361 episodes

We're five friends who talk about ABC's hit TV show Once Upon a Time and invite you to share your theories, observations, and more. We discuss the stories, fairy tales, easter eggs, and host in-depth discussions to understand what’s going on. This Once Upon a Time podcast is a two-time award-finalist for best Entertainment podcast and Best Produced podcast.

Join Daniel J. Lewis, Jeremy Laughlin, Erin, Hunter Hathaway, and Jacquelyn to discover happy endings. Send your feedback to Feedback@ONCEpodcast.com or leave a message on our listener voicemail line at (903) 231-2221.

ONCE podcast is an unofficial Once Upon a Time fan podcast and is not affiliate with Disney or ABC Studios.

ONCE - Once Upon a Time podcast Daniel J. Lewis, Jeremy Laughlin, Erin, Hunter Hathaway, Jacquelyn, and Dan Flynn

    • TV & Film
    • 4.6 • 551 Ratings

We're five friends who talk about ABC's hit TV show Once Upon a Time and invite you to share your theories, observations, and more. We discuss the stories, fairy tales, easter eggs, and host in-depth discussions to understand what’s going on. This Once Upon a Time podcast is a two-time award-finalist for best Entertainment podcast and Best Produced podcast.

Join Daniel J. Lewis, Jeremy Laughlin, Erin, Hunter Hathaway, and Jacquelyn to discover happy endings. Send your feedback to Feedback@ONCEpodcast.com or leave a message on our listener voicemail line at (903) 231-2221.

ONCE podcast is an unofficial Once Upon a Time fan podcast and is not affiliate with Disney or ABC Studios.

    • video
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    Once Upon a Time seventh season unboxing [video]

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    • 13 min
    Farewell, Once Upon a Time

    Farewell, Once Upon a Time

    Our favorite and least favorite moments of the series, YOUR favorite and least favorite moments, the history of the podcast, how the show has impacted us, some fun moments from the podcast, and one last crackpot theory as we relive the best moments of the show in this hour-long cryfest of “Farewell, Once Upon a Time” podcast!

    Favorite and Least Favorite Moments from Fans

    It has been seven years since the show started and we’ve got a lot of feedback about your favorite and least favorite moments from the the Once Upon a Time community. Starting off the portal of feedback is one of Melanie’s top three moments:

    Snow and Charming’s story of how they met – the original one not the one changed by time travel. Emma believing, fighting with Regina and kissing Henry to break the curse. Charming’s line about Thanksgiving because it shows how everyone is connected and acknowledges that yes it is a little crazy how we are all connected.

    — Melanie

    We loved the Thanksgiving line because it’s so spot on; it’s fortunate that they don’t have Thanksgiving because it will be chaotic.

    If I had to go with one, probably 2X14, Manhattan. To me that episode was borderline flawless.

    — Brian

    This episode certainly remains one of our favorite episodes, as well. However, Brian also shared one of the show’s biggest mistake, which we also shared:

    No doubt, killing off Neal. Especially when I read it wasn’t because the actor wanted out of the show, it was just a boneheaded decision made by the show-runners.

    — Brian

    That said, 3×11 “Going Home” have some of the best moments of the series.

    Overall moment; Season 3, Episode 11 – Going Home (the Season 3 mid-season finale): As Pan’s Curse descends upon Storybrooke, Emma and Henry bid a tearful farewell to their family and friends at the town line as they leave Storybrooke for New York. Regina reveals they will lose their memories of Storybrooke but gifts them new memories of Emma raising Henry. Two and a half seasons in and the cast had built up such strong relationships, everything about this scene resonated. If Once had ended there and then, I would have been satisfied. I’m glad it didn’t as there was much more to come but honestly, that Neverland arc was brilliant and this moment encapsulated the character relationships perfectly.

    — Matthew R

    For all those reasons, season 3 finale will also go down as one of our favorite moments of the series. That would’ve been a really good series finale which, in a way, it kind of was. So what is the show’s legacy?

    1) Mark Isham’s soundtrack for the series

    2) People still need and want a happy ending

    3) Why you need #Hire_the_Nerd obsessed fans and a good podcast to support a tv show

    4) Why networks should not change a show’s time slot

    5) If you plan to do a reboot — choose wisely — the timelines alone would make one head’s spin!

    — Keeper of Squid Ink

    Speaking of Mark Isham, he did released the series finale’s score, which everyone can listen to in his website. On the other hand, it was amazing how some of the series’ fans continued to tune in because they want to keep tuning to our podcast, and for that we are grateful. For a time, Alie Ward even recorded several recaps of the series; the show even had their own Once Upon a Time podcast for a while.

    Mine is probably the Belle & Rumple wedding, and the dance in the episode after. The best!

