25 min

86. Mindful Eating: How to Be Present While You Eat with Dr. Adrienne Youdim Health Bite

    • Nutrition

Leave Health Bite a Feedback.Click This Link.In this episode of my Hungry for More series, I discuss the connection presence has with how we see food and eat it. As we grow into the adults that we’re becoming, we’re sometimes already eluding the importance of being present to the habits we have in relation to our food intake. That might lead to numerous diseases when left the way it is, but on the other hand, putting the effort to win against mindless eating can actually help you live life in...

Leave Health Bite a Feedback.Click This Link.In this episode of my Hungry for More series, I discuss the connection presence has with how we see food and eat it. As we grow into the adults that we’re becoming, we’re sometimes already eluding the importance of being present to the habits we have in relation to our food intake. That might lead to numerous diseases when left the way it is, but on the other hand, putting the effort to win against mindless eating can actually help you live life in...

25 min