36 min

Never Fail Again with Emily Sander Good Mood Revolution

    • Mental Health

Failure is a part of life, right? Not according to leadership coach Emily Sander. She believes you can live a life where you never fail again. 

Our fear of failure often holds us back from taking risks, pushing our limits, and becoming our best selves. By adopting the mindset that every perceived "failure" is actually an opportunity to grow, we can overcome the fear of failure and live a more bold and fulfilling life. 

In this episode of The Good Mood Show podcast, Matt sits down with Emily Sander as she shares her concept of the "failure loop.” Learn how to reframe failure as a success by embracing the learning opportunities.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: 

Reframing failure as a learning opportunity

Embracing failure and personal growth

How the fear of failure can hold us back

Overcoming public failures

Why staying comfortable isn’t the best life you can have

[02:22] Reframing Failure as a Learning Opportunity

The Failure Loop framework helps redefine failure by viewing it as a growth opportunity rather than a negative experience. By extracting lessons from failures and applying them to future endeavors, we propel ourselves towards success. Embracing failure as a catalyst for personal development and pushing beyond our comfort zones leads to success. Each time we encounter a challenge, we move up the failure chain, entering the next loop of personal growth. By reframing our perspective on failure and consistently embracing it, we set ourselves up for success in all areas of life. Embracing failure as a natural part of the journey is a hallmark of success.

[13:19] Embracing Failure and Personal Growth

Emily's journey on a podcast revealed her deep-rooted fear of judgment and rejection, stemming from our primal instincts for survival. Despite her desire to perform well, her amygdala triggered a fear of being disliked and abandoned. Through guidance and self-discovery, Emily rewired her brain's association between podcasts and the fear of death, liberating herself from fear's grip. Now approaching podcasting with confidence and a growth mindset, she sees failure and judgment as opportunities for growth. Emily's story reminds us to challenge our primal fears and embrace personal and professional growth through self-awareness and reframing failure.

[19:58] How the Fear of Failure Can Hold Us Back

Imagine a world where every endeavor you undertake is destined for success. How would your approach change? What dreams would you pursue today, knowing that they will flourish? This thought experiment unveils a plethora of opportunities and breaks down the barriers imposed by the fear of failure. It encourages us to reflect on how much this fear holds us back and empowers us to embrace a fearless mindset. So, let go of hesitations and doubts, and embark on your journey toward success with unwavering determination.

Notable quotes:

[18:32] Our brains are still wired where we think of our identity and our reputation as our actual survival. [18:39]

[19:58] If you knew that everything you would do would be successful, what would you do differently? [20:03]

[28:30] If you're playing small, you're not doing your job... and other people are missing out because of that. [28:40] 

Resources Mentioned: 

Next Level Coaching

Download this week’s free resource instantly when you sign up for The Good Mood Show newsletter here! 

Or, reach out on our contact page at GoodMoodShow.com/Contact and we will email you a copy of any free resource you request.

About the Guest 

Emily Sander is a C-suite executive and founder of Next Level Coaching. Previously on the original testing team for the Kindle, Emily is the author of two books, including Hacking Executive Leadership which discusses the failure loop. During the podcast interview, Emily shared her insights about reframing failure and how to use the failure loop concept to never fail again.

Failure is a part of life, right? Not according to leadership coach Emily Sander. She believes you can live a life where you never fail again. 

Our fear of failure often holds us back from taking risks, pushing our limits, and becoming our best selves. By adopting the mindset that every perceived "failure" is actually an opportunity to grow, we can overcome the fear of failure and live a more bold and fulfilling life. 

In this episode of The Good Mood Show podcast, Matt sits down with Emily Sander as she shares her concept of the "failure loop.” Learn how to reframe failure as a success by embracing the learning opportunities.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: 

Reframing failure as a learning opportunity

Embracing failure and personal growth

How the fear of failure can hold us back

Overcoming public failures

Why staying comfortable isn’t the best life you can have

[02:22] Reframing Failure as a Learning Opportunity

The Failure Loop framework helps redefine failure by viewing it as a growth opportunity rather than a negative experience. By extracting lessons from failures and applying them to future endeavors, we propel ourselves towards success. Embracing failure as a catalyst for personal development and pushing beyond our comfort zones leads to success. Each time we encounter a challenge, we move up the failure chain, entering the next loop of personal growth. By reframing our perspective on failure and consistently embracing it, we set ourselves up for success in all areas of life. Embracing failure as a natural part of the journey is a hallmark of success.

[13:19] Embracing Failure and Personal Growth

Emily's journey on a podcast revealed her deep-rooted fear of judgment and rejection, stemming from our primal instincts for survival. Despite her desire to perform well, her amygdala triggered a fear of being disliked and abandoned. Through guidance and self-discovery, Emily rewired her brain's association between podcasts and the fear of death, liberating herself from fear's grip. Now approaching podcasting with confidence and a growth mindset, she sees failure and judgment as opportunities for growth. Emily's story reminds us to challenge our primal fears and embrace personal and professional growth through self-awareness and reframing failure.

[19:58] How the Fear of Failure Can Hold Us Back

Imagine a world where every endeavor you undertake is destined for success. How would your approach change? What dreams would you pursue today, knowing that they will flourish? This thought experiment unveils a plethora of opportunities and breaks down the barriers imposed by the fear of failure. It encourages us to reflect on how much this fear holds us back and empowers us to embrace a fearless mindset. So, let go of hesitations and doubts, and embark on your journey toward success with unwavering determination.

Notable quotes:

[18:32] Our brains are still wired where we think of our identity and our reputation as our actual survival. [18:39]

[19:58] If you knew that everything you would do would be successful, what would you do differently? [20:03]

[28:30] If you're playing small, you're not doing your job... and other people are missing out because of that. [28:40] 

Resources Mentioned: 

Next Level Coaching

Download this week’s free resource instantly when you sign up for The Good Mood Show newsletter here! 

Or, reach out on our contact page at GoodMoodShow.com/Contact and we will email you a copy of any free resource you request.

About the Guest 

Emily Sander is a C-suite executive and founder of Next Level Coaching. Previously on the original testing team for the Kindle, Emily is the author of two books, including Hacking Executive Leadership which discusses the failure loop. During the podcast interview, Emily shared her insights about reframing failure and how to use the failure loop concept to never fail again.

36 min