    • 2 hr 31 min
    Leaving Storybrooke

    Leaving Storybrooke

    What stood out? Where did they fall short? All these plus some timeline issues, parallels, and Once Upon a Time’s biggest success story in this full-discussion of “Leaving Storybrooke”!

    Timeline Issues

    We’ve already said a lot during our “Leaving Storybrooke” initial reactions, but there are so much more to say about the series finale. There’s clearly not enough magic in Rumplestiltskin’s castle to fix the timeline, but did the finale broke the time loop when Regina united the realms? What about the other Zelena in San Francisco? Is she not going to see her daughter and family ever again?

    Young Henry is seen wearing a Sheriff badge by the end of the episode, but which Henry is it? Wish Henry or the Young Henry in Storybrooke? Did Wish Henry find a place in Storybrooke, after all? Why didn’t Regina just have them all go back in their appropriate times before uniting the realms? Then we wouldn’t have a problem seeing multiple versions of the characters.

    Where are the duplicates? Which Regina is Queen? If all the realms were brought back together, shouldn’t it include Anastasia and Drizella? Storybrooke is not that big, where are they all going to live in now? DeAndre shared a long post at the forum about the final timeline and ages of our beloved characters.

    If the troll is there, does that mean that Hyperion Heights is also in Storybrooke? The troll is certainly there, as well as the tower, did Regina bring it to Storybrooke, as well?

    This finale should not been so rushed. The show really should have given us a 2 hr episode. In the end we should be lucky to get an end, unlike other shows. Everyone did get their happy ending. Wow. Just wow. Seven years gone so fast. We got lots of story. We fell in love with our heroes. I will treasure this show in my heart. I will rewatch many times over. Thank you Once Podcast for the amazing dedication to the podcast. I will also re listen to the podcast. This show had such an impact in my life and heart I did the front of my house in an Enchanted Forest fairytale design. Check out my wishing well directly inspired from the show. Thank you all for your hard work. I wish everyone the best and for God to bless you all.

    — Annamaria

    We wish “Leaving Storybrooke” could’ve been extended so they could’ve done more justice to the story if the network gave the show another hour. Once Upon a Time may not have the same ratings as the Shonda Rhimes’ shows, but they could’ve given it one more hour to fix everything up.

    Operation: We Are Both

    Seeing Alice and Robin in Storybrooke feels like visiting both a flashback and a present-day story all in one. It was nice seeing Granny and a few of the dwarfs including Grumpy, Sleepy and Sneezy, but when did the Storybrooke residents get so murdery? That being said, it was nice to see a montage of the seven dwarfs, as well as people that they couldn’t include in the episode in the montage.

    We loved that Zelena had gone Hollywood when Alice and Robin walked up to her. It was cute for Robin to talk to her and making her believe that she was indeed her daughter while young Robin was sitting in the car and sticking out her tongue a...

    • 1 hr 34 min
    "Leaving Storybrooke" initial reactions by Hunter and Jacquelyn

    "Leaving Storybrooke" initial reactions by Hunter and Jacquelyn

    Join Hunter and Jacquelyn in their final podcast together as they share their initial reactions about the series finale, “Leaving Storybrooke”, talking about one last magical mcguffin to solve the problem, some timeline confusion, and their favorite and least moments of the episode. Plus, some insights as they look back at the series as a whole!

    These are our first thoughts about this Once Upon a Time episode. We’ll share more about “Leaving Storybrooke” in our upcoming full discussion (usually live on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m., USA Eastern Time).


    Initial Reactions

    On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being ‘Oh my God, best episode ever!’, “Leaving Storybrooke” is probably a 6 or 7, but that doesn’t mean we didn’t like it. There are some things we liked and loved, but it’s not the best episode of the series. That being said, it’s definitely better than other episodes in the past. Plot-wise, it’s all nonsense. It’s the typical Once Upon a Time ‘let’s throw spaghetti on the wall and see what sticks’, which is not great but one we’ve gotten used to. The emotional stuff particularly the endings for two characters that we have watched since the very first moment of the show, however, just hit out of the park; we loved Regina and Rumplestiltskin’s wedding! It was so sweet, especially Regina’s line, “the darkness can always find the light.”

    The final episode definitely had a lot of nostalgia, and complicated feelings wrapped up in the series finale and as long as we don’t get our heads around the plot, it was a solid 8.

    Favorite and Least Favorite Moments

    It was nice seeing the dwarfs in the beginning of the episode whistling as they go to work, but where are the other 4 dwarfs? Perhaps the other actors weren’t available for filming during this time or there just aren’t enough budget to bring them all in for the final episode? That said, it was great to see Storybrooke for one last time. The fact that the opening shot was the clock tower and that it was on 8:15, which is a number that’s been around the show and was carried over from Lost was so great. Hyperion Heights never really felt like a real place and lived in; it didn’t quite have the same nostalgia of Storybrooke. It was great to open inside Storybrooke, and that the final shots of the entire show were these beautiful camera pans down the streets of Storybrooke. As much as we loved the characters, and we’ve always loved the characters, that small, quaint town has been as much of a character in Once Upon a Time as Emma or Regina. Opening up in this city that we all loved and seen familiar shots was a nice homecoming.

