30 episodes

"METRON" is an innovative spiritual movement that originated from the ministry of (Bishop) Jim Swilley in the summer of 2014, which brings together the best elements of CHURCH IN THE NOW ("Real People Experiencing the Real God in the Real World"), and connects them with other schools of thought which are of interest to modern spiritual seekers, such as Quantum Physics, The Law(s) of Attraction, Motivational Speaking, and other spiritually relevant concepts...think of the events as sort of 'Ted Talks' meets spirituality...

the METRON Community connects every day online at www.metroncommunity.blogspot.com and

at www.youtube.com/bishinthenow, and

physically meets every Sunday at 11 AM at Landmark's Midtown Art Cinema in the Midtown Promenade, 931 Monroe Drive in beautiful and historic Midtown Atlanta...30308

METRON (μέτρον) is a Greek word for "measurement" or "sphere of influence", and every Sunday Jim Swilley brings a relevant message to the community that creates an environment for:







METRON Community also features a Musical Artist of the Month and a Community Outreach of the Month, every month...

Metron Live Jim Swilley

    • Religion & Spirituality
    • 5.0 • 10 Ratings

"METRON" is an innovative spiritual movement that originated from the ministry of (Bishop) Jim Swilley in the summer of 2014, which brings together the best elements of CHURCH IN THE NOW ("Real People Experiencing the Real God in the Real World"), and connects them with other schools of thought which are of interest to modern spiritual seekers, such as Quantum Physics, The Law(s) of Attraction, Motivational Speaking, and other spiritually relevant concepts...think of the events as sort of 'Ted Talks' meets spirituality...

the METRON Community connects every day online at www.metroncommunity.blogspot.com and

at www.youtube.com/bishinthenow, and

physically meets every Sunday at 11 AM at Landmark's Midtown Art Cinema in the Midtown Promenade, 931 Monroe Drive in beautiful and historic Midtown Atlanta...30308

METRON (μέτρον) is a Greek word for "measurement" or "sphere of influence", and every Sunday Jim Swilley brings a relevant message to the community that creates an environment for:







METRON Community also features a Musical Artist of the Month and a Community Outreach of the Month, every month...

    FUTURE VISION: Developing the Ability to See the Joy Set Before You (Part 1)

    FUTURE VISION: Developing the Ability to See the Joy Set Before You (Part 1)

    +website www.bishinthenow.com

    +Youtube – BishInTheNow

    Bishop Jim’s insightful messages help others find THEIR METRON through M~otivation E~nlightenment T~ranscendence R~enewal O~utreach and N~etworking

    Join us in person each Sunday at 195 Arizona Ave NE w1, Atlanta, GA 30307

    Watch the video on Facebook:   Here

    Watch the video on Youtube :   Here

    Follow Jim Swilley on Facebook to see the videos live Sundays at 11 am – https://www.youtube.com/bishinthenow

    Notes translated by AI

    # Developing Future Vision, Positive Mindset, and Resilience Through Faith and Practical Strategies

    > Date & Time:  2024-07-14 11:22:28

    > Location: Metron at Landmark Theater

    Key Learnings

    ### 1. Future Vision: Developing the Ability to See the Joy Set Before You

    – **Key Points**

      – The concept of future vision is derived from Hebrews 12:2 in the New King James Version.

      – The purpose of Jesus dying on the cross is interpreted as changing our self-image and how we relate to God.

      – The writer of Hebrews, possibly Paul, emphasizes seeing beyond immediate suffering to the joy set before.

      – The importance of not getting fixated on immediate challenges but looking for the positive outcomes.

    – **Explanation**

      The speaker explains that future vision involves seeing beyond immediate difficulties and focusing on the joy and accomplishments that lie ahead. This concept is illustrated using Hebrews 12:2, which talks about Jesus enduring the cross for the joy set before him. The speaker emphasizes that this perspective helps individuals to deal with repetitive and challenging tasks by focusing on the positive outcomes.

    – **Jesus’ Sacrifice**

      > Jesus endured the cross for the joy set before him, which was his own sense of accomplishment and not necessarily for others.

