30 min

Rachel Ladouceur | Café William Aisle 42

    • Food

This conversation is with Rachel Ladouceur the Senior Marketing Director of Café William—an innovative and ethical coffee roasting company that is boldly venturing into the world of bringing sustainable coffee to the masses.

In this episode you'll learn how they're the first commercial coffee roaster to use 100% renewable energy and how they're actively building a supply chain that uses wind power, that's right, they've got beans on sail boats.

You'll hear about Rachel's transformative journey to Colombia where she connected with indigenous coffee growers committed to organic farming practices, the journey of one of their latest coffee bean shipments that came to the Eastern Seaboard by sailboat.

And we highlight Cafe William's commitment to environmental stewardship within the context of sustainable consumption and the power of consumer choice.

This is a conversation that will inspire you to act beyond the cup and you're going to enjoy every moment. 

You can learn more at www.cafewilliam.com [https://cafewilliam.com/].

Here's a summary of this episode:

Rachel Ladouceur's Vision for a Sustainable Grocery Store: Envisions a future grocery store with direct connections to food producers, minimal waste, and packaging that supports the environment, emphasizing consumer power through purchasing choices.

Cafe William's Bold Sustainability Initiatives: Ladouceur describes Cafe William's efforts in sustainable coffee production and their goal to act beyond just selling coffee, including their innovative sailboat transportation project.

A Transformative Trip to Colombia: Ladouceur shares her transformative experience visiting coffee farmers in Colombia, highlighting the importance of organic farming practices among indigenous communities.

The Challenge of Sustainable Coffee Farming: Discusses the hard work and dedication of Colombian coffee farmers to maintain sustainable practices despite the physical and economic challenges.

Cafe William's Unique Coffee Bean Transportation: On December 18th, 72,000 kilos of coffee beans were shipped from Santa Marta, Colombia, to Quebec by sailboat, showcasing a novel approach to reducing carbon footprint in coffee transportation.

The Role of Consumers in Sustainability: Emphasizes the power of consumer choice in supporting sustainable brands and the importance of understanding the impact of their purchases.

The Importance of Renewable Energy in Coffee Roasting: Highlights Cafe William's plan to use hydroelectric power for coffee roasting, a pioneering move in the industry towards sustainability.

LEED Certification and Environmental Standards: Discusses the efforts to build a LEED-certified roasting facility that exceeds standard environmental requirements.

The Challenge of Educating Consumers: Acknowledges the difficulty in changing consumer habits and the importance of educating them about the benefits of sustainable coffee consumption.

Future Innovations and Partnerships: Teases future projects and partnerships aimed at expanding Cafe William's sustainability efforts, including scaling up the sailboat transportation concept.

This conversation is with Rachel Ladouceur the Senior Marketing Director of Café William—an innovative and ethical coffee roasting company that is boldly venturing into the world of bringing sustainable coffee to the masses.

In this episode you'll learn how they're the first commercial coffee roaster to use 100% renewable energy and how they're actively building a supply chain that uses wind power, that's right, they've got beans on sail boats.

You'll hear about Rachel's transformative journey to Colombia where she connected with indigenous coffee growers committed to organic farming practices, the journey of one of their latest coffee bean shipments that came to the Eastern Seaboard by sailboat.

And we highlight Cafe William's commitment to environmental stewardship within the context of sustainable consumption and the power of consumer choice.

This is a conversation that will inspire you to act beyond the cup and you're going to enjoy every moment. 

You can learn more at www.cafewilliam.com [https://cafewilliam.com/].

Here's a summary of this episode:

Rachel Ladouceur's Vision for a Sustainable Grocery Store: Envisions a future grocery store with direct connections to food producers, minimal waste, and packaging that supports the environment, emphasizing consumer power through purchasing choices.

Cafe William's Bold Sustainability Initiatives: Ladouceur describes Cafe William's efforts in sustainable coffee production and their goal to act beyond just selling coffee, including their innovative sailboat transportation project.

A Transformative Trip to Colombia: Ladouceur shares her transformative experience visiting coffee farmers in Colombia, highlighting the importance of organic farming practices among indigenous communities.

The Challenge of Sustainable Coffee Farming: Discusses the hard work and dedication of Colombian coffee farmers to maintain sustainable practices despite the physical and economic challenges.

Cafe William's Unique Coffee Bean Transportation: On December 18th, 72,000 kilos of coffee beans were shipped from Santa Marta, Colombia, to Quebec by sailboat, showcasing a novel approach to reducing carbon footprint in coffee transportation.

The Role of Consumers in Sustainability: Emphasizes the power of consumer choice in supporting sustainable brands and the importance of understanding the impact of their purchases.

The Importance of Renewable Energy in Coffee Roasting: Highlights Cafe William's plan to use hydroelectric power for coffee roasting, a pioneering move in the industry towards sustainability.

LEED Certification and Environmental Standards: Discusses the efforts to build a LEED-certified roasting facility that exceeds standard environmental requirements.

The Challenge of Educating Consumers: Acknowledges the difficulty in changing consumer habits and the importance of educating them about the benefits of sustainable coffee consumption.

Future Innovations and Partnerships: Teases future projects and partnerships aimed at expanding Cafe William's sustainability efforts, including scaling up the sailboat transportation concept.

30 min