17 min

Preparing Nurses for the Virtual Frontier: Challenges and Strategies Trailblazing Nursing

    • Medicine

Dr. Bonnie Clipper is a nurse futurist, expert in virtual nursing, nationally recognizedthought leader, and global speaker. She brings her decades of executive leadership,operations, and knowledge of technology together to transform the national healthcareecosystem. She was the first VP of Innovation at the ANA where she built the innovation framework to bring over 4M nurses into the innovation space through education, HIMSS Nurse Pitch™ events, and strategic partnerships such as the ANA + BD...

Dr. Bonnie Clipper is a nurse futurist, expert in virtual nursing, nationally recognizedthought leader, and global speaker. She brings her decades of executive leadership,operations, and knowledge of technology together to transform the national healthcareecosystem. She was the first VP of Innovation at the ANA where she built the innovation framework to bring over 4M nurses into the innovation space through education, HIMSS Nurse Pitch™ events, and strategic partnerships such as the ANA + BD...

17 min