57 min

Orgasm to live longer: Tantra, Sex & Aging with Laurie Handlers That Sex Chick

    • Sexuality

One of Alexa’s mentors and favorite teachers in the sex, love and relationship space is on the show to talk about tantra! Laurie Handlers is the author of "Sex & Happiness", has produced and starred in 3 award-winning films, and is a speaker and facilitator on topics like sex, aging, and releasing emotional trauma. Today, she shares how tantra connects you to yourself, expands your capacity for pleasure, and keeps you feeling juicy as you age. Think your sex life is over when you turn 50? Hear how Laurie’s first BDSM experience was in her 60s, and how practicing tantra helps you defy aging.

One of Alexa’s mentors and favorite teachers in the sex, love and relationship space is on the show to talk about tantra! Laurie Handlers is the author of "Sex & Happiness", has produced and starred in 3 award-winning films, and is a speaker and facilitator on topics like sex, aging, and releasing emotional trauma. Today, she shares how tantra connects you to yourself, expands your capacity for pleasure, and keeps you feeling juicy as you age. Think your sex life is over when you turn 50? Hear how Laurie’s first BDSM experience was in her 60s, and how practicing tantra helps you defy aging.

57 min

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