      1. Jesus’ sacrifice is seen as a way to change our self-image and relationship with God.

      2. The writer of Hebrews emphasizes that Jesus saw beyond the immediate suffering to the joy that lay ahead.

    – **Personal Experience with Repetitive Tasks**

      > The speaker shares a personal experience of working at the California Library, where he had to repeatedly organize books according to the Dewey Decimal System.

      1. The repetitive nature of the task was challenging, but it was part of the job and had to be done.

      2. This example illustrates the importance of seeing beyond immediate tasks to the overall responsibility and maturity required in adult life.

    – **Shoulder Surgery and Recovery**

      > The speaker had shoulder replacement surgery and had to endure pain and cortisone shots during recovery.

      1. The pain and discomfort were immediate challenges, but the speaker focused on the long-term recovery and strength improvement.

      2. This example highlights the importance of enduring immediate pain for future benefits.

    – **Receiving a Small Check**

      > The speaker received a small check in the mail, which was a fraction of what he expected.

      1. Instead of being disappointed, the speaker saw it as the first step towards receiving the full amount.

      2. This example demonstrates the importance of focusing on positive outcomes, even if they are small steps towards a larger goal.

    ### 2. Positive Mindset and Gratitude

    – **Key Points**

      – Maintaining a positive mindset can influence your day positively.

      – Expressing gratitude can lead to unexpected benefit...

    • 1 hr 7 min
    METRON LIVE 7-7-24: ‘Peace’

    METRON LIVE 7-7-24: ‘Peace’

    +website www.bishinthenow.com

    +Youtube – BishInTheNow

    Bishop Jim’s insightful messages help others find THEIR METRON through M~otivation E~nlightenment T~ranscendence R~enewal O~utreach and N~etworking

    Join us in person each Sunday at 195 Arizona Ave NE w1, Atlanta, GA 30307

    Watch the video on Facebook:   Here

    Watch the video on Youtube :   Here

    Follow Jim Swilley on Facebook to see the videos live Sundays at 11 am – https://www.youtube.com/bishinthenow

    Notes translated by AI

    This talk covers hearing from God, evangelical

    messages, dealing with anxiety, decision making,

    empathy, and social issues in a spiritual context.

    Date & Time: 2024-07-07 11:40:57

    Location: Metron at Atlanta Theater


    spirituality anxiety decision making

    Key Learnings

    1. Hearing from God: The concept of hearing from God,

    specifically through the Holy Spirit, and the importance of

    discerning whether the voice is internal or external.

    2. Evangelical Signs and Messages: The speaker discusses

    various evangelical signs and messages encountered during

    travels, and their impact.

    3. Dealing with Anxiety and Being Present: The speaker

    discusses the importance of being present and dealing with

    anxiety, especially in the context of caring for a loved one.

    4. Personal Experience in Pastoral Counseling: The importance

    of sharing personal experiences in pastoral counseling and how

    it can help others.

    5. Decision Making and Responsibility: The process of making

    difficult decisions and the responsibility that comes with it.

    6. Coping with Anxiety and Stress: Strategies for coping with

    anxiety and stress, especially when dealing with


    7. Human Experience and Empathy: The importance of

    acknowledging and respecting the human experience and

    showing empathy.

    8. Dealing with Anxiety: Discussion on how anxiety is

    omnipresent and how it affects individuals.

    9. Eckhart Tolle’s Philosophy: Discussion on Eckhart Tolle’s

    philosophy of not resisting any state of mind.

    10. Conflict in the Christian Church at Rome: Discussion on the

    conflict in the Christian church at Rome regarding meat offered

    to idols.

    11. Christian Nationalism and Modern Issues: Discussion on

    Christian nationalism, its historical context, and its impact on

    modern issues.

    12. Moses and Abortion: Discussion on Moses’ perspective on

    abortion as depicted in the Bible, specifically in the book of


    13. Embryo Freezing and Fertility Drugs: Discussion on the

    implications of embryo freezing and the use of fertility drugs.

    14. Democracy and Individual Rights: Discussion on

    democracy, individual rights, and the importance of respecting

    others’ beliefs and identities.

    15. Religious Beliefs and Social Issues: Discussion on how

    religious beliefs influence opinions on social issues like

    same-sex rights and abortion.

