28 episodes

Ordinary Habits, Extraordinary Life. with Maria Bailey is about making ordinary life extraordinary, exploring the challenges of the daily grind and other life mysteries and ultimately offers inspiring and creative tools and techniques for building an abundant life.

Through reflections from maria and lively conversations with masters in their field we explore edgy topics and uncomfortable assumptions that reveal the unconscious drivers of our habitual patterns that hold us back from finding the richness in ordinary moments.

Using mind, heart and body perspectives she invites us to expand our views and access more of our untapped potential to live each ordinary moment into an extraordinary life.

"Ordinary Habits, Extraordinary Life" with Maria Bailey Contact Talk Radio Network

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Ordinary Habits, Extraordinary Life. with Maria Bailey is about making ordinary life extraordinary, exploring the challenges of the daily grind and other life mysteries and ultimately offers inspiring and creative tools and techniques for building an abundant life.

Through reflections from maria and lively conversations with masters in their field we explore edgy topics and uncomfortable assumptions that reveal the unconscious drivers of our habitual patterns that hold us back from finding the richness in ordinary moments.

Using mind, heart and body perspectives she invites us to expand our views and access more of our untapped potential to live each ordinary moment into an extraordinary life.

    Episode 28: Faith, Love and Discipline with Master Vedic Astrologer Arjun Chakraborty

    Episode 28: Faith, Love and Discipline with Master Vedic Astrologer Arjun Chakraborty

    Arjun Chakraborty was born a Brahmin in Kolkata, India, where he first learned Vedic Astrology from his uncle and then went to study at the most prestigious academies in India. He works with both birth horoscopes and question horoscopes and is also trained in Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrology, which is the most accurate predictive astrology in the world.
    He is currently the principal at the Institute of Astrological Science in India, teaches Vedic Astrology regularly, and has delivered lectures in the Linnaeus University, Lithuania; Gothenburg University and Luna University in Sweden; Sofia University in Bulgaria; and the German Astrology Association in Bonn, Germany. Arjun has also been interviewed by newspapers, magazines, and TV channels around the world.
    Dive into this dynamic conversation discussing the habits and values of a master of this ancient tradition.
    “My strength is the quality of my work” ~ Arjun Chakraborty

    In this episode you’ll hear about:
    “We should not run after success; we should concentrate on doing our job as well as possible”
    ~ Arjun Chakraborty

    A Disciplined Lifestyle
    •Stick to something for a long time
    •Have faith in God – “The superpower that created us”
    •Be honest in your practice and study
    •Have control over your senses

    Crossroad Situations
    “When you give respect and love, you will get them in return much quicker” ~ Arjun Chakraborty

    The Path of a Spiritual Lifestyle
    •Have respect for life and others
    •Find wise allies
    •Rejuvenate yourself regularly

    Prayer: The habit of asking
    “Astrology is a spiritual subject” ~ Arjun Chakraborty

    “Values are extremely important for me, because if I don't respect them, someday I will have to pay a price”
    ~ Arjun Chakraborty

    The Theory of Karma and the Values that Drive your Choices
    •Values drive your choices. If you don't respect values, then in the next life, or maybe even in the last few years of this life, you may go through hardships and physical or emotional pain.

    The Importance of Tradition
    •What do you believe in?
    •Has your culture influenced your beliefs?
    “God is the only superpower who can do miracles and who can bring changes from what is indicated in your chart” ~ Arjun Chakraborty

    Until next time, be curious, be inspired and simplify the way…

    • 50 min
    Episode 27: Cooking up a Beautiful Experience with Systems Designer and Chef Callie Cavanaugh

    Episode 27: Cooking up a Beautiful Experience with Systems Designer and Chef Callie Cavanaugh

    I’ve prepared a feast for you today! our guest is Callie Cavanaugh,
    Founder and CEO of Nonna Eats who was named “Best Private Chef Service” in Modern Luxury: Silicon Valley, Voyage Denver, and Community Connection by The Burgess Group, just to name a few.

