46 min

Lori Michele Leavitt Talk, Unleashed

    • Self-Improvement

Having vision, clarity, and the right circle of trusted advisors. Sounds like a no-brainer for success, right? Funny how not simple it actually is. What IS a trusted advisor? Who are the people who trust and how do you engage with them? Today’s guest, Lori Michele Leavitt is a consultant and coach who guides organizations and the people who lead them to engaged leadership and the ability to pivot. If the last few years have taught us anything it’s that the ability to adapt quickly can mean the difference between life or death – literally. She has created a community for leaders to find the peer support they need to lead well, and her latest book, Pivot to Clarity, takes the lessons from her first book to the next level. In this unleashed conversation, Lori talks about experiences she’s had to navigate challenging business situations, finding the vision to move ahead and most of all the way you treat others determines precisely how they will behave with you – a lesson she learned well over the years … from her cats.

What does leadership actually mean in today’s world? Good questions, right? That’s what Cathy Brooks, thought. And it’s why she created Talk, Unleashed – a podcast of entirely candid conversations with fascinating people doing remarkable things. This weekly podcast features guests from arts and entertainment to business, technology, food, activism, and politics (well, we’ll see on that last one). Talk Unleashed invites these influencers to consider the things that have led to them to where they are, the lessons they’ve learned and how all those things can come together to create a better world. Talk, Unleashed’s special sauce – how people’s connections to lessons they learned from animals are the foundation of everything they do. When she’s not engaged in unleashed conversation with her guests, Cathy is a life coach – leading her clients (corporate and individuals) to more robust and engaged communication and up-leveling leadership.

#LoriMicheleLeavitt #PivotToClarity #ThePivot #leadership #TalkUnleashed #UnleashedConversation #UnleashedLeadership #FixYourEndofTheLeash

Having vision, clarity, and the right circle of trusted advisors. Sounds like a no-brainer for success, right? Funny how not simple it actually is. What IS a trusted advisor? Who are the people who trust and how do you engage with them? Today’s guest, Lori Michele Leavitt is a consultant and coach who guides organizations and the people who lead them to engaged leadership and the ability to pivot. If the last few years have taught us anything it’s that the ability to adapt quickly can mean the difference between life or death – literally. She has created a community for leaders to find the peer support they need to lead well, and her latest book, Pivot to Clarity, takes the lessons from her first book to the next level. In this unleashed conversation, Lori talks about experiences she’s had to navigate challenging business situations, finding the vision to move ahead and most of all the way you treat others determines precisely how they will behave with you – a lesson she learned well over the years … from her cats.

What does leadership actually mean in today’s world? Good questions, right? That’s what Cathy Brooks, thought. And it’s why she created Talk, Unleashed – a podcast of entirely candid conversations with fascinating people doing remarkable things. This weekly podcast features guests from arts and entertainment to business, technology, food, activism, and politics (well, we’ll see on that last one). Talk Unleashed invites these influencers to consider the things that have led to them to where they are, the lessons they’ve learned and how all those things can come together to create a better world. Talk, Unleashed’s special sauce – how people’s connections to lessons they learned from animals are the foundation of everything they do. When she’s not engaged in unleashed conversation with her guests, Cathy is a life coach – leading her clients (corporate and individuals) to more robust and engaged communication and up-leveling leadership.

#LoriMicheleLeavitt #PivotToClarity #ThePivot #leadership #TalkUnleashed #UnleashedConversation #UnleashedLeadership #FixYourEndofTheLeash

46 min