39 min

LinkedIn Ads Retargeting and Nurturing Strategies - Ep 58 LinkedIn Ads Show

    • Marketing

Show Resources Here were the resources we covered in the episode:
Brenda Meller's post detailing all the new industries
Oribi Aquisition
Company Engagement Report
New Pages Updates
NEW LinkedIn Learning course about LinkedIn Ads by AJ Wilcox
Contact us at Podcast@B2Linked.com with ideas for what you'd like AJ to cover.
Show Transcript LinkedIn Ads has a lot of options for retargeting and nurturing your prospects. What's worth using and what isn't. We'll talk about all of this in more in this week's episode of the LinkedIn Ads Show.
Welcome to the LinkedIn Ads Show. Here's your host, AJ Wilcox.
Hey there LinkedIn Ads fanatics! You're probably aware that retargeting ads are some of the most powerful ads that you can run, and also one of the cheapest. It's kind of like a digital marketing superpower. So LinkedIn has had retargeting since 2017. But I've never really been all that hot on it for reasons that we'll get into today. But in the last few years, LinkedIn has given us some really great firepower for nurturing our prospects. We'll dive into the different retargeting and nurturing strategies that you can use, even right now, to get the best bang for your hard earned marketing budget buck. First, let's cover the news because there's been a lot this week. In our Account Based Marketing episode that was episode 56, we talked about the company engagement report. This is when you upload a list of company names into your matched audiences and then you can click into them later to see which individual companies have been seeing your ads and engaging with them. Well, this was always really hard to share with your sales team or your ops team. And you can imagine how valuable that might be to get over to sales or get over to maybe your marketing or sales ops, like, hey, these two companies are really engaging with our stuff, right now, it might be a good time to reach out to them. Well, LinkedIn announced this week that your company engagement report is now going to have a CSV export feature. So now you can download this into Excel and send it around to whomever you'd like. About two weeks ago, LinkedIn announced that they acquired an Israeli company called Oribi. LinkedIn's own words, they said, "Through the integration of Oribi's technology into our marketing solutions platform, our customers will benefit from enhanced campaign attribution to optimize the ROI of their advertising strategies. This means that our customers will be able to more easily measure website conversions with automated tags and code free technology, as well as build more effective audiences, all in a way that is privacy first by design." What this tells me is this is a technology that's going to help us with attribution and conversion tracking. Basically, a lot of the stuff that we're losing as cookies go away. So, it all sounds really good on the surface, I'm really excited to see what LinkedIn does with it. Also, I'm sure you've all felt the same pain that we have, which is when you go to select an industry in LinkedIn's company pages, or even on your personal profile, the choices were very limited. I think there were only something like 26 different industries that you could choose. Correct me if I'm wrong on that. Well, something that is absolutely fantastic, LinkedIn reached out and said, Hey, we're expanding our number of industries that you can claim to over 400 different industries. If you are using industry targeting, this may be a huge help to you. But LinkedIn, and I know you listen, I have a huge ask for you on this one. I noticed when going through all of the new industries that we could select, we couldn't select SAAS software, and we couldn't select B2B. Those are two that for the longest time, I've really struggled to figure out how we can effectively target SAAS companies on LinkedIn, as well as those who are B2B versus B2C. If there's any way that we could get those somehow wrapped up in our targeting, or in company page cl

Show Resources Here were the resources we covered in the episode:
Brenda Meller's post detailing all the new industries
Oribi Aquisition
Company Engagement Report
New Pages Updates
NEW LinkedIn Learning course about LinkedIn Ads by AJ Wilcox
Contact us at Podcast@B2Linked.com with ideas for what you'd like AJ to cover.
Show Transcript LinkedIn Ads has a lot of options for retargeting and nurturing your prospects. What's worth using and what isn't. We'll talk about all of this in more in this week's episode of the LinkedIn Ads Show.
Welcome to the LinkedIn Ads Show. Here's your host, AJ Wilcox.
Hey there LinkedIn Ads fanatics! You're probably aware that retargeting ads are some of the most powerful ads that you can run, and also one of the cheapest. It's kind of like a digital marketing superpower. So LinkedIn has had retargeting since 2017. But I've never really been all that hot on it for reasons that we'll get into today. But in the last few years, LinkedIn has given us some really great firepower for nurturing our prospects. We'll dive into the different retargeting and nurturing strategies that you can use, even right now, to get the best bang for your hard earned marketing budget buck. First, let's cover the news because there's been a lot this week. In our Account Based Marketing episode that was episode 56, we talked about the company engagement report. This is when you upload a list of company names into your matched audiences and then you can click into them later to see which individual companies have been seeing your ads and engaging with them. Well, this was always really hard to share with your sales team or your ops team. And you can imagine how valuable that might be to get over to sales or get over to maybe your marketing or sales ops, like, hey, these two companies are really engaging with our stuff, right now, it might be a good time to reach out to them. Well, LinkedIn announced this week that your company engagement report is now going to have a CSV export feature. So now you can download this into Excel and send it around to whomever you'd like. About two weeks ago, LinkedIn announced that they acquired an Israeli company called Oribi. LinkedIn's own words, they said, "Through the integration of Oribi's technology into our marketing solutions platform, our customers will benefit from enhanced campaign attribution to optimize the ROI of their advertising strategies. This means that our customers will be able to more easily measure website conversions with automated tags and code free technology, as well as build more effective audiences, all in a way that is privacy first by design." What this tells me is this is a technology that's going to help us with attribution and conversion tracking. Basically, a lot of the stuff that we're losing as cookies go away. So, it all sounds really good on the surface, I'm really excited to see what LinkedIn does with it. Also, I'm sure you've all felt the same pain that we have, which is when you go to select an industry in LinkedIn's company pages, or even on your personal profile, the choices were very limited. I think there were only something like 26 different industries that you could choose. Correct me if I'm wrong on that. Well, something that is absolutely fantastic, LinkedIn reached out and said, Hey, we're expanding our number of industries that you can claim to over 400 different industries. If you are using industry targeting, this may be a huge help to you. But LinkedIn, and I know you listen, I have a huge ask for you on this one. I noticed when going through all of the new industries that we could select, we couldn't select SAAS software, and we couldn't select B2B. Those are two that for the longest time, I've really struggled to figure out how we can effectively target SAAS companies on LinkedIn, as well as those who are B2B versus B2C. If there's any way that we could get those somehow wrapped up in our targeting, or in company page cl

39 min