    16. Conflict Resolution and Peace: Discussion on the

    importance of resolving conflicts and maintaining peace.

    17. Kingdom of God and Social Issues: Discussion on the

    concept of the Kingdom of God and its relation to social issues.

    18. Personal Peace and Well-being: Discussion on the

    importance of personal peace and well-being.


    1. Hearing from God

    Key Points

    The speaker refers to the Holy Spirit as the voice of God.

    • 1 hr 17 min
    METRON LIVE 6-30-24: ‘THE POWER OF LETTING IT BE: Manifesting the Miraculous without Manipulation or Micromanagement’

    METRON LIVE 6-30-24: ‘THE POWER OF LETTING IT BE: Manifesting the Miraculous without Manipulation or Micromanagement’

    +website www.bishinthenow.com

    +Youtube – BishInTheNow

    Bishop Jim’s insightful messages help others find THEIR METRON through M~otivation E~nlightenment T~ranscendence R~enewal O~utreach and N~etworking

    Join us in person each Sunday at 195 Arizona Ave NE w1, Atlanta, GA 30307

    Watch the video on Facebook:   Here

    Watch the video on Youtube :   Here

    Follow Jim Swilley on Facebook to see the videos live Sundays at 11 am – https://www.youtube.com/bishinthenow

    Notes translated by AI

    Comprehensive Work Training: Communication,

    Counseling, Self-awareness, Micromanagement,

    Onboarding, Persistence, Intentional Living,

    Mindset, and Time Management

    Date & Time: 2024-06-30 11:33:29

    Location: Metron @ The Atlanta Theater

    Speaker: Bishop Jim Swilley


    The lecture emphasizes the importance of communication,

    personal growth, and managing life’s challenges with resilience

    and a positive attitude.


    1. Gratitude to the podcast audience and various supporters.

    2. Importance of communication and deep connections with

    team members.

    3. Manifesting the miraculous without manipulation and

    avoiding micromanagement.

    4. Personal accountability in one’s suffering and the impact of

    reactions to events.

    5. Challenges in the artistic process and learning to avoid


    6. Changes in routine and habits with age.

    7. Persistence and faith, illustrated through biblical references.

    8. Knowing when to let go and move on from unproductive


    9. Differentiating between neutrality and intentional surrender.

    10. Maintaining a positive attitude and resilience in the face of

    life’s challenges.


    “It’s not what happened to you, it’s how you dealt with it, how

    you thought about it, how it impacted you, how it triggered


    “The things that happen to us are about 10% of our problems.

    Our reactions to the things that happen to us comprise about

    90% of the suffering.”

    “You realize not everybody’s looking at you and they’re not

    obsessing over what you look like.”

    “The more I tried to fix it, the worse it got.”

    “The truth is somewhere between those two polarities.”

    “I can’t keep knocking on this door. I don’t even think it’s a door

    anymore. I think it’s a wall, and I’m just knocking on the wall and

    it’s not ever going to open.”

    “Surrender is actually an intentional action.”

    “Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your

    energy to what you can create.”– Roy T. Bennett

    “Most things in your life are going to work out if you’ll just stop

    freaking out about stuff.”

    “When you disconnect from having opinions about everybody,

    you just enjoy people so much more.”

    “Stuff will happen if you don’t micromanage it.”

    “You are the message. You’re not just the messenger, you’re

    the message.”

    “The universe doesn’t respond to what we want as much as it

    responds to who we are.”– Dispenza

    “I don’t fix my problems, I fix my thinking, and my thinking fixes

    my problems.”

    “Your problems are challenging you to a debate.”

    “If you’ve had the same conversation w...

    • 1 hr 16 min
    METRON LIVE 6-23-24: THE ART OF BEING HAPPY: Daring To Live The Dream In The Real World.

    METRON LIVE 6-23-24: THE ART OF BEING HAPPY: Daring To Live The Dream In The Real World.