    Cooking since she was 5 – and now with culinary school, training in Italy and an advanced degree in interaction design under her apron – Callie believes that exploration and curiosity lead to innovation. She develops cutting-edge yet functional experiences to bring people back to the table and build more empathy and better relationships.

    This episode is about more than eating and socializing: Callie shares the ordinary habits that helped her get to where she is, collaborating with incredible creative chefs and offering extraordinary experiences around the country.

    “Curiosity has pushed me beyond flavor, and ingredients to an even deeper level of what food means.” ~ Callie Cavanaugh

    In this episode you’ll hear about:

    “I know now that no matter what food was on the table, it brought my family together as a source of connection.” ~ Callie Cavanaugh

    •Grounding to be Present: Use meals and food as a time to connect with yourself, loved ones and what you're eating.
    •Innate Curiosity: Experiment and be open to different things. (All design thinking is about experimenting, trying something, seeing if it works or doesn't work and learning from it.)
    •Desire for Growth: Experience an intense need to learn, explore, and grow.


    “Play brings learning because when I'm in play, I'm trying and creating things. Then, all of a sudden, wow! There's this really cool spark of inspiration” ~ Callie Cavanaugh

    •Inspiration: Listen to your intuition to inspire your decisions.
    •Play: Explore color and design as an expression of your “art”.
    •Creativity: Greet the moment and get out of the way to enter the flow.

    “When I was little, I would always order the weirdest thing on the menu” ~ Callie Cavanaugh


    “I think everyone is intuitive. Sometimes it takes us a little bit to realize and understand how to listen.” ~ Callie Cavanaugh

    Playful Intuition: Find the opportunity to relish and celebrate a moment and take it!

    “I think some of the most beautiful joys in life are from the ordinary. And when we can see them as extraordinary, we can feel the ripples into so many other facets of our lives”. ~ Callie Cavanaugh

    Until next time, be curious, be inspired and simplify the way…

    Callie Cavanaugh

    • 41 min
    Episode 26: A Journey Within with World-Renowned Trailblazer Troy Rarick

    Episode 26: A Journey Within with World-Renowned Trailblazer Troy Rarick

    Troy Rarick is the quintessential adventurer at the edge of the “known map” facing the unknown, exploring the road less traveled. The guy you call when you want to turn a sleepy and sometimes bankrupt little town into a mountain biking destination. He is a master at trail design, and more. He is filled with a rugged wisdom that, if you listen closely, might set you on a path of adventurous personal development, environmental awareness and -- who knows? -- maybe even spiritual growth.

    Troy advocates for the possibility of designing city infrastructures that provide complete human experiences, where mountain biking goes beyond being a sport and becomes a philosophy where we can develop better communities, appreciation of the outdoors and positively shape individual lives.

    Troy is best known as the founder of Over The Edge Sports, Colorado's destination mountain bike shop and trail experience, and the Fruita Fat Tire Festival, and he has taken his experience and philosophy of transforming communities around the world.

    “There's another beautiful option in all of our lives that we can see but we've never quite dared to go there.” ~ Troy Rarick

    In this episode you’ll hear about:

    •The Philosophy: See, Say, Send
    •Look Over the Edge: Allow yourself to move beyond the all the reasons of “why not?”
    •A Beautiful Thing: Be the Person You Wish You Could be.

    “Allow yourself to have the experience of success.” ~ Troy Rarick


    •A Journey Inside Yourself: Find your “Yes!” energy - Dare to see for yourself!
    •Your Light: What you get excited about
    •Bravado is a fear-based idea: Start within reach

    “I've seen myself bring my light forth and have it be an effective light in the lives of others, and it's inspired me.” ~ Troy Rarick


    •Make every step a tangible forward movement in the moment
    •Keep Yourself in “The Energy of truth,” don’t waste time judging (yourself or others)
    •Know with your own eyes, right now!

