Objective morality is an observable reality Rhyme and Reason

    • Christianity

When you take God out of the equation, the question of “right and wrong” is a moot point. It isn’t objective morality at that point. It’s opinion. And guess what? If your opinion differs from mine, all you have to do to win the day is be the stronger one. That’s the “beauty” of natural selection in process.

It’s interesting how often those who reject God have no problem using the word “absolute.” By whose authority would anything be absolutely true or right or acceptable, if not God? Well, the god of “self” of course.

But here’s the trouble with that notion.

It’s either objective morality, or subjective morality of billions of “selfs” on the planet.

That’s a lot of potential for differences of opinion. So whose opinion wins? The more educated? Or the more enlightened? And how about the stronger, more visually appealing of the races?

It’s a rabbit hole with no bottom when you erase the one true, living loving God from the equation. He doesn’t wish that any person should perish (exist apart from Him) forever. But He’s fully aware that the vast majority of humans want no part of Him and His “rewards and punishments” system.

And they don’t want that because it means objective morality doesn’t depend on their opinion.

So, you have your choice between two places where you can go and be forever. One of them is a place where you won’t have to listen to, watch, or read any words from us pesky Christians ever again. And you’ll never have to debate any of us ever again on ideas like objective morality, natural selection, or creationism.

What a relief that’ll be right?

Well, it’ll only be a relief if your atheist worldview is correct.

The other forever destination will also be a place where you won’t have to listen to, watch, or read any words from us pesky Christians ever again. And you’ll never have to debate any of us ever again on ideas like objective morality, natural selection, or creationism. But THAT will be because no one there will disagree on those topics. And not because it’s a place filled with automatons. Far from it. It’ll be paradise. A place where Truth is clearly seen from the apex of Life to the very center core of every cell of creation.

That place will be Heaven. Where you can live forever with the one true, living, loving Creator of us all. Good news is, it’s a free gift. And if even that doesn’t appeal to you, there’s still good news. No one will force you to go there. The choice is entirely yours.

So, my recommendation is to choose wisely. Speaking of wise choices…

You should jump on the Rhyme and Reason Bandwagon and be part of the growing band of ne’er-do-wells who understand that life has Rhyme and Reason because God made us.

Get Wise

Don’t drink the wine of violence

Or eat the bread of hate.

You might just get away with it.

Can you afford to wait?

Don’t push and shove the simple, and

Seek knowledge just like gold.

And in so doing you’ll lay up

Your treasures manifold.

A word to the confounded…

Pour light into your eyes.

If you expect more than neglect,

Get wisdom; yeah get wise.

Get wise to the deceiver.

Don’t harken to his lies.

Keep commanding understanding.

Get wisdom; yeah get wise.

Don’t walk, you, with the wicked.

Beware the scornful tongue.

Let never part your loving heart

And live forever young.

© 1995

Stay tuned…


When you take God out of the equation, the question of “right and wrong” is a moot point. It isn’t objective morality at that point. It’s opinion. And guess what? If your opinion differs from mine, all you have to do to win the day is be the stronger one. That’s the “beauty” of natural selection in process.

It’s interesting how often those who reject God have no problem using the word “absolute.” By whose authority would anything be absolutely true or right or acceptable, if not God? Well, the god of “self” of course.

But here’s the trouble with that notion.

It’s either objective morality, or subjective morality of billions of “selfs” on the planet.

That’s a lot of potential for differences of opinion. So whose opinion wins? The more educated? Or the more enlightened? And how about the stronger, more visually appealing of the races?

It’s a rabbit hole with no bottom when you erase the one true, living loving God from the equation. He doesn’t wish that any person should perish (exist apart from Him) forever. But He’s fully aware that the vast majority of humans want no part of Him and His “rewards and punishments” system.

And they don’t want that because it means objective morality doesn’t depend on their opinion.

So, you have your choice between two places where you can go and be forever. One of them is a place where you won’t have to listen to, watch, or read any words from us pesky Christians ever again. And you’ll never have to debate any of us ever again on ideas like objective morality, natural selection, or creationism.

What a relief that’ll be right?

Well, it’ll only be a relief if your atheist worldview is correct.

The other forever destination will also be a place where you won’t have to listen to, watch, or read any words from us pesky Christians ever again. And you’ll never have to debate any of us ever again on ideas like objective morality, natural selection, or creationism. But THAT will be because no one there will disagree on those topics. And not because it’s a place filled with automatons. Far from it. It’ll be paradise. A place where Truth is clearly seen from the apex of Life to the very center core of every cell of creation.

That place will be Heaven. Where you can live forever with the one true, living, loving Creator of us all. Good news is, it’s a free gift. And if even that doesn’t appeal to you, there’s still good news. No one will force you to go there. The choice is entirely yours.

So, my recommendation is to choose wisely. Speaking of wise choices…

You should jump on the Rhyme and Reason Bandwagon and be part of the growing band of ne’er-do-wells who understand that life has Rhyme and Reason because God made us.

Get Wise

Don’t drink the wine of violence

Or eat the bread of hate.

You might just get away with it.

Can you afford to wait?

Don’t push and shove the simple, and

Seek knowledge just like gold.

And in so doing you’ll lay up

Your treasures manifold.

A word to the confounded…

Pour light into your eyes.

If you expect more than neglect,

Get wisdom; yeah get wise.

Get wise to the deceiver.

Don’t harken to his lies.

Keep commanding understanding.

Get wisdom; yeah get wise.

Don’t walk, you, with the wicked.

Beware the scornful tongue.

Let never part your loving heart

And live forever young.

© 1995

Stay tuned…