39 min

Lightbridge Academy: A Franchise that is Recession Resistant and Provides an Incredible Service to Children and Families Gigi Schweikert Eye On Franchising

    • Entrepreneurship

In this episode of Eye on Franchising my guest is Gigi Schweikert and we discuss The Lightbridge Academy. This informative episode discusses the process of becoming a franchisee for the childcare center.

Gigi Schweikert, early childhood expert, mother of four, and author of the popular Winning Ways for Early Childhood Professionals book series, as she takes us down the sometimes frustrating, yet always rewarding road of early childhood education. Gigi’s practical ideas and realistic perspective on working with young children have you laughing and learning how to be a more effective educator. Teaching parents and teachers to help every child succeed is Gigi’s life passion.

Lightbridge Academy has established a reputation as The Solution for Working Parents® by meeting the evolving needs of families for high quality early childhood education. Since 1997, Lightbridge Academy has been a place where thousands of parents, children, staff, franchise owners and communities have come together to form a trusted Circle of Care — the supportive relationships necessary for children and families to thrive. We protect this circle with a steadfast commitment to our core values, and by never forgetting that children at the heart of everything we do.

Lightbridge Academy balances nurturing care with a unique early childhood education curriculum that helps children grow and develop right before our very eyes.

Listen in to hear;1. The importance of due diligence when considering franchising2. The importance of finding a franchise that is the right fit for both the brand and the individual3. The best way to learn about a franchise is to meet with the people who are already involved in it4. The importance of good communication and relationships in order to weather any disagreements that may arise

5. The Lightbridge Academy franchise system relies on collaboration between corporate and existing franchisees in order to be successful.


Approximately mentioned @ 00:03:36

The best candidates for Lightbridge Academy are those with a passion for early childhood education, a strong work ethic, and a willingness to learn.

Approximately mentioned @ 00:04:38

The best way to find success in franchising is to due your research, follow your passion and be willing to push yourself a little bit out of your comfort zone- this way you can find a brand that is the perfect fit for you and your lifestyle.

Approximately mentioned @ 00:06:47

Gigi Schweikert got into franchising when she wrote her first book on parenting and had no children. She learned about franchising from her mentor, Jim Greenman, who encouraged her to write an article about her experience as a parent.

Approximately mentioned @ 00:09:27

The opportunity for the American Dream is what really got me excited about franchising. I had never experienced such a supportive community where everyone was willing to share advice and help out.

Approximately mentioned @ 00:21:17

The Lightbridge Academy franchise process involves an in-person discovery day where prospective franchisees learn about all aspects of the business and are interviewed.

Approximately mentioned @ 00:30:58

The Lightbridge Academy franchise process includes an initial inquiry, followed by an interview and validation. The entire process generally takes about a year.

Have you heard the news? We are officially on YouTube. Come check out a few videos have have and give me a follow!



Lance Graulich

Franchise Consulting Services from ION Franchising

Eye On Franchising

In this episode of Eye on Franchising my guest is Gigi Schweikert and we discuss The Lightbridge Academy. This informative episode discusses the process of becoming a franchisee for the childcare center.

Gigi Schweikert, early childhood expert, mother of four, and author of the popular Winning Ways for Early Childhood Professionals book series, as she takes us down the sometimes frustrating, yet always rewarding road of early childhood education. Gigi’s practical ideas and realistic perspective on working with young children have you laughing and learning how to be a more effective educator. Teaching parents and teachers to help every child succeed is Gigi’s life passion.

Lightbridge Academy has established a reputation as The Solution for Working Parents® by meeting the evolving needs of families for high quality early childhood education. Since 1997, Lightbridge Academy has been a place where thousands of parents, children, staff, franchise owners and communities have come together to form a trusted Circle of Care — the supportive relationships necessary for children and families to thrive. We protect this circle with a steadfast commitment to our core values, and by never forgetting that children at the heart of everything we do.

Lightbridge Academy balances nurturing care with a unique early childhood education curriculum that helps children grow and develop right before our very eyes.

Listen in to hear;1. The importance of due diligence when considering franchising2. The importance of finding a franchise that is the right fit for both the brand and the individual3. The best way to learn about a franchise is to meet with the people who are already involved in it4. The importance of good communication and relationships in order to weather any disagreements that may arise

5. The Lightbridge Academy franchise system relies on collaboration between corporate and existing franchisees in order to be successful.


Approximately mentioned @ 00:03:36

The best candidates for Lightbridge Academy are those with a passion for early childhood education, a strong work ethic, and a willingness to learn.

Approximately mentioned @ 00:04:38

The best way to find success in franchising is to due your research, follow your passion and be willing to push yourself a little bit out of your comfort zone- this way you can find a brand that is the perfect fit for you and your lifestyle.

Approximately mentioned @ 00:06:47

Gigi Schweikert got into franchising when she wrote her first book on parenting and had no children. She learned about franchising from her mentor, Jim Greenman, who encouraged her to write an article about her experience as a parent.

Approximately mentioned @ 00:09:27

The opportunity for the American Dream is what really got me excited about franchising. I had never experienced such a supportive community where everyone was willing to share advice and help out.

Approximately mentioned @ 00:21:17

The Lightbridge Academy franchise process involves an in-person discovery day where prospective franchisees learn about all aspects of the business and are interviewed.

Approximately mentioned @ 00:30:58

The Lightbridge Academy franchise process includes an initial inquiry, followed by an interview and validation. The entire process generally takes about a year.

Have you heard the news? We are officially on YouTube. Come check out a few videos have have and give me a follow!



Lance Graulich

Franchise Consulting Services from ION Franchising

Eye On Franchising

39 min