168 episodes

NonprofitNewsFeed.com aggregates information from 100's of news sources and creates a quick summary of the most popular stories from the industry. This podcast features Whole Whale hosts that summarize and discuss the weekly nonprofit news.

Nonprofit News Feed Podcast NonprofitNewsFeed.com

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    • 5.0 • 4 Ratings

NonprofitNewsFeed.com aggregates information from 100's of news sources and creates a quick summary of the most popular stories from the industry. This podcast features Whole Whale hosts that summarize and discuss the weekly nonprofit news.

    SCOTUS Thinks Homelessness Is A Crime ⚖️ (news)

    SCOTUS Thinks Homelessness Is A Crime ⚖️ (news)

    Supreme Court Ruling Criminalizes Homelessness

    In a controversial decision, the Supreme Court ruled in a 6-3 vote that the city of Grants Pass, Oregon, did not violate the Eighth Amendment by criminalizing homelessness. This ruling has far-reaching implications, allowing cities to enforce ordinances that penalize behaviors associated with being unhoused, such as sleeping or camping on public property. Justice Sotomayor, in her dissent, emphasized the cascading harm this decision could cause to the already vulnerable homeless population. The ruling has been met with shock and dismay by advocates for the homeless, who argue that it is both unconstitutional and inhumane.

    Los Angeles Public Schools’ AI Chatbot Fails

    The Los Angeles Public School District’s $6 million investment in an AI chatbot named Ed has come to a sudden halt. Developed by the startup All Here, the chatbot was intended to assist students with academic and mental health resources. However, the company faced financial difficulties, leading to the CEO’s departure and staff furloughs. This incident raises significant concerns about the sustainability of AI startups and the ethical implications of using AI in sensitive educational contexts.

    Nonprofit Sector Faces Burnout and Staffing Issues

    The Center for Effective Philanthropy’s 2024 report highlights ongoing challenges in the nonprofit sector, particularly burnout and understaffing. A staggering 95% of nonprofit leaders cited burnout as a major concern, with many organizations struggling to retain staff due to budget constraints. Despite these challenges, the sector shows signs of financial stability, with most nonprofits experiencing balanced budgets or surpluses. However, leaders facing budget deficits are contemplating difficult trade-offs that could exacerbate burnout.

    Nonprofit Buys Building for Migrant Housing

    Breaking Ground, a nonprofit organization, has purchased a building in East Harlem for $172 million to create housing for migrants. The building, currently used as a temporary migrant shelter, will be renovated to provide 261 units for people transitioning out of homelessness and additional units for low-income families. This initiative addresses the urgent need for physical space and infrastructure to support migrants in New York City.

    Feel-Good Story: In Tandem Cycling Expands Programs

    In Tandem Cycling, a New York nonprofit that pairs sighted riders with blind and low-vision riders on tandem bikes, is expanding its programs. These activities offer not just exercise but also socialization, mental health benefits, and teamwork for participants. The organization’s efforts highlight the positive impact of community sports and inclusive activities.

    Closing Thought

    The stories covered in this episode underscore the complex and interconnected challenges facing the nonprofit sector, from legal battles and technological missteps to staffing issues and innovative housing solutions. As always, the resilience and creativity of nonprofits continue to shine through, offering hope and inspiration.


    NonprofitNewsfeed.com Summary of hundreds of news sources.

    • 18 min
    Trust & Safety From Fires Nonprofit News (news)

    Trust & Safety From Fires Nonprofit News (news)

    Nonprofit News Feed Podcast Recap: Trust in Nonprofits Rises, Local Journalism Fund, and Innovative Solutions Main Host Update

    This week’s episode is a special solo edition hosted by Nick Azulay. George, CEO and founder of Whole Whale, is on paternity leave after welcoming a new baby. Congratulations to George and his family!

    Key Topics Covered:

    Increase in Nonprofit Trust:

    Independent Sector Report: After four years of decline, trust in nonprofits has increased by 5%, now at 57%. Comparative Trust: Nonprofits are more trusted than media and government, especially in bridging social and political divides. Challenges: Despite this, 74% of respondents believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, and 94% worry about increasing division. Nonpartisan Advocacy: There’s growing wariness about nonprofits’ involvement in nonpartisan advocacy and political engagement.

    AP Fund for Journalism:

    Associated Press Initiative: Launching a $100 million fund to boost local journalism, addressing the financial strain on local news outlets. Impact: This fund aims to support local journalism through financial aid and knowledge sharing, essential for combating misinformation and fostering informed communities.

