88 episodes

This show is for you if you’re dreaming of creating a successful family-first, highly profitable, heart-centred business all while loving life AND most importantly, WITHOUT sacrificing time with your precious loved ones.

It's time to harness your feminine superpowers and join me as we dive into all things business, mindset, money, and motherhood to support you in building the business and life of your dreams.
I'm your host, Suzy Olivier - mama of 3, military wife and successful serial entrepreneur of nearly 2 decades.

Now I’m here as your very own business coach supporting women who want it all minus the hustle and overwhelm. If that’s you, beautiful soul, thank you for being here, I can’t wait to serve you - let’s jump in!

Mothers of Enterprise Suzy Olivier

    • Business
    • 5.0 • 2 Ratings

This show is for you if you’re dreaming of creating a successful family-first, highly profitable, heart-centred business all while loving life AND most importantly, WITHOUT sacrificing time with your precious loved ones.

It's time to harness your feminine superpowers and join me as we dive into all things business, mindset, money, and motherhood to support you in building the business and life of your dreams.
I'm your host, Suzy Olivier - mama of 3, military wife and successful serial entrepreneur of nearly 2 decades.

Now I’m here as your very own business coach supporting women who want it all minus the hustle and overwhelm. If that’s you, beautiful soul, thank you for being here, I can’t wait to serve you - let’s jump in!

    Real Talk: What it really takes to be a success mama in business (without losing your sanity or drive) with Janita Falschlunger

    Real Talk: What it really takes to be a success mama in business (without losing your sanity or drive) with Janita Falschlunger

    This is hands down one of the most raw, authentic and unfiltered conversations about the journey of being a mother in business I've ever had the pleasure of. For this week's episode, I invited fellow business coach and strategist Janita Flaschlunger to share her business building expertise as a busy mama of 2. This episode is going to give you so much insight, relief from the constant striving, and hopefully a whole new perspective on your business building journey, both past and future. We deep dive into our own personal stories of how our businesses have pivoted and evolved over the years, the mistakes made, the self doubt overcome, and the fear conquered around stepping into your God given identity and purpose in your business. We also share our thoughts on the current state of the business coaching industry and what we wish people knew and did before jumping in and investing in various programs and coaches. Plus Janita talks about the biggest stumbling blocks for mamas in business both from a mindset and strategy perceptive - and most importably how to get over or avoid both! So grab your coffee, and join us for one of the most uplifting chats you’re going to have this week!

    Hello, beautiful souls! So I just had this incredible chat with Janita Falschlunger, an amazing entrepreneurial mom and business coach from South Africa. It was such an enlightening conversation and I can’t wait to share some of the juicy details with you.
    Janita’s story is so inspiring. She went from offering free business coaching to becoming a successful paid professional, all while juggling the joys and challenges of motherhood. We really got into the nitty-gritty of how our Southern Hemisphere roots have played a role in our adaptability and resilience as business owners living in the Northern Hemisphere.
    One of the most relatable parts of our conversation was about facing failures and the reality that business growth isn’t always a smooth ride. We agreed that it’s about the journey of planning, executing, testing, tweaking and sometimes even failing before you hit the sweet spot.
    Throughout the episode, Janita’s energy and insights were just off the charts. Whether you’re a mompreneur, a budding business owner or just curious about the online business world, this episode is packed with actionable advice and heartfelt stories that I’m sure will resonate with you. Can’t wait for you to listen in and maybe find that spark you’ve been looking for to take your own business to the next level.

    In this episode, you’re going to learn: 
    How to balance the demands of motherhood with the challenges of building and growing a successful online business.
    The journey from offering free business coaching to becoming a paid professional and the importance of valuing your expertise. 
    Strategies for dealing with business failures and setbacks and the iterative process of growth.
    Entrepreneurial mindset, particularly the need to adopt a CEO mentality, develop effective pricing strategies and detach emotionally from business outcomes.
    Psychology of money and investment in business, examining the various attitudes clients have towards paying for coaching and support.
    Emotional and practical considerations when hiring a business coach, the value of research and intuition and the pitfalls of the coaching industry.