    +website www.bishinthenow.com

    +Youtube – BishInTheNow

    Bishop Jim’s insightful messages help others find THEIR METRON through M~otivation E~nlightenment T~ranscendence R~enewal O~utreach and N~etworking

    Join us in person each Sunday at 195 Arizona Ave NE w1, Atlanta, GA 30307

    Watch the video on Facebook:   Here

    Watch the video on Youtube :   Here

    Follow Jim Swilley on Facebook to see the videos live Sundays at 11 am – https://www.youtube.com/bishinthenow

    Notes translated by AI

    # The Pursuit of Happiness: Overcoming Stress and Embracing Positivity Through Community and Personal Resilience

    `stress management` `positive mindset` `self-love`

    ### 1. The importance of recognizing small positive changes and maintaining a positive outlook in the pursuit of happiness and well-being.

    *  The speaker discusses their preference for listening to podcasts over music to relax and fall asleep, as they find music too engaging.

    *  The speaker introduces the topic of the podcast: ‘The Art of Being Happy, Daring to Live the Dream in the Real World,’ and critiques the superficial pursuit of happiness in modern culture.

    *  The speaker references Psalm 126:1 to illustrate the concept of freedom and the difficulty of adjusting to it after long periods of captivity or hardship.

    *  The speaker draws a parallel between the historical context of Juneteenth and the psychological impact of not knowing one is free, emphasizing the complexity of freedom.

    *  The speaker shares personal anecdotes about dealing with stress, health issues, and the emotional toll of life events, highlighting the importance of recognizing small improvements.

    *  The speaker reflects on the impact of stress on health, citing personal experiences with chest pain, acid reflux, and other ailments that have improved over time.

    *  The speaker emphasizes the importance of focusing on positive changes and small miracles in life, rather than dwelling on negative experiences.

    *  The speaker discusses the psychological impact of constantly focusing on negative events and the importance of shifting attention to positive developments.

    *  The speaker encourages the audience to break free from old patterns of thinking and to become pioneers of their future by reacting differently to challenges.

    *  The speaker shares a personal realization about the cumulative effect of small positive changes and how they can lead to a better overall quality of life.

    *  The speaker discusses the concept of life being spherical rather than cyclical, suggesting that our reactions to events can either spiral us upward or downward.

    *  The speaker reflects on the importance of maintaining a positive outlook and recognizing the benefits and improvements in life, even if they are small.

    ### 2. The importance of mindset and internal state in overcoming stress and finding joy.

    *  Most of our suffering is self-inflicted, stemming from how we think about our problems rather than the problems themselves.

    *  Changing your internal state can lead to joy and gratitude without needing external validation.

    *  Feeling good is essential and not superficial; it can influence your circumstances positively.

    *  Adopting a positive mindset can preordain good feelings and outcomes, as illustrated by James Brown’s song.

    *  Life’s challenges should be met with resilience and a proactive attitude rather than a victim mentality.

    *  Chaos and randomness are often just patterns we haven’t recognized or deciphered yet.

    • 1 hr 13 min
    The Metron Live experience June 16th, 2024

    The Metron Live experience June 16th, 2024

    +website www.bishinthenow.com

    +Youtube – BishInTheNow

    Bishop Jim’s insightful messages help others find THEIR METRON through M~otivation E~nlightenment T~ranscendence R~enewal O~utreach and N~etworking

    Join us in person each Sunday at 195 Arizona Ave NE w1, Atlanta, GA 30307

    Watch the video on Facebook:   Here

    Watch the video on Youtube :   Here

    Follow Jim Swilley on Facebook to see the videos live Sundays at 11 am – https://www.youtube.com/bishinthenow

    • 58 min
    The Metron Live experience June 9th, 2024

    The Metron Live experience June 9th, 2024

    +website www.bishinthenow.com

    +Youtube – BishInTheNow

    Bishop Jim’s insightful messages help others find THEIR METRON through M~otivation E~nlightenment T~ranscendence R~enewal O~utreach and N~etworking

    Join us in person each Sunday at 195 Arizona Ave NE w1, Atlanta, GA 30307

    Watch the video on Facebook:   Here

    Watch the video on Youtube :   Here

    Follow Jim Swilley on Facebook to see the videos live Sundays at 11 am – https://www.youtube.com/bishinthenow

    • 1 hr 20 min

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5.0 out of 5
10 Ratings

10 Ratings

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