    Rebuild Paradise Foundation:

    Innovative Solution for Fire Victims: Offering grants for building gravel buffers around homes in Paradise, CA, to prevent fire spread. Insurance Premiums: Aims to help homeowners negotiate lower insurance premiums by making homes more fire-resistant.

    Cafe Momentum’s Expansion:

    Nonprofit Restaurant in Atlanta: Employs justice-involved youth, providing them with skills and opportunities to reduce recidivism. Impact: Highlights the importance of empowering youth through practical skills and supportive environments.

    Nonprofit Theater Highlights:

    Oregon Shakespeare Festival: Receiving rave reviews for its interpretation of “Much Ado About Nothing.” Public Theater in NYC: Renovating the Delacorte Theatre, home to Shakespeare in the Park, with free streaming of past performances available on PBS. Critical Insights and Quotes: “Nonprofits are seen as more reliable when it comes to providing solutions to bridging social and political divides in America.” “Transparency and third-party certifications are key to building trust with donors.” Calls to Action: For Nonprofits: Emphasize transparency and trustworthiness through clear communication, financial transparency, and third-party certifications. For Listeners: Check out the Independent Sector report and support local journalism and nonprofit theaters. Closing Thought:

    In a time of widespread distrust, nonprofits hold a pivotal role in fostering community trust and bridging divides. Their ability to remain transparent, nonpartisan, and community-focused is essential for their continued impact.

    Feel-Good Story: Nonprofit Theater Excellence: The Oregon Shakespeare Festival’s innovative take on a classic play and the Public Theater’s upcoming renovations and free streaming options highlight the vital role of nonprofit arts in enriching communities. Joke of the Week: What do you call a nonprofit theater spamming your email inbox with ticket promotions? Spamlet

    Stay tuned for more updates and special guest appearances from the Whole Whale family in upcoming episodes!


    NonprofitNewsfeed.com Summary of hundreds of news sources.

    • 17 min
    AI Transparency, Environmental Impact, and Ethical Tech Shifts (news)

    AI Transparency, Environmental Impact, and Ethical Tech Shifts (news)

    Nonprofit News Feed: AI Transparency, Environmental Impact, and Ethical Tech Shifts

    Hosted by George Weiner and Nick Azulay of Whole Whale

    Main Topics:

    Adobe’s AI Controversy:

    Adobe faces backlash over changes to its terms of service, sparking fears that user data might be used to train its generative AI models without consent. Adobe clarified it does not train its AI models on customer content and committed to updating its terms by the end of June. The Department of Justice has filed a suit against Adobe for its opaque subscription models, adding to the company’s woes.

    Transparency Issues with OpenAI-Backed Nonprofits:

    Nonprofits backed by OpenAI, like Open Research and UBI Charitable, have stopped disclosing financial statements and internal policies, breaking previous transparency pledges. George emphasizes the importance of transparency in research, especially in universal basic income (UBI) studies to maintain credibility and trust.

    Environmental Impact of AI:

    AI’s significant compute power demands are leading to increased carbon emissions and higher operational costs. Google’s new AI search feature, rolling out to a billion users, is estimated to use 30 times more energy than traditional search methods. The conversation touches on the broader implications of AI’s energy consumption and the potential for more efficient models in the future.

    Ethical Concerns in Tech Infrastructure:

    The discussion extends to the physical infrastructure required for AI, including the ethical implications of mining precious metals. George notes the importance of monitoring the human rights impacts of resource extraction and the need for innovative solutions to mitigate these effects.

    Feel-Good Story:

    ProtonMail’s Shift to Nonprofit Foundation: Proton, known for its secure email service, is transitioning to a nonprofit foundation model, prioritizing mission over profit. This move echoes Patagonia’s shift and reinforces trust in nonprofit tech companies’ commitment to user privacy and data security.

    Critical Insights:

    Transparency and ethical considerations in AI and tech are paramount to maintaining user trust and ensuring sustainable practices. The shift of tech companies to nonprofit models can offer a more trustworthy alternative, free from shareholder pressures.

    Call to Action:

    Stay informed about changes in terms of service from tech providers and advocate for transparency and ethical practices. Consider supporting and using tech services that prioritize privacy and nonprofit values.

    Closing Thought:

    The nonprofit sector continues to lead by example in prioritizing ethical practices and transparency, underscoring the importance of mission-driven work in tech and beyond.