    Another favorite moments from the series was seeing Granny with her crossbow; it was funny how she was just carrying it around. Plus, how very Once Upon a Time to have Leroy give some sort of big shout and causing panic and alarm. It was also hilarious seeing Robin and Alice running for the hills; very good pitch perfect opening scene.

    On the other hand, as we moved to the Wish Realm where majority of the plot happens, we know in the previous episode “Homecoming” that Wish Henry wrote the Guardian out of the existence and everything that he did. How did everything he did made Rumplestiltskin mortal? We’ve watched Rumplestiltskin really struggle with the idea of being immortal, and for him to face the consequences of what that really means....

    • 55 min
    "Leaving Storybrooke" initial reactions

    "Leaving Storybrooke" initial reactions

    Some rants, more raves, a couple of questions that are now pointless, Operation: We Are Both, and more in our “Leaving Storybrooke” initial reactions!

    Wish Rumple’s evil plan is revealed and Regina realizes the only hope to stop him is by turning Wish Henry from his path for vengeance. Meanwhile, Tilly and Margot try to get help in Storybrooke. With his hope of ever being reunited with Belle fading, Weaver struggles to find a way to defeat his evil alter ego; and when Rogers’ life is threatened, he is faced with the ultimate sacrifice.

    These are our first thoughts about this Once Upon a Time episode. We’ll share more about “Leaving Storybrooke” in our upcoming full discussion (usually live on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m., USA Eastern Time).

    Initial Reactions

    Remember, these are only our initial reactions regarding tonight’s episode so please bear with us if we’re a bit all over the place. If you have your own thoughts, feedbacks, or theories regarding tonight’s episode, however, send them over to us and join our upcoming full discussion!

    “Leaving Storybrooke” was fun to watch. It was exciting and the story especially separated from last week was kind of just so-so, but we knew that whatever plot there was, was going to be mostly a vehicle for doing character stuff they wanted to do. The series finale had so many amazing character moments and reveals. It was so fun to watch, and there were so many things we liked. However, we were slightly convinced that they eventually listened to us and made sure that Rumple pulled one last vial of magic to use in the final episode of the series.

    We definitely had some mixed reactions to some of what happened in the finale. Rumplestiltskin’s exit could’ve been more if they had more time, but the way that it happened also was all that could’ve happened because we’ve already had big epic moments that should’ve probably his end and weren’t. So it was no less meaningful, but it was not a repeat of something that they’ve already done. Plus, the fact that Hook started out as his nemesis, and then to end up sacrificing his life not just for him but also his daughter was one of the most beautiful moments of the series finale. That being said, everything would still work without the involvement of the Wish Realm.

    The end was beautiful, but seeing two Henry’s was weird and messed up. Furthermore, Emma and Hook’s baby also shouldn’t be a baby. When Hook and Emma came to help Henry earlier in the season, Henry was grown and she was just expecting then, and that was before Lucy was born. Then again, as the Apprentice said, the timelines alone would make one’s head spin, and it certainly did ours. On the other hand, it was funny when Alice and Robin show up in Storybrooke out loud. So much for “they can’t know we’re here”.

    The very end of the episode was cute in a way, but it also didn’t make a lot of sense in another. It’s like Disney World, as well as Operation: We Are Both. Somehow, the whole ceremony for Regina being the Queen of all the kingdoms was kind of amazing, but does Tiana still get to be Queen in her own kingdom? And did anyone expect Emma to come in and say “Sorry, I’m late” during Regina’s coronation? The best reveal of the show, however, was seeing Snow White and Prince Charming back. It was nice to see them again, what with Charming giving a sword twirl, as well as Snow with a bow and arrow. We also liked Regina’s dream about Robin Hood and the feather in her hands when she wakes up.

    • 45 min
    Spoilers for 7x22 "Leaving Storybrooke"

    Spoilers for 7x22 "Leaving Storybrooke"

    Everything you need to know about the series finale including synopsis, promo, set photos, as well as the final Hot Seat of the series in this Spoilers-only podcast of Spoilers for 7×22 “Leaving Storybrooke”!

    “Leaving Storybrooke”

    Wish Rumple’s evil plan is revealed and Regina realizes the only hope to stop him is by turning Wish Henry from his path for vengeance. Meanwhile, Tilly and Margot try to get help in Storybrooke. With his hope of ever being reunited with Belle fading, Weaver struggles to find a way to defeat his evil alter ego; and when Rogers’ life is threatened, he is faced with the ultimate sacrifice.

