168 episodes

Midway Baptist Church seeks to glorify God by building the church of tomorrow today, through fervent prayer, evangelism, discipleship, and family ministry. In order to do this, Midway is prayerfully focused on three main components as detailed and commanded in Scripture:

Family Ministry

On Family Ministry:
Midway Baptist Church seeks to grow the family unit as originally ordained by God in His providence and wisdom by teaching, equipping, and providing resources that encourage family discipleship in the home.

FM Objective: to train, equip, and encourage parents/guardians/grandparents/spiritual parents to be the intentional primary influence over their child's spiritual growth.
FM Goal: to see the church of tomorrow raised in the fear and admonition of the LORD, today!

On Evangelism:
Midway Baptist Church seeks to obey the "Great Commission" as given by Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:18-20 through teaching & equipping God's people to evangelize the lost and dying world.

EV Objective: to train, equip, and encourage the body of Christ to execute the will of God by sharing the Gospel with unbelievers
EV Goal: to see disciples made of every nation, tribe, and tongue

On Discipleship:
Midway Baptist Church seeks to help both the new and seasoned believer alike grow in a more robust, deeper, and sanctifying truth, namely God's word. This is in obedience to the Father, to look more like the son by the power of the Holy Spirit.

DS Objective: to train, equip, and encourage the body of Christ; to train, equip, and encourage the body of Christ (Disciples making Disciples) in faithful obedience to God and growth in sanctification
DS Goal: to see the body of Christ look more like their precious savior each day until He returns or calls us home.

Midway Baptist Church Sermons Midway Baptist Church

    • Religion & Spirituality

Midway Baptist Church seeks to glorify God by building the church of tomorrow today, through fervent prayer, evangelism, discipleship, and family ministry. In order to do this, Midway is prayerfully focused on three main components as detailed and commanded in Scripture:

Family Ministry

On Family Ministry:
Midway Baptist Church seeks to grow the family unit as originally ordained by God in His providence and wisdom by teaching, equipping, and providing resources that encourage family discipleship in the home.

FM Objective: to train, equip, and encourage parents/guardians/grandparents/spiritual parents to be the intentional primary influence over their child's spiritual growth.
FM Goal: to see the church of tomorrow raised in the fear and admonition of the LORD, today!

On Evangelism:
Midway Baptist Church seeks to obey the "Great Commission" as given by Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:18-20 through teaching & equipping God's people to evangelize the lost and dying world.

EV Objective: to train, equip, and encourage the body of Christ to execute the will of God by sharing the Gospel with unbelievers
EV Goal: to see disciples made of every nation, tribe, and tongue

On Discipleship:
Midway Baptist Church seeks to help both the new and seasoned believer alike grow in a more robust, deeper, and sanctifying truth, namely God's word. This is in obedience to the Father, to look more like the son by the power of the Holy Spirit.

DS Objective: to train, equip, and encourage the body of Christ; to train, equip, and encourage the body of Christ (Disciples making Disciples) in faithful obedience to God and growth in sanctification
DS Goal: to see the body of Christ look more like their precious savior each day until He returns or calls us home.

    1.7.24 - The Importance Of Reading The Bible

    1.7.24 - The Importance Of Reading The Bible

    1.7.24 - The Importance Of Reading The Bible by Midway Baptist Church

    • 52 min
    5.7.23 - Life Lessons Of Three Widows

    5.7.23 - Life Lessons Of Three Widows

    Text: Ruth 1:6-17
    Opening Statement:
    In each of these widows there are lessons to learn. In one we have a troubling example, in one a tragic example, and finally in one a thrilling example. These three widows illustrate three responses of people.

    First, we see in Naomi:
    Naomi illustrates how the life of a believer that is not living for God, is often a discouragement to others knowing God.

    As we view this scene, we see that:
    A) Naomi Was Being Observed
    When she started back her daughters-in-law followed her. In their hour of grief, they looked to her for guidance. They were watching to see what Naomi would do. Whatever she did, they would do. Every action and step of Naomi was being observed.
    We as believers need to be constantly reminded that we are being watched by the unsaved. Whether we admit it or not, accept it or not, or acknowledge it or not, we are being watched by those around us.