    Learn more about Janita Falschlunger:
    Website: Janita Falschlunger 
    Facebook: Janita Falschlunger Coaching
    LinkedIn: Janita Falschlunger  

    Learn more about Suzy and Mothers of Enterprise Podcast:  
    Have you heard about my shiny new Time + Money Booster calls? If you’d love some coaching to help you work less and earn more (my speciality) and finally have some clarity on where your precious energy needs to be in your business, then get your beautiful self booked in right here (did I mention they’re completely free??)...
    👉Click here to get booked in👈

    • 50 min
    To The Women Procrastinating Starting or Growing Her Business

    To The Women Procrastinating Starting or Growing Her Business

    This week’s episode is lovingly dedicated to you wonderful ladies out there who keep saying you’re going to start your business, OR that you’re going to focus on your business and get it growing - but that mystical future date never seems to arrive. And before you know it, months or even years have rolled by and that business idea is still just an idea, or still just a few old social media posts with tumbleweed rolling on by. If that sounds just a little familiar, beautiful lady, join me for a little heart to heart in this week’s episode. I’m going to walk you through the most common reasons (read: excuses) I see for procrastinating the start or growth of your business. And I’m going to give you the perfect dose of tough love that will serve as the antidote to all those reasons…. ahem 🫢… excuses. So if you’re ready to finally get over all the BS and give your business dreams some TLC, you’re going to want to tap your way over and dive into this week’s show.
    Let's face it, waiting for the stars to align and grant us the "perfect time" to start a business is like waiting for a unicorn to prance by with a winning lottery ticket.  Spoiler alert: It ain't gonna happen, honey.
    I'm diving headfirst into the myths that are holding you back from launching your dream biz. I'll be your business bestie, dishing out some straight-up advice on how to take those oh-so-important first steps towards entrepreneurship
    This episode is your personal cheerleader, showing you how to embrace the magic of starting small and dreaming big. Because, honestly, the only perfect time to start is now—messy bun, yoga pants, and all.

    In this episode, you’re going to learn:
    The importance of starting small and keeping the process simple.
    Simplicity makes the journey toward business goals more approachable and less intimidating.
    Authentic engagement on Instagram can be a simple and effective starting point.
    Consistent, small actions over time can help build confidence and community.
    Taking action despite feelings of imposter syndrome and self-doubt

    Learn more about Suzy and Mothers of Enterprise Podcast:  
    Have you heard about my shiny new Time + Money Booster calls? If you’d love some coaching to help you work less and earn more (my speciality) and finally have some clarity on where your precious energy needs to be in your business, then get your beautiful self booked in right here (did I mention they’re completely free??)...
    👉Click here to get booked in👈

    ** 📈 Ready to kick your career into high gear? Join Dream Business School 

    Website: https://www.mothersofenterprise.com/
    Mothers of Entreprise (Instagram): https://www.instagram.com/mothersofenterprise/?hl=en 
    Mothers of Entreprise (Facebook): https://www.facebook.com/mothersofenterprise 

    • 27 min
    Bring Your Book Idea To Life With Steph Caswell

    Bring Your Book Idea To Life With Steph Caswell

    If 'write a book' has been on your goals list for a little too long, then lovely lady, this episode is going to serve you SO much. I invited author, writing coach and developmental editor Steph Caswell to join me for this value packed conversation covering all things writing your book. From where and how to start, creating a consistent writing rhythm (spoiler: you can write a book in just a few minutes a day!), all the to creating your book launch and ensuring you're set up for regular sales long into the future. We also chat about the power a book can have on your business and just how to use it as a valuable not only lead generator but also sales generator.
    Hello, beautiful souls! If you’ve ever dreamed of transforming your thoughts into a tangible treasure on a bookshelf, then this episode is like a literary lighthouse guiding you through the sea of nonfiction authorship.
    I’m beyond thrilled to share the mic with Steph Caswell, a wizard with words who turned her teaching career into a passion for empowering writers like you. Let’s dive together into the initial steps of turning your nonfiction dreams into a published masterpiece.
    Get ready to unravel the mysteries of the publishing world as we discuss the age-old debate:  traditional versus self-publishing. We’ll talk about the allure of having your book grace bookstore shelves and the exciting control that self publishing offers, alongside my personal strategies for keeping your entrepreneurial spirit alight while you craft your narrative.
    But the journey doesn’t end with the last period on the page. We delve into the art of launching your book, making it a reflection of your personal style. And we don’t just stop at the launch, we explore how your book can open doors to amazing connections, keeping the buzz alive well after the party’s over. 
    So grab your favorite beverage and let’s embark on this journey together. 

    In this episode, you’re going to learn:
    How to nurture your book idea and transition from a different career to writing, as Steph did from teaching to becoming an author and writing coach.
    The pros and cons of traditional publishing versus self publishing.
    How to catch a publisher’s eye and the control offered by self publishing.
    Strategies for balancing the demands of writing a book with your existing business or professional responsibilities.
    Importance of knowing your audience and having a detailed outline before starting to write a nonfiction book.
    Different approaches to launching your book based on your personal style, be introverted or extroverted.
    Concept of using your book as a networking tool.
    How to maintain enthusiasm for promoting your book long after the initial launch to ensure sustained interest and sales. 

