Podcasts – Kaijucast

Godzilla & Kaiju geek, Kyle
Podcasts – Kaijucast

Kaijucast is a Godzilla-related podcast where giant Japanese monsters (aka Kaiju) take center stage. Aside from the standard podcast banter, host and hardcore Godzilla-fan Kyle Yount shares his favorite music and audio clips from the films, reports news and interviews special guests in this bi-monthly podcast. To reduce server load, the feed has been reduced to the 20 most recent episodes, but all are available for download at Kaijucast.com

  1. 12/15/2019

    12.14.2019: Operation Final Kaijucast

    The Kaijucast Finale features nothing but Kyle and his cohosts – like almost all of them! This final mission will decide the fate of the human race… this is Operation Final Kaijucast! Welcome to a bittersweet episode release: the final episode of the Kaijucast. For this finale, I wanted as many cohosts as possible to get an one last opportunity to interact and say goodbye (or ja mataa) to our listeners. There’s not a lot of Godzilla chatter in this episode, just a bunch of my favorite nerds talking about the podcast and what it’s been like to be part of this experience; this qualifies as a Yak Attack, but I’ve bleeped the few instances where we might have dipped into the “explicit” category. Now everyone can listen! I want to thank the cohosts, those that listened to the episode live and every single person who has supported the Kaijucast in one form or another over the past ten years.   MUSIC TO MONSTER BY: 1. Monsterman by DEVO from Monsterman (2012)  2. “Major Spielberg” audio clip from Godzilla vs King Ghidorah (1991) 3. The Giant Fang by Kow Otani from Godzilla Mothra King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All Out Attack (2001) 4. “Go Go of One Million” audio clip from Godzilla vs the Smog Monster (1971) 5. Mothra Metal by Isao Bito from Mothra Song The Best (1998) 6. Monster From A Prehistoric Planet Trailer Audio (1967) 7. Monsters Over Tokyo by Famous Monsters from Around the World in 80 Bikinis (1999) 8. “Red Dots are decreasing” audio clip from Godzilla vs Monster Zero (1965) 9. Destroy All Monsters AIP Trailer (1968) 10. Main Theme performed by the Bukimisha Weird Secret Society from Daring Daimajin (2006) 11. Gammera the Invincible Trailer (1965) 12. Stomp Tokyo by the Creeping Cruds from The Incredibly Strange People Who Stopped Living & Became… (2005) 13. Ending / Raymond Burr’s Monologue clip from Godzilla 1985 (1985) It’s been a helluva decade… THANK YOU FOR ALL OF THE MONSTER MEMORIES! The stunning Rodan painting by Bob Eggleton, a gift from the cohosts to the controller, who might have gotten a little choked up in this live and final episode.

    2h 30m
  2. 11/30/2019

    11.30.2019: FanVasion Trip Recap

    The Kaijucast FanVader crew poses with the Godzilla statue outside of Toho Studios: (from L to R) Mike, Stephan, Clancy, Laura, Andrew, Bryan and James (with Kyle being a dork up front) The 2019 Kaijucast FanVasion is complete! Clancy and Kyle have returned from their trip to Tokyo (and beyond) with the rest of the “FanVader” team and the two of them sit down to unpack the whole damn thing. There’s a list below of all the places we went on the trip with some helpful links to anyone heading to Japan themselves – big thanks to our travel group, you guys were awesome! Make sure to check out the links to our housekeeping announcements!  MUSICAL MOMENTS OF MONSTROUSNESS: 1. Booska Theme performed by Animetal from Animetal Marathon III (1998) 2. “Kong versus Godzilla” Audio Clip from King Kong vs. Godzilla (1962)  3. Appearance Of Gamera by Ko Otani from Gamera 2: Advent of Legion (1996) 4. Cleansing the Earth of Humanity’s Existence by Oxygen Destroyer from Bestial Manifestations of Malevolence and Death (2018) FANVASION HITLIST: Ultraman town/street Toho Gates’ Godzilla Mural, Statue etc Kurihama Flower Park for the Godzilla slide Kawasaki’s “Your Warehouse” Arcade [NOW CLOSED] Kaiju Sakaba in Kawasaki GODZILLAFES 2019 Evangelion Store in Ikebukuro Akihabara Shopping Kadokawa Studios in Chofu + Shop Majin Nakano Broadway Mall Godzilla Store in Shinjuku Shinjuku Gracery Hotel (Godzilla Terrace / Godzilla Room) Sukugawa Tsuburaya Museum Ikebukuro’s Owl Cafe Shibuya’s Tower Records and DiscUnion and… for those traveling to Tokyo, check out the following not done as part of the FanVasion TeamLab’s Borderless Exhibit in Odaiba  MIKE’S FIRE RAMEN VIDEO  TSUBURAYA MUSEUM DIORAMA Sukagawa’s Tsuburaya Museum houses this beautiful Studio Diorama. Photo courtesy of Monster Attack Team Magazine & Toho Co. Ltd.   The FanVasion in the Godzilla Room at the Shinjuku Gracery Hotel! HOUSEKEEPING: FINAL EPISODE RECORDING THIS IS IT, GEORGE: The FINAL Episode of the Kaijucast will be recorded LIVE on December 14th, please follow the link below to our Facebook Event and join us in the chatroom if you can!  KAIJUCAST Final Wars Episode FB Event ! HOUSEKEEPING T-SHIRT OF THE MONTH CLUB: We’re moving the “club” to RedBubble! And to celebrate, there are TWO designs available now: ANCIENT MONSTER GOMESS Design! METAL UP JIRASS Mashup Design!