    “There are things we're all terrified of and often tends to reside really close to the thing we think would be beautiful to do.” ~ Troy Rarick

    • 57 min
    Episode 25: Co-Worker of the Divine: A fisherman’s Story with Joy Solomon

    Episode 25: Co-Worker of the Divine: A fisherman’s Story with Joy Solomon

    “I’m the co-worker of the Divine himself, who called me to do this.” ~ Joy Solomon

    Joy Solomon is an unselfish man who has dedicated his life — day in and day out — to be in service of others. He is the kind of man who has had radical, life changing impacts on those left behind and on the fringes of the world that you and I are so blessed to enjoy.

    We sometimes call people like Joy angels, saints, saviors, good Samaritans. I believe he is a master of genuine altruism, giving up everything he worked for in his life to empower academically gifted children from poor fishermen families in coastal India who aspire for higher education.

    Joy Solomon leads a charitable organization called Coastal Brains. As the son of a fisherman himself, he had the good fortune to have his education sponsored by an Englishman he met by chance in his childhood. With impeccable effort he went on to earn his master’s degree in Biotechnology, finishing first in his class and working overseas for many years. But that was before he heard the call to something different and of a higher purpose, and he was drawn back to train and guide children like him from isolated fishing communities along India's Kerala coast, so that they can become the medical doctors, engineers, scientists, pilots, captains, and professors of the future and be of service to their villages and the larger world.

    “The time given for me is to make one step at a time. That is the time available to me, and I make that step and the next step. The time I can’t control is in the future.” ~ Joy Solomon

    In this episode:

    “The only thing I had to do was just obey that this is my inner call.” ~ Joy Solomon


    •Listen to your inner calling and follow it
    •Accept the time you have and take little steps without any pressure or hurry
    •Collaborate with something greater than yourself and enjoy doing so

    Trust the Divine Plan

    •Accept your limitations and commit to the guidance of a higher power
    •Allow things to be done with a little help of some “friends”
    •Understanding the “plan” takes being involved and when looking back connect the dots


    “Gratitude is a quality and a gift. In other words, if you're faithful with smaller things, you will be faithful with bigger things.” ~ Joy Solomon


    •Have the right attitude. “Yes, it would be nice…Thank you”
    •Gratitude and love are linked when someone is grateful is an expression of love
    •Be grateful for smaller things, then you will learn to receive and be grateful for bigger things.

    •Stay true with yourself about your situation
    •Only give what you can give in this moment
    •Practice saying ‘no’ without losing your quality of love

    “I believe for every human being, there is a purpose on this earth. Realizing that purpose or living to that purpose is important. I realized this [service to others] is the purpose of my life. And I just love doing that.” ~ Joy Solomon


    “When I am happy and free, only then can I think of others to be happy and free.” ~ Joy Solomon

    Basic Goodness

    •Love the child in you and engage others more playfully
    •Wish for all beings to be happy and free, including yourself - “Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu”
    •When you get something good, share it!

    “Heaven is not a place out there in the universe or a place where you will go after death. It’s a state of your life. When you are like a child you are happy and free – you’re in heaven.” ~ Joy Solomon

    Until next time, be curious, be inspired and simplify the way…

    Joy Solomon

    • 54 min
    Episode 24: Devotion to Truth with Authentic Relating Leader Sara Ness

    Episode 24: Devotion to Truth with Authentic Relating Leader Sara Ness

    “Authentic Relating has been one of the most transformative things in my life, it's given me grounding, good friends, purpose and a life that I never expected.” ~ Sara Ness

    Sara Ness is the founder and CEO of authentic revolution and a master at authentic relating. She is known internationally for having popularized the field of authentic relating, which is a practice that provides short experiential practices and experiences that create connection on many levels.

    Sara is an instigator of authenticity, a ninja of connection, and awkward turtle of social situations who has worked with thousands of people ranging from places such as Google, to Mid Valley to Burning Man, teaching authentic leadership and communication.

    Enjoy this passionate conversation exposing the joys and challenges of human connection and exploring our creative potential through relationship.

