14 episodes

**The go-to podcast for Christian Women who want more with God in the messy middle **
Feeling buried in the messy middle of life?
Wonder if this is as good as it gets?
Wish you could hear Jesus’ voice above all the noise?
Want to use your gifts in this season for God’s purpose?

I see you, Sister! Your heart’s desire for something MORE – that’s God calling! Hey, I’m Angie! Entrepreneur and educator, re-purposed by God in midlife as mentor, missionary, and practical theologian.

I was busy achieving all the things, when one day I woke up in midlife – and it didn’t look at all like I expected! The death of my parents, caring for a disabled husband, financial and job changes, and the list goes on…can you relate? Even my own health –the insomnia and midlife mind-warp – ugh!… The whole thing felt like quicksand and I was stuck in the middle!

I finally realized my faith was too flimsy for all the STUFF midlife was throwing at me! I wanted more –not religion, but an absolutely authentic and life-transforming relationship with God. I longed for something more than I had known to this point. I knew Jesus had to be my true Source of fulfillment and power to move forward! It has been a journey -- but God pulled me out of the pit and put my feet on the path to a life of peace and RENEWED purpose—right here, in the middle!

In this podcast you’ll find real talk about the real challenges we face in this season, along with inspiration and practical biblical practices to realize MORE with God in mid-life. More of discerning God’s presence and voice, seeing his guidance in your every day. My mission is to encourage and equip you to surrender more and more to Jesus -- walking out your faith with peace and joy, confidently following His plan for your gifts in this messy middle season!

If you’re ready to discover the next steps God has for YOU, explore new ways to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus, and take away tactical tools to walk this journey in the middle with MORE of everything God wants for you in your life with Him – this podcast is for you!
So c’mon, grab your Bible, pop in those earbuds, and let’s talk!

Wanna connect?

Realize More With God, Christian Women, Connect with God, Bible Study, Daily Devotion Angela Barna, Spiritual Growth Mentor, Bible Teacher, Christian Mental Health Coach

    • Religion & Spirituality
    • 5.0 • 56 Ratings

**The go-to podcast for Christian Women who want more with God in the messy middle **
Feeling buried in the messy middle of life?
Wonder if this is as good as it gets?
Wish you could hear Jesus’ voice above all the noise?
Want to use your gifts in this season for God’s purpose?

I see you, Sister! Your heart’s desire for something MORE – that’s God calling! Hey, I’m Angie! Entrepreneur and educator, re-purposed by God in midlife as mentor, missionary, and practical theologian.

I was busy achieving all the things, when one day I woke up in midlife – and it didn’t look at all like I expected! The death of my parents, caring for a disabled husband, financial and job changes, and the list goes on…can you relate? Even my own health –the insomnia and midlife mind-warp – ugh!… The whole thing felt like quicksand and I was stuck in the middle!

I finally realized my faith was too flimsy for all the STUFF midlife was throwing at me! I wanted more –not religion, but an absolutely authentic and life-transforming relationship with God. I longed for something more than I had known to this point. I knew Jesus had to be my true Source of fulfillment and power to move forward! It has been a journey -- but God pulled me out of the pit and put my feet on the path to a life of peace and RENEWED purpose—right here, in the middle!

In this podcast you’ll find real talk about the real challenges we face in this season, along with inspiration and practical biblical practices to realize MORE with God in mid-life. More of discerning God’s presence and voice, seeing his guidance in your every day. My mission is to encourage and equip you to surrender more and more to Jesus -- walking out your faith with peace and joy, confidently following His plan for your gifts in this messy middle season!

If you’re ready to discover the next steps God has for YOU, explore new ways to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus, and take away tactical tools to walk this journey in the middle with MORE of everything God wants for you in your life with Him – this podcast is for you!
So c’mon, grab your Bible, pop in those earbuds, and let’s talk!

Wanna connect?

