73 episodes

Laine Lawson Craft delivers hope, sound spiritual solutions, and applications that help us turn our hurts to healing. No one gets through this life without being hurt. However, far too many of us are not enjoying life because of broken hearts and shattered dreams.

No matter what hurts we may be facing or the trauma that we may have experienced, you can find hope here. You will love this power-packed podcast, as the episodes shine a light on people who have turned their tremendous hurts to find triumphant healings.

Everyone is invited to join the conversation. Connect and discover, despite the hurts and tragedies that you have faced, learn how healing is possible so that we can enjoy today and own tomorrow together.

Livin Lively with Laine Laine Lawson Craft

    • Society & Culture
    • 5.0 • 33 Ratings

Laine Lawson Craft delivers hope, sound spiritual solutions, and applications that help us turn our hurts to healing. No one gets through this life without being hurt. However, far too many of us are not enjoying life because of broken hearts and shattered dreams.

No matter what hurts we may be facing or the trauma that we may have experienced, you can find hope here. You will love this power-packed podcast, as the episodes shine a light on people who have turned their tremendous hurts to find triumphant healings.

Everyone is invited to join the conversation. Connect and discover, despite the hurts and tragedies that you have faced, learn how healing is possible so that we can enjoy today and own tomorrow together.

    You Can Prevent and Survive Cancer

    You Can Prevent and Survive Cancer

    Have you had cancer or does anyone you love suffer from cancer? Today, Ginny Brant shares her powerful healing story and ways that we can prevent and survive cancer starting today!
    Ginny shares, "I was on a mission to not get cancer because there was so much of it in my family. And it was four months after my mother died of breast cancer that providentially, as my sister would say, I found a lump in my breast. I had just done the Cooper River Bridge run with my husband. I walked briskly, but the point is, at the end of it that night, my ring got caught in my nighty in the middle of the night, and that's when I found the lump. So I immediately looked into it, but I wasn't too concerned about it. I had been here once before, and they weren't anything to worry about. But I went to the doctor, and the first bad news was, yeah, this is cancer. And then the next week, more test results came back. They told me it's not just cancer. It's aggressive. And then, the third week after the results of the MRI came back; they gave me the news that brought me to my knees. They said it's not only aggressive; it appears to be in your lymph nodes and different places in your body. Wow. I don't understand. Because I went for a second opinion in Chicago by Cancer Treatment Centers of America. And the first thing that doctors went through with me was the risk factors for this aggressive breast cancer. There were eight of them. I didn't have one of them. So since my mother had died from breast cancer, they did extensive genetic testing that showed nothing."
    This started Ginny's search for how she could've prevented cancer and how she would beat cancer!
    Here are her top three revelations that she shares will help prevent and increase your successful survival of cancer:
    Emotions: Your emotions can draw illness. These unresolved emotions, things like in my case for 15 years, I took care of ailing parents, a father with dementia, and a mother with breast cancer. The point is, we were in a grief cycle we couldn't get out of. I've discovered that long-term grief, long-term anger, or any long-term negative emotion can suppress your immune system. So 15 years of not being able to stop grief put my body in a position where it couldn't heal normally and regenerate. It suppressed the immune system that God had given me.
    Toxins and heavy metals: My doctor tested me, and I had heavy metals because of the chemo. I was introduced to the infrared sauna company. I thought they would test heavy metals, which I already knew, and how we keep track of my progress. They pointed me to 15 out of 20 chemicals in that chemical profile, that red high zone in my body and many of them work endocrine-disrupting hormones, or what we call Xenoestrogens that mimic estrogen in the body. I had an estrogen-based and aggressive cancer. So when I showed the results to my doctors at the cancer center, they said, " Oh, this is definitely one of the causes of your cancer.
    Healthy Gut- Having a healthy gut lining protects you from cancer. It protects you from brain disease, heart disease, and even severe symptoms of COVID 19. The research is clear that 70 to 80% of your immune cells are in that gut lining. And so we must keep it nourished adequately with fruits and vegetables and plants and fermented foods.
    Ginny shared that she was very intentional. She was very different. She said, "You know, I just asked God to guide me as I was doing my research, and you know, like He clearly pulled back the curtain on cancer for me, and I never would know everything that was going on in my body, but I saw the main things that would give me something to work with so that I could respond well after receiving the worst chemo known to mankind. I could restore my body back to full health. And why is that? Because God created our bodies to heal on an everyday basis. It is a miracle, and when we start to remove all the things that are suppressing that, then our body can get back to healing and regene