    As we continue looking at this scene, we also see that:
    B) Naomi Was Being Obstructive
    One of the chief occupations of a believer is to try and lead unbelievers to the Lord. A person going to heaven is to work to take people to heaven.
    Naomi was only thinking of their material circumstances rather than their spiritual condition. She was only thinking of their physical needs and not their spiritual needs.
    Naomi reminds us of those who are professing Christians but are not practicing Christians.

    The second widow in our story that I want us to consider is Orpah. In her we see:
    Orpah illustrates those who turn away from God and reject Him as their Lord and Savior. As we look at Orpah, we first see her:
    A) Returning To Moab
    Orpah chose to stay in a cursed land. She chose to live in a place of spiritual darkness and desolation.
    Orpah reminds us of those who are given the opportunity to be saved, yet they reject that offer and choose to live a life without God.
    We not only see Orpah returning to Moab, but we also see her:
    B) Remaining In Moab
    How tragic it is for someone to have heard the Gospel; to have been given the opportunity to be saved; to say no, and then die lost without God. The great tragedy is that not one person in hell had to go there. All could have been saved, but they like Orpah rejected the opportunity to be saved.

    The third widow in this story is Ruth. In her we see:
    We see Ruth making a decision that changed her life. We read that instead of leaving Naomi, “Ruth clave unto her” (Vs.14).

    The decision Ruth made gave her a:
    A) New Life
    Salvation gives a person a new life. Paul said, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things pass away and behold all things are become new” (II Cor.5:17). Salvation makes us a new person and gives us a new life.

    We also see that her decision gave her a:
    B) New Lord
    No doubt she had worshipped the false idols and false gods of Moab. She had known nothing but paganism. Now she has a new Lord in her life. Her life is now centered around Him and His people.

    Finally, we see that her decision gave her a:
    C) New Loyalty
    Ruth was saying, “This decision is for the rest of my life.” She had no desire to go back nor plans to return. Her decision was for time and eternity.
    There is nothing behind us and everything before us.

    Closing Statement:
    Which of these poor widows best represents the life you are living right now?
    If you are saved and away from the Lord, I invite you to come home. If you are lost and are thinking about a life of faith, I invite you to receive Jesus today. If you are saved, secure and settled I invite you to come before Him to worship, praise and thank Him for grace.

    Watch us here on our YouTube channel, our website or our Facebook page


    • 48 min
    2023.4.30 - The Mercado Missionaries

    2023.4.30 - The Mercado Missionaries

    2023.4.30 - The Mercado Missionaries by Midway Baptist Church

    • 50 min
    2023.04.23 - The Slow Departure

    2023.04.23 - The Slow Departure

    Text: Ruth 1:1-7
    Opening Statement:
    In the book of Ruth there are scenes that are tragic, domestic, romantic, dramatic, historic, and prophetic. Yet each scene is a mine filled with precious gems.
    The Book of Ruth is a beautiful picture of Christ’s great love for us, and the redemption He purchased for us.
    The opening scene of the book is tragic for we find three graves in Moab. Let’s notice the story behind these 3 graves. First, notice:

    As we look at this departure from the Lord we see:
    A) Where They Were Leaving
    Their home was the town of Bethlehem in the country of Judah. The name “Bethlehem” means, “House of bread.” “Judah” means “praise.”
    This was the place we find Elimelech and his family leaving. They first left the city limits of Bethlehem and then left the borders of Judah. They first got out of the House of God and then out of the will of God.
    We also see:

    B) Where They Went to Live
    We read that they “went to sojourn in the country of Moab” (Vs.1). In Psalm 108:9, we find an interesting description of Moab. We read, “Moab is My washpot.”
    Elimelech’s journey to Moab is illustrative of a Christian leaving God and going back to the old life.
    We see that not only did they settle down in Moab, but their children took to themselves wives of the Moabites (Vs.4). Marriage among the pagan nations was strictly forbidden by God. The parents’ departure only led to a further departure in the children.
    We see a departure from the Lord, and we also see the results of leaving God.