    014 | Discover the Power of Grace

    014 | Discover the Power of Grace

    Hey sister,
    What is happening in this season of your life?  For many of us – if not most of us in this messy middle, it’s a time that comes with transitions, changes, losses, limitations, lots of reflection – and questions without easy answers. 
    In 2 Corinthians chapter 12 Paul reveals that he struggled with something in his life that he called a thorn in his flesh – in other words, it affected his real, every day, flesh and blood life. He asked God three times to remove the thorn – I can relate to that! I mean, who doesn’t want to escape the pain that comes with thorns? 
    How about you, sister?  Is there a thorn that is causing you pain right now?  Something in your everyday life that you’re struggling with, that’s keeping you stuck or making it difficult to move forward toward what you believe is God's purpose for you in this season?    
    God had an answer for Paul’s thorn, and He has an answer for the thorns in our lives too.  Spoiler alert -- The answer is grace.  But wait!  Before you think you know all about grace or that this is some kind of impractical answer that doesn’t meet you in the nitty gritty of what you’re dealing with – join me in this episode as we get deep into the REAL meaning of grace. We’re going to realize the reality of God’s abundant grace in us, the all-providing power that overcomes every thorn.
    Joy to you!
    Let's talk:  angie@realizemorewithgod.org
    Join the community:  http://community.realizemorewithgod.org
    Mentions:  2 Corinthians 12:7-10, Exodus 33:12 – 34:6, Titus 2:11, 1 John 4:8, Romans 5:1-2, 2 Corinthians 6:1-2, Hebrews 4:16

    • 24 min
    013 | Seeking Guidance from God: 4 More Secrets to Receive God's Direction

    013 | Seeking Guidance from God: 4 More Secrets to Receive God's Direction

    Hey Sister,
    In Episode 012 we uncovered the first three (not-so-secret) secrets for receiving and recognizing God’s guidance.  In this episode we are continuing the conversation with four additional secrets.  So much of our power and peace comes from knowing where God wants us to walk and what God wants us to do – in our every day. When we have God’s guidance, we know where he wants us to be, and we can be there with confidence! Not only that, if we are precisely where our heavenly Father wants us to be, we can be absolutely sure that he will provide for all our needs in the place he has directed us.   
    I hate to admit how many times in my life I did not seek God’s guidance with my whole heart and how many other times I would run ahead of God’s guidance, pushing to make things happen the way I thought was best.  It wasn’t until I got to a place in my life where God was able to open my eyes to the damage I had done by not seeking his guidance that things changed in my experience.  I also realized that I did not truly know HOW to receive and recognize God’s guidance, so that set me on the journey to discovering the secrets I’m sharing with you.    
    If you want to follow God’s guidance for your life but aren’t sure how... or if you’ve tried yet feel like something is missing because you aren’t receiving or recognizing God’s direction, join me for today’s episode as we reveal more of the not-so-secret secrets of God’s guidance! 
    For wholeness and holiness in Jesus,
    Let's talk:  angie@realizemorewithgod.org
    Join the community:  http://community.realizemorewithgod.org
    Mentions – Matthew 6:31-32, Matthew 7:7-8, Micah 2:13, Habakkuk 2:3, Psalm 27:14, Exodus Chapter 14, Psalm 37:23.  

    • 25 min
    012 | How to Seek God’s Guidance: Secrets to Receive Wisdom and Direction for Decision Making

    012 | How to Seek God’s Guidance: Secrets to Receive Wisdom and Direction for Decision Making

    Hey Sister,
    Would you like to receive clear guidance from God? In the Bible we see all the ways God provided guidance to his people: he sent angelsl, gave visions, created pillars of cloud and fire – one time he even made a donkey talk! God’s direction in the Bible seems so big and obvious, so unmistakable.  Do you ever ask yourself, “Why does it seem so foggy for me? What am I doing wrong that I don’t receive – or at least I don’t understand – God’s guidance??”
    Some of us think we’re not smart enough to understand. Like maybe God is trying to guide us, but we just don’t get it.  Others of us even think God tries to make it difficult for us, like some kind of unfair game – that he’s somehow hiding his will from us until we “figure it out.”  But Sister, the good news is that God does not want to hide his guidance from us.  In fact, he wants to make his will plain for us to discern and follow!  In James 1:5 we are told, “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you.  He will not rebuke you for asking.” That’s a pretty clear promise!  God is generous and desires to give us the wisdom of his guidance! 
    If you’re ready to receive and understand God’s direction for decision-making, in times of change or crisis, and in your everyday – join me today for this first episode in a series as we discover and uncover the (not-so-secret) Secrets of God’s Guidance. 
    For wholeness and holiness in Jesus,
    Let's talk:  angie@realizemorewithgod.org
    Join the community  http://community.realizemorewithgod.org
    Mentions – James 1:5, Luke 11:34-36, 1 Corinthians 10:31, John 5:30, John 7:17, Luke 4:9-12