    NonprofitNewsfeed.com Summary of hundreds of news sources.

    • 17 min
    Are These Organizations Really Nonprofits? (news)

    Are These Organizations Really Nonprofits? (news)

    Are These Organizations Still Nonprofits? A Deep Dive into Nonprofit Status and the Blurring Lines Overview

    This week on the Nonprofit Newsfeed, George Weiner, Chief Whaler of Whole Whale, and Nick Azulay, Senior Manager of Digital Strategy at Whole Whale, delve into the complex and evolving landscape of nonprofit status. They question whether certain large organizations still meet the true spirit of what it means to be a nonprofit.

    Key Topics and Highlights

    NCAA’s Historic Settlement:

    The NCAA, a nonprofit with nearly $1 billion in revenue, recently settled to pay college athletes $2.7 billion. This raises questions about whether the organization still aligns with its original nonprofit mission of fostering amateur sports.

    PGA Tour and Saudi Investment:

    The PGA Tour, another nonprofit, announced a merger with the Saudi Public Investment Fund’s LiveGolf. This billion-dollar deal casts doubt on whether taxpayer dollars should support such ventures.

    OpenAI’s Nonprofit Status:

    OpenAI, which started as a nonprofit, now controls a highly profitable LLC valued at $80 billion. This shift has led to legal scrutiny and questions about whether it still adheres to its nonprofit mission.

    The Linux Foundation:

    With $177 million in revenue and high executive salaries, the Linux Foundation faces scrutiny about its contribution to the public good and whether it still qualifies as a nonprofit. Critical Insights and Quotes George Weiner: “When you cross that line toward profiting off the community you’re trying to protect, it’s time to review that.” Nick Azoulay: “Should your tax dollars be subsidizing the Saudi investment into American golf influence? That’s a hard pill to swallow.” Calls to Action For Nonprofits: Reflect on whether your organization still aligns with its original mission and the broader public good. For Donors and Volunteers: Scrutinize the nonprofits you support to ensure they adhere to their stated missions and use funds responsibly. Closing Thought

    The conversation highlights the need for a national discussion about what truly constitutes a nonprofit. As organizations grow and evolve, it’s crucial to revisit their missions and ensure they continue to serve the public good.

    Additional Stories Universal Analytics Data Deletion: A reminder for organizations to download their data from Universal Analytics before it is permanently deleted. Robin Hood AI Poverty Challenge: An exciting opportunity offering up to $1 million for innovative projects addressing poverty in New York City. National Foundation for Transplant Closure: The closure of this organization leaves many organ transplant patients without critical funds. Feel-Good Story: The Growhaus nonprofit in Denver is planting vegetable gardens in food deserts, providing fresh produce and empowering families.


    NonprofitNewsfeed.com Summary of hundreds of news sources.

    • 18 min
    AI in the Nonprofit Sector: Revolutionizing Social Change (news)

    AI in the Nonprofit Sector: Revolutionizing Social Change (news)

    Hosts: George Weiner (Chief Whaler, Whole Whale), Nick (General Strategies, Whole Whale)

    This week’s episode of the Nonprofit Newsfeed dives deep into the growing influence of AI in the nonprofit sector. George Weiner and Nick discuss the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities, highlighting key stories and developments.

    Main Topics

    AI in Nonprofits:

    Featured Article: Chronicle of Philanthropy’s June cover story on AI nonprofits. Key Organizations: Quill.org: Uses AI to provide interactive exercises and personalized feedback in classrooms. Khan Academy: Partnered with OpenAI to create generative AI tools for personalized student learning. Justice Lab: Developed AI-powered chatbots and translation tools to assist immigrants with legal processes. FairBio: Uses AI for antibiotic research. The Contingent: Employs AI in foster parent recruitment.

    Ethical Considerations and Risks:

    The importance of ethical AI deployment to avoid potential harms, such as the misuse of deepfakes by students. The balance between leveraging AI for educational benefits and addressing the digital divide.

    OpenAI’s Nonprofit Pricing Tier:

    OpenAI introduces a new pricing tier for nonprofits at $20 per seat per month. Encouragement for nonprofits to adopt paid, trusted AI tools to avoid data leaks and ensure security.