    • 21 min
    Fear and Panic Don't Have to be Your Story with Christy Boulware

    Fear and Panic Don't Have to be Your Story with Christy Boulware

    Our world is so busy! 
    We can't have the peace of God in the craziness.
    Can we have victory over anxiety? Can you overcome panic attacks? 
    Christy Boulware was so successful at 25 years old, but in 2011 she had her first panic attack. Her life snowballed from there- paralysis, vision issues, and she had to rush to the emergency room in the middle of the night. ALL is fine- NOTHING was wrong with me. I felt like I was dying. 
    The doctor said, "You have anxiety."
    Christy was shocked! Christy had everything: money, success, children, and happy marriage.
    But her anxiety got worst, and she had back-to-back panic attacks. She had to have her mom help take care of her children because she couldn't get out of the bedroom. She then had suicidal thoughts. Anxiety will manifest. Stress and anxiety can physically show up: shortness of breath, your GI tract can be impacted, the tension in your body, and maybe your chest tightens. There will be constant obsessive thoughts. Then, spiritually we are attacked through fear.
    Christy tells us that you can turn a nervous breakdown into a nervous breakthrough. Christy shares how you, too, can find victory over panic attacks and anxiety. Join in on the conversation now.
    Connect with Christy
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    Connect with Laine

    • 20 min
    What to do when your dreams are shattered with Amy Joob

    What to do when your dreams are shattered with Amy Joob

    What do you do when a door closes? 
    When your dreams die? 
    Amy Joob went from triathlete to model, then to an author. 
    Join Amy as she shares how she was made "new" after her dreams crashed. She went from triathlete to being a successful model.
    God sometimes allows things for a season, and then when a door shuts, another one opens. BUT in the transition, you grieve, and you feel lost. But God won't leave you there!
    God brings you to places where you never dreamed you could go!
    Amy shares she had a troubled childhood and had to learn how to fight through it. She had to learn and survive in difficult times. She shares that struggles helped her know how to start over.
    In 2009 had a second baby with special needs and had many medical conditions – again, and all of her dreams were put on hold while she took care of him and her other child. But she did finally write her book.
    Listen as she helps us become unstuck and how to build our dreams back!
    Connect with Amy
    Unstuck Step into the New: A 40 Day Prayer Journal 
    DOWNLOAD FREE: 5 Warfare Prayers for Your Prodigal
    Connect with Laine 

    • 23 min
    Do You Need Help for Anxiety and Your tweens with Caris Snider

    Do You Need Help for Anxiety and Your tweens with Caris Snider

    Many times our tweens, teens, and young adults suffer from anxiety. Sometimes we don't know what to do. Caris Snider, an anxiety survivor herself, has written all about anxiety and now for girl and boy tweens too!
    Tweens are around the age of 8 years old to 12 years old.
    Older teens and young adults who face anxiety would greatly benefit from Caris's first book, Anxiety Elephants 31 Day Devotional!
    Maybe you aren't sure if your child is suffering from anxiety. Here are some symptoms: stomach ache, headaches, fidgety, distraction during school or sports, crying, or getting angry. These are real symptoms, and we need to dig a little deeper to help them overcome anxiety.
    How do we help our children with anxiety? Here are a few suggestions:
    Open up a conversation while distracted, so they are more likely to open up. Start conversations with specific questions about today. For example, "How was your lunch?" instead of "How was your day?" We want the most information we can get. Discuss some of the more complex issues with your tween, teen, and young adults to prepare and not be caught off guard, giving them a firm foundation. These keys can help you equip them for anxiety- why wait?
    In Anxiety Elephants for Tweens, you get a scripture, devotion, and a stomp step to help stomp out anxiety each day. There is also a Prayer and journaling page so that they can write down their struggles or what they learned- or even draw something- or rewrite the scripture.
    Once you determine that your intuition may be correct, here are a few more positive steps to help them. Admit and acknowledge they are anxious so you know that you need the next steps. If your child
    had asthma, you would go to a doctor and even get medicine. So first, make an appointment with your child's doctor and make sure there is no underlying condition. Rule out any physical problems. Then make an appointment for a counselor to help guide your anxious tweens to healing.
    Connect with Caris 
    Book: Anxiety Elephants for Tweens