    Just as an earthly father will discipline a disobedient child, God will discipline His disobedient and straying children (Heb.12:6). The writer of Hebrews describes both a process and a procedure of God’s discipline.
    When we look at Elimelech and his family we see this process and procedure of discipline.

    A) The First Acts Of Discipline (V.2)
    It would appear that Elimelech and Naomi, had begun to drift from God in their hearts, before they ever left Bethlehem-judah. A departure from God always begins on the inside long before it is seen on the outside. The names of their children would seem to suggest that God had already begun a work of discipline to get their attention. These boys seem to be the first acts of discipline in their life.
    Both of their children would seem to suggest that God was trying to get their attention.

    B) The Fatal Acts Of Discipline (vs. 3,5)
    First God chastens us, and if that does not get our attention, He scourges us. The first warnings were ignored and finally God’s discipline was drastic and fatal.
    Whenever a Christian gets out of the house of God, and the will of God, God will discipline. He will deal with them patiently and lovingly. But in time, if there is no repentance and a return to God, He will deal in a more drastic measure. A departure from the Lord will always bring the discipline of the Lord.

    She heard of how God was blessing His people again. The famine was over at last. The people had come back to God. It was this news, coupled with all that had happened, that created in her heart a desire to return to God. In her desire we see:

    A) Her Repentance
    It is interesting how her actions are described. It was not just that she returned to Bethlehem-judah. She was turning her back on Moab. She was leaving Moab. That is repentance.
    In her desire we also see:

    B) Her Return
    She returned to the place of blessing. She came back to the will of God. She is leaving the place of sin for the place of blessing.

    In Closing:
    Just like Naomi and the prodigal son, if you find yourself in a foreign place don’t make your home there. Come home, your Heavenly Father is waiting to receive you with open arms of forgiveness. Return to him today.

    • 42 min
    2023.04.16 - Easter Is Over, Now What

    2023.04.16 - Easter Is Over, Now What

    Easter is Over, Now What?

    Text: Matt. 28:18-20
    Opening Statement:
    It's clear from all four Gospels that, after His Resurrection, Jesus is single-minded on His mission to share the good news throughout the world. Jesus fulfilled the earth-bound portion of His mission. It would soon be time for His followers to fulfill their part in the mission to take the Gospel to the nations.
    That was then, and this is now! The Great Commission still stands! God still expects His people to take His message to a lost world so that they might hear the wonderful words of life.

    The mandate of The Great Commission is to “Go”. There are two ways we can do this.

    1) It involves our Lifestyle (Matt. 5:13-16)
    Like salt, our life should create a thirst in people for the Lord. If He is the focus of our lives, men will see Him lived out through our lives, day by day!

    2) It involves our Lips
    We are told to “teach”. That word has the idea of “making disciples or to instruct”. It is not enough to just show it, we must also say it!

    Jesus tells His followers to share a specific message: “…to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you…” As we go and as we tell the world about Jesus, the message we are to share is very clear. We are to share the Gospel.
    There is no other message that God will use to draw the sinner to Himself and there is no other message He will use to save lost souls!

    He tells us that we are to “Go…and teach all nations”.
    He is telling us very clearly that our mission is to every person in the world.
    If they are sinners, they are candidates to hear the message of the cross. If they are lost, they need a Savior. If they do not know Him, they need to, and we have been authorized and commanded to reach them!

    Jesus doesn’t send us in to the lost world without any resources.

    1) We Are Promised His Presence
    When you are standing there sharing the Gospel with that friend, that family member, even that total stranger, the Lord Himself is right there with you. You will never share the Gospel alone if you are a child of God!

    2) We are Promised His Power
    The Spirit of God will take our efforts and He will use the words we share to convict the hearts of the lost.

    In Closing:
    The question we need to ask, and answer is, has “The Great Commission” become “The Great Omission” in your life and mine? Are we as a church doing everything we can to find inroads of outreach into the world around us? Or are we sitting back watching the world around us slip into Hell?

    • 40 min
    2023.04.09 - The Emptiness of Easter

    2023.04.09 - The Emptiness of Easter

    2023.04.09 - The Emptiness of Easter by Midway Baptist Church

    • 29 min

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