    “Leaving Storybrooke” was written by Edward Kitsis & Adam Horowitz, and directed by Ralph Hemecker. Guest starring in this episode are Ginnifer Goodwin as Snow White, Jennifer Morrison as Emma Swan, Josh Dallas as Prince Charming, Jared Gilmore as Young Henry, Emilie de Ravin as Belle, Rebecca Mader as Zelena, Sean Maguire as Robin Hood, Tony Amendola as Marco, David Anders as Dr. Whale, Lee Arenberg as Leroy, Jack Davies as Pinocchio, Faustino Di Bauda as Sleepy, Beverley Elliott as Granny, Gabe Khouth as Sneezy, Rose Reynolds as Alice/Tilly, Tiera Skovbye as Robin/Margot and Keegan Connor Tracy as Blue Fairy.

    A lot has happened in the last promo for Once Upon a Time’s series finale, “Leaving Storybrooke”, with Henry being attacked by one of the Dark Knights until Prince Charming and Snow White coming in to help their grandson. We then see Snow White sitting at the roundtable talking about how this Rumplestiltskin has been dangerous in the past and is even more evil than they’ve ever seen, cutting then to Wish Rumple walking into a room with what looks like Henry all tied up. In then goes some quick flashes of Wish Rumple having Rumplestiltskin by the neck, Nook and Rumple fighting in the snow storm, then of Rumple saying that he will drag them all into the darkness but Nook will not give up; Nook fighting the Dark Knights with a sword, as well as Regina sword-fighting with Wish Henry, Alice getting sucked into a portal, Nook grabbing stuff on the table, Regina being held by a sword point by Wish Henry saying, “If I have to go out by showing you that there are people who love you, then that’s a worthy end for me” and, finally, all the guest stars we expect to see by the series finale.

    As for the promotional photos for “Leaving Storybrooke” and because it’s the end, we got photos of more than one scene, several of which are photos of people at the big final scene that we talked about in the previous spoiler podcast. There’s one of Lucy wearing a dress in what looks like the rumored coronation for Regina, or did she eventually become the Queen of the Wish Realm? We also have photos of Cinderella in her fancy blue dress, arm in arm with Henry who is wearing a suit. Based on what we keep hearing about, the big final scene isn’t going to be a wedding, but rather a coronation of some sort.

    In another photo, we got both Snow White and Prince Charming in one photo wearing their fancy Enchanted Forest clothing, as well as a few random photos including the two Henry’s standing next to each other, with Wish Realm Henry in his gold armour and chain mail, and present day Henry in his plaid and leather jacket. There’s also a big family shot of everyone standing around the round table, including Cinderella, Henry, Snow White, Prince Charming, Alice, Robin, Zelena and Regina; a couple of close up shots of the same scene with Regina and Zelena, and Alice and Robin. In another photo, there were several shots of Regina locked up and chained in a cave or dungeon.

    • 16 min

Customer Reviews

4.6 out of 5
551 Ratings

551 Ratings

ewqjjddhdaajko ,

Love, love, love!

I know I am writing this several years after this podcast ended but this is an amazing podcast! I love how in-depth they go and it’s so much fun after watching an episode to see them debrief it!

CassoLaMags ,

Love this show, but justice for Hook!

This podcast is so much fun. I just finished it and I didn’t discover it until 5 years after the show’s cancellation. But it was fascinating to hear their theories as the show aired on ABC. Although I don’t agree with one of the host’s feelings on the Ruby Slippers episode, I thought that they expressed themselves respectfully until they said the word “normal”. And they are entitled to their opinion as much as anyone else. I’m also impressed that they kept this show going and long as the show did. I’m used to podcasts that take place after the show ends, so this was different. They tended to fixate too much on certain things, but I suppose that is the whole point, for me it was too much. Also, I love(d) Hook, and there was too much hate for Hook at times, so I didn’t care too much for that. But it didn’t bother me too much since my ultimate OUAT ship was endgame (#CaptSwan). Thanks so much guys! I don’t know if you even bother to look at reviews anymore, or if it even matters. But I wanted to share my feelings either way.

LinkinParkFan1870 ,

I SERIOUSLY wish I knew about this during the show

As a fan of Once Upon a Time from my family watching Season 1, I saw it through until the end. And THEN, after the Season 7 finale, I discover this awesome podcast and laughing at everything from Daniel’s quoting lines in hilarious contexts to Jeremy’s reaction to blood magic and squid ink. My family stopped watching the show after Season 5 because it got too confusing and if I knew about this podcast then, I would have kept them watching because I like how Daniel, Jeremy, Erin, Jenny, and Heather go in depth with every episode and I actually picked some things up I didn’t even know in the show.

On the bright side, I can also listen to the spoilers section from Hunter and Jacqueline without getting spoiled lol.

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