37 min

LinkedIn Ads for Account Based Marketing - Ep 56 LinkedIn Ads Show

    • Marketing

Show Resources Here were the resources we covered in the episode:
NEW LinkedIn Learning course about LinkedIn Ads by AJ Wilcox
Contact us at Podcast@B2Linked.com with ideas for what you'd like AJ to cover.
Show Transcript Account Based Marketing with LinkedIn ads. Exactly what to do for the best results. Coming right up on this week's episode of the LinkedIn Ads Show.
Welcome to the LinkedIn Ads Show. Here's your host, AJ Wilcox.
Hey there LinkedIn Ads fanatics. So Account Based Marketing is hot in the B2B sphere. There are so many different companies with ABM offerings, and it's literally become a buzzword in the B2B community. It's really interesting to me because LinkedIn Ads has had the ability to target specific companies with ads since it debuted in 2008. It continues to be, in my opinion, by far the best way to do Account Based Marketing. So on this episode, we're going to go over exactly what ABM is, and how to do it effectively with LinkedIn. We'll also cover what sort of content and offers work well, and the basics of how to segment your campaigns. Make sure to listen all the way to the end, as I'm going to be sharing my top five favorite ABM tactics. Okay, jumping into the news here, you may have noticed that banner at the top of account manager letting you know that there's going to be a new left hand navigation for campaign manager. Well, we got it on some of our accounts and I was pleased to report, since we talked about this in last week's news, that is actually pretty cool. A new addition here is under assets, there's asset history. And that's kind of cool. We haven't had any sort of historical record keeping of anything in the accounts up to this point. So I'm excited to see that. Something else that I really liked about it is it removed the extra step of switching between accounts, which we obviously as an ad agency, who is running LinkedIn Ads, and we're running a lot of them, it's quite a pain to back out of an account and then go back into another one. Well, now it's a very quick click to stay right within campaign manager and just switch accounts. Alright, let's jump into ABM. Let's hit it.
So first off, I think we have to define what ABM or Account Based Marketing is, because it really has become a buzzword and it's something that CMOs and other marketing professionals throw around, and may not actually know what it means or how it applies to their own marketing efforts. So by my own definition, Account Based Marketing, or Account Based Targeting, or Account Based Sales, it all revolves around the same idea that we are targeting specific companies by name. The way you can think about this is a company can go out and try to acquire as many customers as they want., but Account Based Marketing is all about saying, well, actually, we know a handful or more than a handful of the companies who would be perfect for us, they would be our ideal customers. In that case, you could have a separate effort where you're going after those handful of excellent ideal customers, while still trying to attract the majority of the other accounts, while still trying to attract other business from the rest of the industry. In our case, we specialize in the largest and most involved in highest spending accounts on the LinkedIn Ads platform. And so we know who a handful of those larger players are that we would love to get to work on their accounts. So of course, we want to show ads specifically to them, because any one of those would be a fantastic partnership for us. So my question to you is, who should be doing Account Based Marketing? For me, for a long time I've been telling people, not everyone should advertise on LinkedIn. For some companies, the costs are just too high to make it profitable for them. For instance, if you're a SaaS software that selling for, you know, $100 a month and you don't have contracts, it's likely going to take a long time to recoup any sort of investment. And it may not be possi

Show Resources Here were the resources we covered in the episode:
NEW LinkedIn Learning course about LinkedIn Ads by AJ Wilcox
Contact us at Podcast@B2Linked.com with ideas for what you'd like AJ to cover.
Show Transcript Account Based Marketing with LinkedIn ads. Exactly what to do for the best results. Coming right up on this week's episode of the LinkedIn Ads Show.
Welcome to the LinkedIn Ads Show. Here's your host, AJ Wilcox.
Hey there LinkedIn Ads fanatics. So Account Based Marketing is hot in the B2B sphere. There are so many different companies with ABM offerings, and it's literally become a buzzword in the B2B community. It's really interesting to me because LinkedIn Ads has had the ability to target specific companies with ads since it debuted in 2008. It continues to be, in my opinion, by far the best way to do Account Based Marketing. So on this episode, we're going to go over exactly what ABM is, and how to do it effectively with LinkedIn. We'll also cover what sort of content and offers work well, and the basics of how to segment your campaigns. Make sure to listen all the way to the end, as I'm going to be sharing my top five favorite ABM tactics. Okay, jumping into the news here, you may have noticed that banner at the top of account manager letting you know that there's going to be a new left hand navigation for campaign manager. Well, we got it on some of our accounts and I was pleased to report, since we talked about this in last week's news, that is actually pretty cool. A new addition here is under assets, there's asset history. And that's kind of cool. We haven't had any sort of historical record keeping of anything in the accounts up to this point. So I'm excited to see that. Something else that I really liked about it is it removed the extra step of switching between accounts, which we obviously as an ad agency, who is running LinkedIn Ads, and we're running a lot of them, it's quite a pain to back out of an account and then go back into another one. Well, now it's a very quick click to stay right within campaign manager and just switch accounts. Alright, let's jump into ABM. Let's hit it.
So first off, I think we have to define what ABM or Account Based Marketing is, because it really has become a buzzword and it's something that CMOs and other marketing professionals throw around, and may not actually know what it means or how it applies to their own marketing efforts. So by my own definition, Account Based Marketing, or Account Based Targeting, or Account Based Sales, it all revolves around the same idea that we are targeting specific companies by name. The way you can think about this is a company can go out and try to acquire as many customers as they want., but Account Based Marketing is all about saying, well, actually, we know a handful or more than a handful of the companies who would be perfect for us, they would be our ideal customers. In that case, you could have a separate effort where you're going after those handful of excellent ideal customers, while still trying to attract the majority of the other accounts, while still trying to attract other business from the rest of the industry. In our case, we specialize in the largest and most involved in highest spending accounts on the LinkedIn Ads platform. And so we know who a handful of those larger players are that we would love to get to work on their accounts. So of course, we want to show ads specifically to them, because any one of those would be a fantastic partnership for us. So my question to you is, who should be doing Account Based Marketing? For me, for a long time I've been telling people, not everyone should advertise on LinkedIn. For some companies, the costs are just too high to make it profitable for them. For instance, if you're a SaaS software that selling for, you know, $100 a month and you don't have contracts, it's likely going to take a long time to recoup any sort of investment. And it may not be possi

37 min