37 min

Living on the Edge of Life | The Silent Sacrifices of the Selfless Spirituality Matters with Rev Karla

    • Spirituality

In this episode, Rev Karla discuss the intricate layers of grief. Grief isn't a one-size-fits-all process; it's a lifelong journey that impacts us all at some point. It's not just about losing a loved one; it can be triggered by various life events, from relationship endings to significant societal shifts. Rev Karla challenges the traditional "five stages of grief" model, highlighting that it's not as linear as we once thought. Instead, think of grief as a winding path, often unpredictable and non-linear.
Throughout the episode, Rev Karla offers practical advice on how to cope with grief, while stressing the importance of acknowledging and honoring grief through meaningful rituals and altars that allow us to remember our lost loved ones. She also discusses how grief can be transformed into action, personal growth, or advocacy, sharing real-life examples of this transformation. This podcast encourages us to embrace our grief with compassion and seek support when needed understanding that grief is part of our human experience.
You can read the Blog version of this episode, listen on all streaming platforms, or watch the uncut version on our YouTube channel Spirituality Matters with Rev Karla. Please don't forget to like and subscribe!
For a list of full resources for this episode visit us online: 
Rev Karla's Podcast → https://revkarla.com/podcast/
For more information and support along your spiritual journey visit our links below ↓ 
IG → https://www.instagram.com/revkarla/
TT → https://www.tiktok.com/@revkarla
FB → https://www.facebook.com/reverendkarla/
Shop Rev Karla’s Online Store: shop.revkarla.com
*Podcast Channels* 
Apple → https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/spirituality-matters-with-rev-karla/id1532612816
Spotify → https://open.spotify.com/show/6YCTW5kdJW0BIaKwTAp5jO
Google → https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL3NwaXJpdHVhbGl0eW1hdHRlcnMvZmVlZC54bWw
To submit questions for Rev Karla’s Podcast email us → spiritualitymatters@revkarla.com 
#podcast #spiritualitymatters #exvangelcial #exchristian #spiritualnotreligious #spiritual #spirituality #revkarla #leavingchurch #theology #religioustrauma #leavingchristianity #deconstructingfaith #religiouspatriarchy #grief

In this episode, Rev Karla discuss the intricate layers of grief. Grief isn't a one-size-fits-all process; it's a lifelong journey that impacts us all at some point. It's not just about losing a loved one; it can be triggered by various life events, from relationship endings to significant societal shifts. Rev Karla challenges the traditional "five stages of grief" model, highlighting that it's not as linear as we once thought. Instead, think of grief as a winding path, often unpredictable and non-linear.
Throughout the episode, Rev Karla offers practical advice on how to cope with grief, while stressing the importance of acknowledging and honoring grief through meaningful rituals and altars that allow us to remember our lost loved ones. She also discusses how grief can be transformed into action, personal growth, or advocacy, sharing real-life examples of this transformation. This podcast encourages us to embrace our grief with compassion and seek support when needed understanding that grief is part of our human experience.
You can read the Blog version of this episode, listen on all streaming platforms, or watch the uncut version on our YouTube channel Spirituality Matters with Rev Karla. Please don't forget to like and subscribe!
For a list of full resources for this episode visit us online: 
Rev Karla's Podcast → https://revkarla.com/podcast/
For more information and support along your spiritual journey visit our links below ↓ 
IG → https://www.instagram.com/revkarla/
TT → https://www.tiktok.com/@revkarla
FB → https://www.facebook.com/reverendkarla/
Shop Rev Karla’s Online Store: shop.revkarla.com
*Podcast Channels* 
Apple → https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/spirituality-matters-with-rev-karla/id1532612816
Spotify → https://open.spotify.com/show/6YCTW5kdJW0BIaKwTAp5jO
Google → https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL3NwaXJpdHVhbGl0eW1hdHRlcnMvZmVlZC54bWw
To submit questions for Rev Karla’s Podcast email us → spiritualitymatters@revkarla.com 
#podcast #spiritualitymatters #exvangelcial #exchristian #spiritualnotreligious #spiritual #spirituality #revkarla #leavingchurch #theology #religioustrauma #leavingchristianity #deconstructingfaith #religiouspatriarchy #grief

37 min