57 min

A New Tool For Your Emotional Toolbox With Special Guest Allison Fallon Living Fully Alive

    • Self-Improvement

On this episode, join Mary and Lindsley as they interview their dear friend and special guest, Best Selling Author, Speaker and Writing Coach: Allison Fallon. Navigating through challenging times means we need to pull out all the tools in our emotional toolbox. In this episode, Mary, Lindlsey and Allison explore how writing is an essential tool that can be used as a form of therapy to work through fear, anxiety and grief. It might seem like a luxury during difficult times, but Allison will give you concrete stats as to why it’s a necessity. You’ll be convinced that everyone is a writer, including yourself, and why everyone can greatly benefit from a regular writing practice.
-How writing is an essential tool to processing our emotions
-The dramatic positive benefits writing has on our mental and physical bodies
-The impact writing has on our relationships, sleep, and our ability to heal 
-Using writing to “close the loop” on our fear and anxiety 
-Writing on a device vs pen and paper  
-How writing helps us cultivate awareness around what is happening internally 
-3 crucial tips to begin to cultivate a regular writing practice
-And much more!

Each month will be a deep dive into a topic that supports you on your journey to living more fully alive. March’s topic will be on FEAR.
Full List of Episodes & Show Notes: https://www.maryhyatt.com/show Learn More About Allison Fallon: https://findyourvoice.com Journaling Prompts From Allison: https://findyourvoice.com/prompts Follow Allison on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/allyfallon/ Grab Your Fear Support Kit Now: https://www.maryhyatt.com/fearkit Subscribe to My Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/maryhyatt Babe, Redefined 6 Week Course: https://www.maryhyatt.com/baberedefined Sign Up For My Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/c1JNJv Follow Me On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maryghyatt/

On this episode, join Mary and Lindsley as they interview their dear friend and special guest, Best Selling Author, Speaker and Writing Coach: Allison Fallon. Navigating through challenging times means we need to pull out all the tools in our emotional toolbox. In this episode, Mary, Lindlsey and Allison explore how writing is an essential tool that can be used as a form of therapy to work through fear, anxiety and grief. It might seem like a luxury during difficult times, but Allison will give you concrete stats as to why it’s a necessity. You’ll be convinced that everyone is a writer, including yourself, and why everyone can greatly benefit from a regular writing practice.
-How writing is an essential tool to processing our emotions
-The dramatic positive benefits writing has on our mental and physical bodies
-The impact writing has on our relationships, sleep, and our ability to heal 
-Using writing to “close the loop” on our fear and anxiety 
-Writing on a device vs pen and paper  
-How writing helps us cultivate awareness around what is happening internally 
-3 crucial tips to begin to cultivate a regular writing practice
-And much more!

Each month will be a deep dive into a topic that supports you on your journey to living more fully alive. March’s topic will be on FEAR.
Full List of Episodes & Show Notes: https://www.maryhyatt.com/show Learn More About Allison Fallon: https://findyourvoice.com Journaling Prompts From Allison: https://findyourvoice.com/prompts Follow Allison on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/allyfallon/ Grab Your Fear Support Kit Now: https://www.maryhyatt.com/fearkit Subscribe to My Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/maryhyatt Babe, Redefined 6 Week Course: https://www.maryhyatt.com/baberedefined Sign Up For My Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/c1JNJv Follow Me On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maryghyatt/

57 min