My Year in Mensa

Jamie Loftus takes you through her year in the high-IQ Mensa society, from taking the test as a joke to spending the Fourth of July with 2000 angry Mensans in Phoenix. Chaos reigns, but at least it tests well.
Hosts & Guests
Eye-opening and engaging
Fantastic podcast. Only critique I have is that there should have been more airhorns. There just weren’t enough airhorns. Just kidding, but seriously. The podcast was amazingly done, and I love the nuance, self-critiquing, and empathy in which Jamie approaches the experience is deeply gripping. Thank you for sharing your experience.
Very good
Jamie always has the best shows. I think it’s her honesty. It really gets to the heart of the experiences she shares, and frankly, I appreciate it.
Sound effects have to go!
I’m trying to like this podcast, but the sound effects are really annoying and distracting, especially the quick 1-2 toots of the blow horn. Stop!!! 🙉🙉🙉
Funny. Then horribly tedious.
For the first ten minutes or so, this podcast, and it’s podcaster, are quite refreshing, entertaining and dare I say even hilarious. I enjoyed the lofi, dyi feel of the audio and editing of the content itself. The cheesy DJ horn, the abrupt cutting for comedies sake; both well done. But then… The podcast quickly begins to suffocate itself. The ironic use of the DJ horn must be used hundreds of times in the three or four hours that this podcast persists. Hey podcaster, get a second sound effect! The phrase “one trick pony” enters my mind over and over and over as this story VERY gradually progresses in a tedious and agonizing way. The aspects that begin as this podcast’s greatest strengths- very quickly become its own shackles. The entire story, which I hesitate to refer to as journalism- though, I suppose it technically is- is simply a woman talking into her phone for hours and hours on end… And then using some sort of audio editing application to cut it up and pepper in the airhorn sound effect. There are no on scene interviews or on scene sound recordings to pull you into and add authenticity to the world of the story she tells. more well told and more well produced, I could actually see this exist alongside “the supposedly fun thing I’ll never do again” by David Foster Wallace or Hunter S Thompson’s “fear and loathing in Las Vegas.” I think it’s very likely I would’ve had a far different and better experiencing reading this, then I did listening to it.
- Channel
- CreatoriHeartPodcasts and Jamie Loftus
- Episodes5
- Seasons1
- RatingClean
- Copyright2025 iHeartMedia, Inc. © Any use of this intellectual property for text and data mining or computational analysis including as training material for artificial intelligence systems is strictly prohibited without express written consent from iHeartMedia
- Show Website
- ProvideriHeartMedia + Entertainment, Inc
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