    Google Search Overview Controversy:

    Google’s new AI feature generates bizarre and inaccurate responses, raising concerns about the safety and reliability of AI in search. The discussion on the implications of these errors and Google’s response to public backlash. Critical Insights AI in Education: AI can revolutionize education by providing personalized learning experiences, but it must be implemented ethically to avoid widening the educational gap. Nonprofit AI Adoption: Nonprofits are encouraged to adopt AI tools cautiously, ensuring data security and ethical use. Google’s AI Challenges: The rollout of Google’s AI search feature highlights the need for careful oversight and accurate information dissemination in AI applications. Quotes George Weiner: “AI allows students to learn at their own pace in a way I don’t really think has ever quite been possible like now.” Nick: “With any new technology, there’s tremendous upside, but there are also tremendous risks.” Calls to Action Nonprofits interested in AI tools should explore OpenAI’s nonprofit pricing tier and consider the ethical implications of AI use. Listeners are encouraged to stay informed about AI developments and advocate for responsible AI implementation in their organizations. Closing Thought

    The episode underscores the transformative potential of AI in the nonprofit sector, while also emphasizing the need for ethical considerations and responsible implementation. As AI continues to evolve, nonprofit professionals must navigate these changes thoughtfully to maximize positive social impact.


    NonprofitNewsfeed.com Summary of hundreds of news sources.

    • 15 min
    Roundup for charity on the rise & Slack AI Policy Fail (news)

    Roundup for charity on the rise & Slack AI Policy Fail (news)

    Would you like to round-up for charity?


    Point-of-sale donations, especially “round-up” campaigns, have seen a significant surge in recent years, raising millions of dollars for various charitable causes. In 2022, these campaigns brought in $749 million, a 24% increase from 2020. A recent survey conducted by Binghamton University faculty revealed that 53% of Americans give impulsively to charities at the checkout, with certain demographics being more likely to donate. Women, Black respondents, and middle-class individuals under 50 who have not attended college were found to be the top-giving demographics, contrasting with traditional donors who are usually older, higher-earning college graduates.


    The success of round-up donations can be attributed to several factors, including the perceived lower “pain” of donating spare change, the human preference for round numbers, and the subtle guilt induced by declining a low-cost request. Taco Bell Foundation, for example, doubled its annual fundraising by switching from asking for $1 donations to a round-up strategy. Similarly, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals raised $138 million in 2022 through point-of-sale campaigns, accounting for a third of its total fundraising.


    However, the ubiquity of these requests may lead to donor fatigue, and some consumers express concerns about the transparency of where their donations are going. Despite these potential drawbacks, the success of round-up campaigns is undeniable, and they have become a significant source of funding for many nonprofits, raising the profile of local organizations doing fantastic work in customers’ own communities.


    Melinda French Gates says she’s donating $1B to women’s rights | NBC News


    Melinda French Gates is committing $1 billion over the next two years to support women’s rights, including reproductive rights, through her organization Pivotal Ventures. This decision comes amid growing political violence against women and maternal health issues, with Gates highlighting that only a small fraction of charitable giving supports women-focused organizations. Her initiative aims to improve mental and physical health for women and girls and includes a $250 million grant for grassroots groups. How might this significant funding shift the landscape for women’s rights globally?



    Slack users horrified to discover messages used for AI training | Ars Technica

    Slack users were shocked to find out their messages were being used to train AI models, sparking a backlash that has the company scrambling to clarify its policies. Despite reassurances from Slack engineers that customer data isn’t used for training large language models, the existing policy’s ambiguity has left users uneasy. Salesforce, Slack’s parent company, promised to update privacy principles to better explain data usage, but the lack of an easy opt-out mechanism adds to users’ frustrations.


    Current Policy: Privacy principles: search, learning and artificial intelligence | Legal | Slack

    Updated AI statement:  How Slack protects your data when using machine learning and AI

    How to opt-out Contact slack to opt out. If you want to exclude your Customer Data from Slack global models, you can opt out. To opt out, please have your org,

    • 21 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
4 Ratings

4 Ratings

matchamochi93 ,

A must listen

This podcast is a must listen for anyone working in the nonprofit sector- but anyone even interested in nonprofits would benefit and feel engaged! The thoughtful commentary of nonprofit news and trends keeps me up to date while giving me a birds eye view of what’s going on in bite sized pieces.

mare_28 ,

Awesome nonprofit news in less than 20 minutes

Really appreciate these quick, to-the-point updates on the nonprofit sector without having to parse through tons of articles, that I can listen to while making my morning coffee and pretending I still have a commute to work.

NickAndrew51! ,

Great for Professionals

Great rundown from George and the Whole Whale team about industry news. Not a lot of outlets for this kind of nonprofit-industry news but this one fits the bill.

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