17 min

LinkedIn Ads and Analyzing Performance Over Time - Ep 52 LinkedIn Ads Show

    • Marketing

Show Resources Here were the resources we covered in the episode: NEW LinkedIn Learning course about LinkedIn Ads by AJ Wilcox Contact us at Podcast@B2Linked.com with ideas for what you'd like AJ to cover.
Show Transcript You've seen that button hiding off to the right in campaign manager called performance chart. What does it do? And why do I love it so dang much? Welcome to the LinkedIn Ads Show.
Welcome to the LinkedIn Ads Show. Here's your host, AJ Wilcox.
Hey there LinkedIn Ads fanatics. Well, if you're anything like us, you're constantly testing and tweaking and adjusting things to improve your ad performance. That means you'll need to see your KPIs change over time. You can do this in Excel with pivot tables and pivot charts. But that tends to take a lot of time, and it's really monotonous. And if I've learned anything, it's that if something is cumbersome or time consuming, it's naturally not going to happen as often as it really needs to. Luckily, the performance chart option in campaign manager is surprisingly powerful and easy to access. So today, I'm going to walk you through exactly how to access it, and how to use it to improve your ad performance.
First, the news. This week, I had a LinkedIn Product Manager reach out to me after listening to the last episode about boosted posts, and corrected me on something. He said, all ads created on LinkedIn go through the ad review process to ensure that the ad is adhering to the LinkedIn Ad policy. There are two types of review methods that we use. AI Model Review, this can happen almost instantaneously where ads are immediately approved. When this review happens, your ads can be published almost instantaneously. But it's only done for ads, where the AI model on LinkedIn side has a high confidence in its decision that the ads don't have any sort of an issue in them. If the model's confidence is low, then the ad is sent for human review. And during human review, he said this process can take between 24 to 48 hours. So I wanted to throw that out there as a retraction. I also want to say I've seen the human review take up to 72 hours. And I see this especially on text ads, usually sponsored content tends to get published a lot faster.
Okay, I wanted to highlight a review that came in Swimmer 10 said, "Great show. Thanks, AJ, we are listening. I love your show and have missed it. Can't wait to see more shows this year. Thanks for the great content." Thank you so much Swimmer 10 It's always great to hear the feedback that you're listening and that you appreciate the episodes. We should be releasing episodes a lot more regularly. Now, we actually have a member on our team who is committed to helping me get these episodes out more often. So hopefully, you'll see a lot more coming. And of course, I want to feature you please do go and leave a public review. And I just heard that Spotify is now accepting reviews. We have a whole lot on Apple Podcasts, but I would absolutely love it If you guys would be able to go out of your way. You'd be doing me a huge favor to go on to Spotify and leave a review there. And of course, anything I see all give you guys a shout out. Alright, on to the topic at hand, let's hit it.
It's pretty rare when LinkedIn does a feature better than Facebook. But every once in a while this happens, I can actually count on two fingers, the number of times this has happened. But years and years ago, LinkedIn Ads had a feature that I and many other advertisers really, really liked. The first thing that you saw when you logged into your dashboard was a customizable chart with the ad performance tables down below. And one of my biggest complaints about Facebook has always been the difficulty in visualizing your ad performance over time with trends. Well, then LinkedIn redesigned the platform to become much, much more Facebook like when they released objectives in 2019. And unfortunately, one of the features that disappeared was the chart, despite it actu

Show Resources Here were the resources we covered in the episode: NEW LinkedIn Learning course about LinkedIn Ads by AJ Wilcox Contact us at Podcast@B2Linked.com with ideas for what you'd like AJ to cover.
Show Transcript You've seen that button hiding off to the right in campaign manager called performance chart. What does it do? And why do I love it so dang much? Welcome to the LinkedIn Ads Show.
Welcome to the LinkedIn Ads Show. Here's your host, AJ Wilcox.
Hey there LinkedIn Ads fanatics. Well, if you're anything like us, you're constantly testing and tweaking and adjusting things to improve your ad performance. That means you'll need to see your KPIs change over time. You can do this in Excel with pivot tables and pivot charts. But that tends to take a lot of time, and it's really monotonous. And if I've learned anything, it's that if something is cumbersome or time consuming, it's naturally not going to happen as often as it really needs to. Luckily, the performance chart option in campaign manager is surprisingly powerful and easy to access. So today, I'm going to walk you through exactly how to access it, and how to use it to improve your ad performance.
First, the news. This week, I had a LinkedIn Product Manager reach out to me after listening to the last episode about boosted posts, and corrected me on something. He said, all ads created on LinkedIn go through the ad review process to ensure that the ad is adhering to the LinkedIn Ad policy. There are two types of review methods that we use. AI Model Review, this can happen almost instantaneously where ads are immediately approved. When this review happens, your ads can be published almost instantaneously. But it's only done for ads, where the AI model on LinkedIn side has a high confidence in its decision that the ads don't have any sort of an issue in them. If the model's confidence is low, then the ad is sent for human review. And during human review, he said this process can take between 24 to 48 hours. So I wanted to throw that out there as a retraction. I also want to say I've seen the human review take up to 72 hours. And I see this especially on text ads, usually sponsored content tends to get published a lot faster.
Okay, I wanted to highlight a review that came in Swimmer 10 said, "Great show. Thanks, AJ, we are listening. I love your show and have missed it. Can't wait to see more shows this year. Thanks for the great content." Thank you so much Swimmer 10 It's always great to hear the feedback that you're listening and that you appreciate the episodes. We should be releasing episodes a lot more regularly. Now, we actually have a member on our team who is committed to helping me get these episodes out more often. So hopefully, you'll see a lot more coming. And of course, I want to feature you please do go and leave a public review. And I just heard that Spotify is now accepting reviews. We have a whole lot on Apple Podcasts, but I would absolutely love it If you guys would be able to go out of your way. You'd be doing me a huge favor to go on to Spotify and leave a review there. And of course, anything I see all give you guys a shout out. Alright, on to the topic at hand, let's hit it.
It's pretty rare when LinkedIn does a feature better than Facebook. But every once in a while this happens, I can actually count on two fingers, the number of times this has happened. But years and years ago, LinkedIn Ads had a feature that I and many other advertisers really, really liked. The first thing that you saw when you logged into your dashboard was a customizable chart with the ad performance tables down below. And one of my biggest complaints about Facebook has always been the difficulty in visualizing your ad performance over time with trends. Well, then LinkedIn redesigned the platform to become much, much more Facebook like when they released objectives in 2019. And unfortunately, one of the features that disappeared was the chart, despite it actu

17 min