgraced her publicly.

    • 22 min
    Romans 1-2: An Airtight Case

    Romans 1-2: An Airtight Case

    Podcast Introduction

    This is the daily podcast where we will read the entire Bible in a year. Stick around, and before you know it, you’ll be able to say you’ve read the entire Bible, in the process, I hope you will be inspired, informed and maybe even entertained.

    How did you find the show? Did a friend tell you, did you hear about the show on another podcast, did you learn about it in a fortune cookie? Let me know! Email me at steve@lifespringmedia.com, and use the subject line “Here’s where I found you”. Alan Middleton heard about the show from Adam Curry and John C. Dvorak’s No Agenda podcast. He said in his email: This was exactly what I was looking for. Every year, I come up with a new plan for Bible listening and devotional podcasts, and the ones I had for 2021 weren't really working for me.  So the possibility to jumping on with you was worth checking out, and I think I am going to really enjoy the system you use for going through the Word. Keep up the good work and God bless you. GBY too, Alan. Thanks for your email. BTW, Alan has a podcast called  Dorkness to Light, which you can find at dorknesstolight.blogspot.com. Thanks for answering the question Alan! steve@lifespringmedia.com, and use the subject line “Here’s where I found you”.

    Thoughts on Romans

    Romans 1

    Paul's epistle, or letter to the Romans is probably the most eloquent and developed presentation of God's plan of salvation in the entire Bible. It begins with an introduction here in the first chapter up to verse 15, then moves into presenting the Gospel in all of its intricacies through to the end of chapter 11. From chapter 12 through most of chapter 15, Paul shows how we are transformed by the power of God, and then the final verses of the book are some closing thoughts of a personal nature and a blessing.

    Here in the first chapter, Paul opens by introducing himself and how Jesus called him to be an apostle, which means messenger. Then he tells the Romans how much affection he has for them and how he wants to visit them, and then he says how God accepts anyone who has faith. Later on he'll talk much more about that, but here in the introduction, it is noted that the message is that God has made a way of saving all people, whether Jew or Gentile.

    Then Paul wastes little time in showing the broken nature of mankind, and the trouble they bring on themselves when they turn their heart on God. He says they have no excuse, because God has revealed Himself in so many ways. But they reject Him, and because of their insistence and stubbornness, He has turned them over to do as they will. Once God lets go, it doesn't take long to begin circling the drain into a life of depravity. He lists several specific sins, and it's a list that if we were to give each one a rating from 1 to 10, with a 1 rating being the most vile,  the list might include sins with ratings of 9 or 10 all the way to 1. 

    But that rating scale is a human construct. Each of those sins is something that God hates. Murder? Sure, we all agree on that. But arguing? Gossiping? Do those really belong in the same list? Yessir, they do. 

    The point Paul is making is that we are all in desperate trouble, and a holy God is angry because of rebellious people who reject him.

    Now, as a warning, I'll tell you that the next couple of chapters will consist somewhat of more of the same. He's addressed the Gentiles here in verses 18-32, then in Chapter 2 and the beginning of chapter 3 he'll address the Jews, and he'll talk about all mankind in the remaining verses of c...

    • 24 min

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