    2h 24m
  3. 10/31/2019

    10.31.2019: Yokai Spooktacular + Yokai Stories’ Zack Davission

    Happy Halloween, Kaiju Fiends!!!  Celebrate the spookiest day of our calendar with an all new, super scary episode of the Kaijucast! Dave, Gretchen and Kyle sit down to discuss the cultural phenomenon that has grown to kaiju-sized levels. Thanks to animated shows like Yokai Watch, Rise of the Yokai Clan and so many more, the world of Japanese ghosts and goblins and things that go obake in the night has really opened up to the West (that’s us, folks!) – anyway, we knew it was time for another Yokai Spooktacular. Inside of this episode is an interview that Gretchen and I recorded at Rose City Comic Con with yokai author, Zack Davisson. We discuss his newest book Yokai Stories, his career as an author and translator and where you can find his stuff – make sure to click on those show notes below! We hope you enjoy this conversational and hopefully slightly informative chat by a bunch of yokai fans who want you to become fans yourselves.  MYSTERIOUS MUSIC: 1. Shrine Worship (1969) by Chumei Watanabe from Yokai Hyaku Monogatari (1968) 2. Hellboy Sword of Storms Trailer (2006) 3.  Kappa Audio Clip from Gegege No Kitaro (2018) 4. Avant Title from Gegege No Kitaro (2018) 5. Hakaba Kitaro Audio Clip (2008) 6. Karankoron no uta from Gegege no Kitaro (1968) 7. Ending by Chumei Watanabe from Yokai Hyaku Monogatari (1968) 8. Oshiete Jiji (the Azuki Bean song) by Kiyoshiro Imawano & Yosui Inoue from The Great Yokai War (2005) SUGGESTED VIEWING: Maser Patrol’s Incredible Yokai Resource from last year Night Parade of 100 Monster Movies Zack Davission’s website Zack Davission’s books: Yokai Stories, Yurei: The Japanese Ghost  Kaibyo: The Supernatural Cats of Japan Yokai.com – serious encyclopedic website!  Japandemonium Illustrated The Yokai Encyclopedias of Toriyama Seiken Yokai Attack! The Japanese Monster Survival Guide by Matt Alt 100 Demon Night Parade by Matthew Meyer  In Ghostly Japan by Lafcadio Hern Japanese Ghosts and Demons by George Brazillier YOKAI MOVIES AND VIDEOS: Know Your Yokai on Youtube Pom Poko — Kyle’s favorite movie from Studio Ghibli  Hellboy Sword of Storms Gegege No Kitaro on CrunchyRoll Gantz 0 on Netflix YOKAI WE TALKED ABOUT! *links to entries on Yokai.com* Yurei Kappa Tanuki Nurikabe Zashiki-warashi Nukikube Karakasa Azuki Arai Wa nyudo ALL EYES ON DECK: Hey folks, since this is the end of October, that means there are only two more months of podcast programming planned. Our final episode will be recorded in December and we want you to listen LIVE as we broadcast the final episode of the Kaijucast! We’ll be broadcasting a special “Yak Attack” episode live from the depth of Monster Island’s control room and will once again fire up the chat room.  Mark your calendars for DECEMBER 14th!!!

    1h 53m
  4. 09/30/2019

    09.29.2019: Keith Aiken Interview

    Keith Aiken and Kyle finally have an opportunity to sit down and chat about all of the awesome stuff Keith has been involved in. In the history of me of saying “this interview has been a long time coming”, this one might take the cake. In the  very first year of the podcast, I spoke with Keith Aiken about coming on the show to talk about some of the knowledge he had… ten years later, the conversation is finally happening but it’s much more about all of the super cool stuff that Keith has been working on. If you don’t know Keith Aiken, you will after listening to this episode – he’s essentially been working in the background for a huge number of projects for kaiju fans: the Classic Media releases, commentaries, the 98 Godzilla Animated series – and that’s just the tip of the iceberg! I truly hope you enjoy this almost entirely unedited conversation with one of the guys who I’ve been consistently impressed with for well over ten years: Keith Aiken!   ULTRA MUSIC: 1. The Science Patrol Returns by Kuniyo Miyauchi from Ultraman (1966) 2. Two Giant Monsters by Kuniyo Miyauchi from Ultraman (1966) SUGGESTED VIEWING/LISTENING: SciFi Japan  SciFi Japan on Twitter SciFi Japan’s Facebook Group Mill Creek Entertainment’s Ultraman Releases Mill Creek Entertainment’s 2nd Release Announcement More information about the Tsuburaya Legal Troubles: Episode #141 Behind the Booska with Brad Warner Episode #149 Ultra Mess with August Ragone