    Learn more about Steph Caswell:
    Website: Steph Caswell 
    Instagram: Steph Caswell Author
    LinkedIn: Steph Caswell - Writing Coach  
    Podcast: Creating Happy Writers 

    Learn more about Suzy and Mothers of Enterprise Podcast:  
    Have you heard about my shiny new Time + Money Booster calls? If you’d love some coaching to help you work less and earn more (my speciality) and finally have some clarity on where your precious energy needs to be in your business, then get your beautiful self booked in right here (did I mention they’re completely free??)...
    👉Click here to get booked in👈
    Website: https://www.mothersofenterprise.com/
    Mothers of Entreprise (Instagram): https://www.instagram.com/mothersofenterprise/?hl=en 
    Mothers of Entreprise (Facebook): https://www.facebook.com/mothersofenterprise 

    • 37 min
    The Most Powerful Growth Strategies and Trends For Online Businesses in 2024

    The Most Powerful Growth Strategies and Trends For Online Businesses in 2024

    There's no denying there has been a huge shift in how we show up and serve our people this year.
    From our content strategies to our sales process and most importantly, our offers - there have been massive evolutions in the trends and attitudes of both buyers and business owners.
    Now, I'll preach all day long about the importance of building a trend-proof business, but there still has to be an element of flexibility and evolution in how we show and serve.
    Because if we don't don't adapt, we can say goodbye to our business or at least any business growth.
    So in this week's episode and I'm breaking down the biggest and most powerful shifts that are needed within your business if you want to keep having an impact and serving the people who need you.
    I'm breaking down exactly what's changing and why, and most importantly, what you can do in your business to ensure it's evolving with the times BUT still holding solid foundations - no one needs a leaf in the wind business!
    So if you're feeling like your business growth has gone a little stale, or you really want to ensure the actions you're taking are best aligned with what's working right now, join me for 30 glorious minutes and I walk you through it all!

    Hey there beautiful souls! Are you ready to elevate your online business game? 
    So, picture this: once a complete social media newbie, I’ve transformed into a savvy entrepreneur extraordinaire. And let me tell you, in this digital world where content reigns supreme and adaptability is your right-hand queen, I've learned to embrace the role of content creator like it's the latest fashion craze.
    I’ll also show you how to let your unique identity shine and strike the perfect balance between marketing that addresses pain points and sparks desires like fireworks. Because, honey, your offers should be as soul-aligned as they are strategic.
    Don't just take my word for it – give it a listen and let's grow together!
    In this episode, you’re going to learn:
    Adapting your business to the demands of content creation.
    Balance targeting customer pain points with igniting desires to create compelling offers.
    Sharing your personal story can boost business messaging and forge deeper connections with your audience.
    High-ticket vs. low-ticket offerings in a cautious economic climate.
    Using data to make smart moves and always tweaking marketing strategies for steady growth.
    Learn more about Suzy and Mothers of Enterprise Podcast:  
    Have you heard about my shiny new Time + Money Booster calls? If you’d love some coaching to help you work less and earn more (my speciality) and finally have some clarity on where your precious energy needs to be in your business, then get your beautiful self booked in right here (did I mention they’re completely free??)...
    👉Click here to get booked in👈
    Website: https://www.mothersofenterprise.com/
    Mothers of Entreprise (Instagram): https://www.instagram.com/mothersofenterprise/?hl=en 
    Mothers of Entreprise (Facebook): https://www.facebook.com/mothersofenterprise 

    • 32 min
    How To Start Crafting Your Rich & Wealthy Life (before the money comes!)

    How To Start Crafting Your Rich & Wealthy Life (before the money comes!)

    Working on your money mindset goes SO much further than positive money affirmations and declaring your income goals on your vision board.
    One of the most powerful actions you can take to start experiencing more financial abundance and blessing in your life is to start living your rich and wealthy life NOW!
    Of course that doesn’t mean going out and buying what you want and making poor financial decisions, but it does mean asking yourself in what areas of your life can you start aligning your actions, thoughts, and intentions to the wealthy life you’re desiring to create for yourself and your family. 
    Join me on this week’s episode where I’ll walk you through one of the easiest and most powerful money mindset hacks that not only helps you feel pretty damn good right NOW, but could actually be the very thing that unlocks SO much success and income in your business and life!
    Let’s unravel the art of intentional living and curating a lifestyle that sparkles with luxury, yet remains true to your core values. If you’re seeking a life where simple pleasures meet thoughtful prosperity and where every choice is a stepping stone to a future of intentional wealth, then you’re in the right place.
    In today’s episode of the Mothers of Enterprise Podcast, join Suzy Olivier in her journey and discover how to blend the everyday with the extraordinary and embrace a life of wealth designed by you, for you.
    Get ready to redefine luxury on your own terms and build a life that not only looks rich but feels deeply fulfilling.
    In this episode, you will learn the following :