    DOWNLOAD FREE: 5 Warfare Prayers for Your Prodigal

    • 21 min
    God are You with Me in my Struggle with Misty Phillip

    God are You with Me in my Struggle with Misty Phillip

    God, are you with me in my struggle? That is what Misty Phillip asked God. Now she shares her experiences in today's Livin' Lively with Laine Podcast.
    I experienced many struggles from an early age. And then I thought when I became a believer that somehow life would be so much more amazing and that I wouldn't have struggles. And anybody who reads the Bible knows that Jesus said that we will have tribulation in this world, not we might have tribulation. And part of the Believers Walk is going through trials and tribulations, and it is those trials and tribulations that conform us to the image of Christ and make us more like him when we surrender and submit our lives to Him.
    It's hard, though, isn't it? I mean, amid the struggle, it is hard to go, Okay, God, you're curating something beautiful out of this. And that is why it is a struggle because I think any of us with a faith root system knows God is there. But sometimes we don't feel like do we? Yeah, it can definitely be a challenge. But for me, I know that when I was going through some really serious struggles as a young wife and a mother, the only thing that got me through those struggles was my lifeline to the Word of God. And it was those times that God really poured into me that then I was able to pour that back out on the pages of the struggle is real, but so is God.
    One particular season that I was referencing, as a new mom, I was on bed rest with my youngest son for almost my entire pregnancy. I had two boys that I was homeschooling, one of which had grand mal seizures as a baby and profound special needs. At the same time, we lived next door to my husband's parents, who both had brain tumors. So in that time, my husband lost his job. It was literally like one major thing after another. And that is just in a short couple years span. It was exhausting. And I was like, God, why not question him? Like, why is this happening? But what can I do? 
    You know, being in His Word, searching for truth. And that's where I learned that we all have struggles, right? Sometimes they're small struggles, and sometimes they're big struggles. Your struggles are going to be different than my struggles. You know, other struggles I experienced in the past, I've lost babies, had a stillborn child with trisomy 18, experienced a lot of death and grief in my family. I was in rebellion as a young person and did all the wrong things before.
    God radically changed my life. 
    But in seasons, I was truly walking in darkness, and God radically pulled me out of that. So all of those struggles, you may not have my struggles, but we all struggle at some level, whether it's tension within our family, a job loss, or the death of a loved one. And so, how we navigate those trials is what I think is so important. 
    I think it's okay for us to take our questions to God and ask him why we can't get stuck in the why. We have to surrender and bow our knees to him and pick up that cross and follow Him. And it's not always easy. But when we do that, we can rest under his sovereign hand. As you're talking, we see these are just amazing stories of true struggles. I feel struggles are universal, and they all are equal. What may be a struggle for you might necessarily be a greater struggle for someone else. I mean, struggles or struggles is all I'm getting to. I don't think we need to have opinions or measurements of it. If someone's hurting, then that's my measurement. If you're hurting, if you're in grief, or if you're struggling over something that you could not prevent that, man, those are tough times. 
    And you do wonder, as you said, why not? Why God, but why? Why? What am I going to do about it? God? Tell us how your devotion or your Bible study came about through these struggles. Yeah. So when my oldest son went to college, I had homeschooled my boys and thought I was going to homeschool my boys and then be a grandma. And I realized very quickly that if I didn't find somet

    • 18 min
    Do You Want to Know Your Spouse Better? with Linda Goldfarb

    Do You Want to Know Your Spouse Better? with Linda Goldfarb

    Do You Want to Know Your Spouse Better?
    In today’s Livin’ Lively with Laine Podcast we will answer this question, “Do you want to know your spouse better?” I sure wish I could’ve known what I know now to get along better with my husband.
    We were at odds for way too many years. We literally lived on opposite ends of the house for several years.
    It was very sad and a lot of it was that we misunderstood one another.
    When my marriage was dead, and I was hopeless, I sure wished I had known about Linked for Couples.
    Steve and I did NOT understand each other at all! It took several years of counseling to learn about each of our personalities and how to deal with one another better!
    Here are a few questions that you can ask yourself today about your marriage:
    Do you love your spouse but feel like you don't understand each other?
    Do you long to have a deeper connection with your life's partner?
    Is your marriage thriving or merely surviving?
    Is there conflict in your home that you would like to convert to peace?
    If you answered "yes" to any of the questions above, this quick guide to personalities is for you. You will want to listen in with Linda Goldfarb today on the Livin' Lively with Laine Podcast as she shares proven strategies and quick tips to help you connect better with your spouse and positively handle real-life situations.


    WEBSITE: https://www.lainelawsoncraft.com

    FREE "IS LIFE HURTING TOO MUCH" E-BOOK: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/e0mwfA6/life

    DOWNLOAD FREE: 5 Warfare Prayers for Your Prodigal: https://lainelawsoncraft.com/prayers

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    TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LaineLawsonCrft

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/LaineLawsonCraft/

    • 26 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
33 Ratings

33 Ratings

@kimstewinspired ,

Inspiration your heart needs

I love how Laine and her guests inspire our hearts to know that no matter the hurts we endure, God’s Word can heal us. 💛 Kim Stewart | Book Marketing Mania for Christian Authors

qdo;qfnjqkfnkwn ,

Fun and Encouraging Truth!

Laine leads with fun, encouragement and Truth! And who doesn’t need all of these things in life??!! You’ll be glad that you listened!

SusanNealYoga ,

Hope and encouragement

This podcast will bring you hope and encouragement when you need it. Life is full of problems, but with hope from the Lord we can overcome. This podcast is about being an over comer and reactivating your Christian walk.

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