16 min

Get High Acceptances Rates for Your Seller Financing Proposals Racking Up Rentals

    • Investing

New Seller Financing real estate investors often ask, “what is your acceptance rate of getting Seller Financing proposals accepted and approved by Sellers?”  It’s a good question, and the answer involves a critical strategic point:  the acceptance rate is entirely dependent on how the prospective buyer approaches the Seller and handles the negotiation.  In this episode, Jeff explains the strategy for “diagnosing before you prescribe,” which drastically increases the overall acceptance rate of Seller Financing proposals.  
Learn to buy Seller Financing properties off-market, the thoughtful way:  http://www.thedealsworkshop.com 

New Seller Financing real estate investors often ask, “what is your acceptance rate of getting Seller Financing proposals accepted and approved by Sellers?”  It’s a good question, and the answer involves a critical strategic point:  the acceptance rate is entirely dependent on how the prospective buyer approaches the Seller and handles the negotiation.  In this episode, Jeff explains the strategy for “diagnosing before you prescribe,” which drastically increases the overall acceptance rate of Seller Financing proposals.  
Learn to buy Seller Financing properties off-market, the thoughtful way:  http://www.thedealsworkshop.com 

16 min