    Avoiding the concept of ‘Lottery Winner Syndrome’ by adapting your identity and nervous system to wealth to prevent self-sabotage.
    Practical ways to integrate small luxuries into your daily life, paving the way to prosperity while reflecting a balance of luxury, health and minimalist ideals.
    Significance of incorporating aspects of the affluent life you daydream about into your daily routine.
    How to make lifestyle upgrades like the perfect skincare routine, organic silk pillowcases, and wearing clothes from natural fabrics.
    Strategies for investing in a way that feels aligned with your family values and how to manage finances with intention.
    The importance of embracing a wealthy identity that reflects your individual values rather than societal expectations. 
    Learn more about Suzy and Mothers of Enterprise Podcast:  
    Have you heard about my shiny new Time + Money Booster calls? If you’d love some coaching to help you work less and earn more (my speciality) and finally have some clarity on where your precious energy needs to be in your business, then get your beautiful self booked in right here (did I mention they’re completely free??)...
    👉Click here to get booked in👈
    Website: https://www.mothersofenterprise.com/
    Mothers of Entreprise (Instagram): https://www.instagram.com/mothersofenterprise/?hl=en 
    Mothers of Entreprise (Facebook): https://www.facebook.com/mothersofenterprise

    • 21 min
    3 Layers Of Healing To Ditch The Overwhelm, Irritability, Guilt Cycle & Find Patience, Presence & Joy with Lizzie York

    3 Layers Of Healing To Ditch The Overwhelm, Irritability, Guilt Cycle & Find Patience, Presence & Joy with Lizzie York

    Break the cycle of overwhelm, lack of self-care, irritability & mum guilt. So that you can find a sense of ease and joy in running your business. These feelings so easily filter into the rest of your life, so that you can feel more patient, present and joyful.
    Hey there, beautiful souls! 
    Get ready to dive into a heart-to-heart episode that'll resonate with all the hustling mumpreneurs out there. 
    It's time to find your zen in the beautiful chaos of chasing kids and chasing your dreams!
    In this episode, we're sitting down with the amazing Lizzie York, your new go-to expert for syncing up your life with your natural rhythms. Say goodbye to stress and hello to cyclical living because we’re talking about how to blend the art of raising kiddos with the science of building empires—all while keeping your sanity intact.

    We're peeling back the curtain on the not-so-glamorous (but very real) side of motherhood and entrepreneurship and discover the power of intention and breath work to tame tantrums (yours and your toddler's) and learning the art of regulating our nervous systems and those of our little ones (or  big ones!).
    So, grab your yoga mat and a cuppa and let's find that balance together!
    In this episode, you’re going to learn:
    Cyclical living and how aligning one's life with natural rhythms can lead to better stress management and overall wellness.
    Breathwork as a tool for maintaining calm in high-pressure situations, both in parenting and business contexts.
    Listening to our bodies and aligning our lifestyle with our natural cycles to achieve harmony and wellness.
    The mantra "give me another thought" as a powerful tool for shifting perspective and fostering a sense of peace during stressful times.
    Self-care is presented as a non-negotiable practice for managing the complexities of motherhood and entrepreneurship.

    Learn more about Lizzie York:
    Website: https://www.cyclicalsoul.com/healing
    Learn more about Suzy and Mothers of Enterprise Podcast:  
    Have you heard about my shiny new Time + Money Booster calls? If you’d love some coaching to help you work less and earn more (my speciality) and finally have some clarity on where your precious energy needs to be in your business, then get your beautiful self booked in right here (did I mention they’re completely free??)...
    👉Click here to get booked in👈
    Website: https://www.mothersofenterprise.com/
    Mothers of Entreprise (Instagram): https://www.instagram.com/mothersofenterprise/?hl=en 
    Mothers of Entreprise (Facebook): https://www.facebook.com/mothersofenterprise 

    • 43 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
2 Ratings

2 Ratings

12345Graham ,


So much value and insight for moms who want to succeed in life and business! Highly recommend.

Robyn Graham
Host of The Robyn Graham Show

stephanieireland ,

This podcast. This host. This is the real deal.

If you’re a mama. If you’re a business owner. If you are struggling to do it all without the level of joy in your life that you want—let me introduce you to Suzy and the Mother’s of Enterprise Podcast. Within the first few episodes, I knew I stumbled upon something different. Then I binged the rest within a week.

This podcast exudes positivity and empowerment — I have upleveled my mindset game ten-fold since listening and it has made ALL THE DIFFERENCE in my life and business (at a time when I was considering packing it all in). I’m so grateful I stumbled upon Suzy and this podcast. ❤️

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