    1h 25m
  5. 09/19/2019

    09.19.2019: Monarch Science Declassified Panel from Rose City Comic Con 2019

    Jeff, Kyle, Gretchen and Rachel after our presentation at Rose City Comic Con 2019! Once again, the Kaijucast stomps through Portland’s own pop culture extravaganza, Rose City Comic Con!  This episode serves up the audio from our presentation at the convention: Release the Kaiju with my co-hosts playing the role of Monarch Outpost researchers and scientists… just a little fun with the subject matter. Obviously none of us work for an organization that tracks and studies titans across the world!  After the panel, stick around to find out what other shenanigans the crew was up to during the convention!  Oh, here’s that definitive list of our panels from the life of Rose City Comic Con: 2013 The Kaiju of Pacific Rim 2014 Godzilla vs Everything 2015 GIANT MONSTER HAPPY CHALLENGE Game Show Panel 2016 Monster Oddities 2017 Expanding the Legendary Monsterverse 2018 How Godzilla Got His Groove Back 2019 Release the Kaiju (or Mega Fauna Co-Existence and You) Hope to see you there next year! MUSICAL MOMENTS: 1. Welcome to Monarch by Bear McCreary from Godzilla King of the Monsters (2019)  2. Mothra vs. We Are Scientists by We Are Scientists from Safety, Fun, and Learning (in That Order) (2002) GALLERY Since we had such a great time talking about things you should see from the con, check these photos out! [See image gallery at kaijucast.com] Thanks for coming out to our panel this year, and if you missed it, we hope to see you next year!

    1h 16m
  6. 09/05/2019

    09.05.2019: TJ Storm, Godzilla Motion Capture Actor

    Motion Capture performer TJ Storm chats with Kyle about his experience in bringing the King of the Monsters to life! Over the past 65 years, Godzilla has been played by all sorts of awesome people: Haruo Nakajima, Kenpachiro Satsuma, Tsutomu “Tom” Kitagawa (just to name a few). Not all Godzilla actors hail from the land of the rising sun, however. We are thrilled to share this conversation with a new kind of Godzilla actor. He doesn’t wear a foam rubber suit in order to play the role of the King of the Monsters; he instead wears a lycra suit covered in ping pong balls. He grapples with other actors in similar lycra suits, and the end result is history’s and Hollywood’s beefiest beast of all, Legendary Pictures’ Godzilla. Our guest for this episode is none other than TJ Storm, the man who has brought life to the CGI Godzilla from Godzilla (2014) and Godzilla King of the Monsters (2019). Big thanks to Jessica Tseang for helping to arrange the interview and to Bob Johnson and his crew from Bay Area Film Events for the opportunity to steal some of TJ’s time during Godzilla Fest! Godzilla gets his motivation from actor TJ Storm during the filming of Godzilla King of the Monsters Please make sure to visit the links below to learn more about our guest and all of the awesome stuff that TJ helps organize! MOMENTARY MUSICAL MINUTES: 1. Godzilla King of the Monsters “Intimidation Display” TV Spot (2019) 2. Old Rivals by Bear McCreary from Godzilla King of the Monsters (2019) SUGGESTED VIEWING: Minds Eye Tribe SyFy “Genre MVP: The Motion Capture Actor Who’s Played Groot, Godzilla & Iron Man CBR’s Godzilla: King of the Monsters’ MoCap Actors Are IRL ‘Kaiju Brothers Befores & Afters’ Life As A Motion Capture Performer  HOUSEKEEPING: Our 4th enthy in the KAIJUCAST T-SHIRT OF THE MONTH: Return Of The King (a collaboration with MyKaiju Godzilla )  Rose City Comic Con is coming up, make sure to come out to our events: Kaijucast’s RELEASE THE KAIJU Panel at Rose City Comic Con 2019!  Our annual Kaijucast LISTENER PARTY at Killer Burger (Saturday night) Hope you enjoy this interview – we’ll be back for more episodes later this month!

    46 min
out of 5
224 Ratings


Kaijucast is a Godzilla-related podcast where giant Japanese monsters (aka Kaiju) take center stage. Aside from the standard podcast banter, host and hardcore Godzilla-fan Kyle Yount shares his favorite music and audio clips from the films, reports news and interviews special guests in this bi-monthly podcast. To reduce server load, the feed has been reduced to the 20 most recent episodes, but all are available for download at Kaijucast.com

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