43 min

Over 50,000 Creative Finance Deals With Eddie Speed The Real Estate Mastermind Live

    • Investing

Join us for an insightful conversation with Eddie Speed, a true veteran in the real estate industry with over 30 years of experience helping investors with creative financing strategies. Eddie has been a pioneer in introducing innovative ideas and techniques that have transformed the industry, and he shares his expertise through NoteSchool, a training school he founded in the early 2000s. In this episode, Eddie will reveal his strategies for producing a lower effective interest rate in f...

Join us for an insightful conversation with Eddie Speed, a true veteran in the real estate industry with over 30 years of experience helping investors with creative financing strategies. Eddie has been a pioneer in introducing innovative ideas and techniques that have transformed the industry, and he shares his expertise through NoteSchool, a training school he founded in the early 2000s. In this episode, Eddie will reveal his strategies for producing a lower effective interest rate in f...

43 min