    “This is the world I want to live in: where people are being truthful to who they are and considering how each action affects the people around them.” ~ Sara Ness

    In this episode:

    “There were numerous moments where I got shown that my reality wasn't the only one, for sure!” ~Sara Ness

    Don't Take Connection for Granted
    •Understand how to make friends.
    •Have a common language
    •Create real flow. Be conflict free

    To Stay Open to Truth, Stay Open Through Change
    •Align with reality
    •Get the support you need
    •Look with eyes of appreciation

    “I can't stop things from changing. Knowing and accepting this defines how I do business, receive feedback, and look at myself.” ~Sara Ness


    “I'm deeply driven by truth, the search for it and the awareness that I will never find it because truth is largely subjective. By looking at things from more angles, I can stay a lot more open to it.” ~ Sara Ness

    How to Navigate Reactivity
    •Step back: put space between action and reaction
    •Take a third perspective: See other people's worldviews: How can this make sense?
    •Regulate your emotional experience

    Bring forward a new possibility for Feminine Leadership (leadership that is based on relationship and connection)
    •Connect and stay true to what you stand for and devote yourself to that
    •Stay curious and don’t get stuck with your side of the truth
    •Take responsibility for your experience and take other perspectives into consideration

    “I want to prove there's a value to feminine leadership, there's a value to doing things based on relationship and based on super f** high integrity. Because sometimes that's all I've got.” ~ Sara Ness


    Devotion to Truth as a Guiding Principle
    •What is your deepest motivation?
    •Where does it come from?
    •Why is it there?
    •Why does it matter?
    •What do you do to sustain it?

    “I made a commitment to myself when I was young, ‘I will never stagnate.’” ~ Sara Ness

    • 1 hr 5 min
    Episode 23: The Energy of Possibility with Hall of Fame Engineer Jill Tietjen

    Episode 23: The Energy of Possibility with Hall of Fame Engineer Jill Tietjen

    “Why not me? If not me, who will do it?” ~ Jill Tietjen

    Jill Tietjen is a woman of action, a storyteller, an expert at helping highly successful women garner the recognition they deserve.

    An electrical engineer by profession and consultant, women's advocate, author, and speaker, Jill is one of the top historians in the country on women in science and technology. She has written or co-authored 10 books and more than 100 technical papers, including an award winning and locally best-selling book, Her Story, a timeline of the women who changed America.

    Jill was inducted into the Colorado Women's Hall of Fame in 2010 and the Colorado authors Hall of Fame in 2019. She was one of the first 10 women to receive an engineering degree at the University of Virginia.

    Ambitious and energetic, Jill found her way in a male-dominated world and opened the door for women, pioneering and leading women into STEM fields and shaping the professional possibilities women have today in science, technology, engineering, and math professions.

    In this interview:

    “There's never anything, that's not my job.” ~ Jill Tietjen

    Do your best and meet your Commitments
    It will build your courage, confidence, character, and self-reliance.

    Take Responsibility for Being Responsible
    Make sure whatever you’re doing, is for the right reasons: Gain the right tools and skills to succeed.


    “When I make a commitment to someone, I follow through on that commitment.”
    ~ Jill Tietjen

    Be willing to do whatever you think is reasonable to see things happen.
    •Advocate for something you believe in
    •Be prepared
    •Listen and participate

    Trust your choice (about what you love) and if you’re told you can’t – prove them wrong!
    •Get involved
    •Seek opportunities
    •Demonstrate the skills (you will get noticed)

    Learn to Say “No” and “Yes”
    •Not all opportunities are equal
    •Know what you’re good at and what you stand for
    •You can't give your best to all the activities you're involved in if you’re spread too thin

    “I'm always in problem-solving mode for almost everything.” ~ Jill Tietjen

    The Energy of Possibility

    Everyone has a passion. When you’re engaged in the areas you’re passionate about it's like floating on air - a standstill - because that's where you're supposed to be and what you're supposed to be doing. When you get to a place like that, it's just a wonderful place to be. Find those passions!

    Until soon! Be curious, be inspired, simplify the way…

    Jill Tietjen

    • 55 min

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