    • 21 min
    011 | Feel Like You Can't Measure Up? Receive the Unexpected Blessing

    011 | Feel Like You Can't Measure Up? Receive the Unexpected Blessing

    Hey Sister,
    Whatever is happening in your day, your week, your life in this season – how would you like to receive a blessing from God right now?   A blessing that would bring comfort and hope, that would give you strength and would move you forward.  Sound good? 
    Today’s episode is a word of encouragement that I decided to record after several of my coaching clients recently expressed similar thoughts and feelings:  I can’t get out of the rut, I have nothing to offer, I’m too broken, I’m a disappointment to myself – and God is probably disappointed in me too.
    I’ve seen how midlife is a prime season for recognizing all our limitations and feeling our insufficiencies.  I’ve felt that way myself, and sometimes still have moments when it really hits home! And as long as we're being honest -- sometimes our feelings of "not enoughness" even come from stressing about how we can experience more in our relationship with God, what we "should" be doing, and trying to figure out how to make it happen. 
    But when we feel like we can’t measure up –and we’re tired of trying – that’s when Jesus invites us to receive His unexpected blessing. 
    Join me today and receive this blessing for yourself! 
    For wholeness and holiness in Jesus,
    Let's talk:  angie@realizemorewithgod.org
    Join the community  http://community.realizemorewithgod.org
    Mentions – Matthew 5:3, Matthew 11:28, 2 Corinthians 10:5, Romans 12:2, 2 Corinthians 8:9.  

    • 13 min
    010 | Find Direction in 2024: Ditch the Resolutions and Discover God’s Promises for You

    010 | Find Direction in 2024: Ditch the Resolutions and Discover God’s Promises for You

    Hey Sister!  
    It’s a fresh new year – welcome to 2024!  After an extended sabbatical last year, I'm excited to be back podcasting and eager to hear what's new with you as well! 
    At the beginning of a new year, I always hear a lot of talk about resolutions – what we’re going to change, what we’re going to do or not do.  Resolutions do seem to have fallen out of favor in recent years; maybe the statistics have convinced most of us that “New Year’s resolutions” don’t have much staying power.  But what are resolutions anyway?? They are just promises we make to ourselves, to others, and even to God.  Promises, promises. 
    The Bible shares stories about the people of Israel, Jesus’ disciples, and many others who made promises – and who had about as much success as most of us do trying to keep our New Year’s resolutions.  
    In this episode at the beginning of this new year, we’re going to flip the script and exchange our promises and resolutions for something way better – God’s promises to us.  Let’s discover what God wants to do in us, through us, and for us in 2024 – and how to receive and respond to God’s promises with Wonder, Waiting, and Working. Join me in seeking divine inspiration and direction as we begin this new year realizing more with God!     
    Toward wholeness and holiness in Jesus,  
    Let's talk:  angie@realizemorewithgod.org
    Join the community - http://community.realizemorewithgod.org
    Mentions – Exodus 19:8, 24:7 and chapter 32; Matthew 26:35; Isaiah 55:10-11; 2 Corinthians 1:20; the “Lord’s Prayer” Matthew 6:9-13 or Luke 11:1-4; John 5:1-15, Isaiah 55:9; Hebrews 11:1.

    • 22 min
    009 | Are Your Thoughts About God Strengthening or Sabotaging Your Relationship with God?

    009 | Are Your Thoughts About God Strengthening or Sabotaging Your Relationship with God?

    Hey Sister!  
    What do you think about God?  The picture of God that we hold in our minds and hearts can either stimulate or sabotage our spiritual growth potential.  God wants us to know the TRUTH of who He is, so we can live free and fulfilled in Him!  But the enemy knows that if our picture of God is not the way God really is and if he can mess up our thoughts about God – then our relationships with God, with others, and with our own selves will be messed up too.   
    What's weird is that even when we have a lot of biblical and correct informational knowledge about God (which is a good thing!), as we live our everyday lives, very often our thoughts, feelings, and actions are actually being influenced by different thoughts about God -- thoughts that don't match what we say we know about God!  
    In this episode, we talk about where our understanding of God comes from, how to begin to recognize the different pictures of God we may have, and what to do when our thoughts about God don't match the truth that God has revealed about himself in the Bible and in Jesus.   Join me as we uncover the source of confusion in our thoughts about God and renew our minds in Christ!  
    Joy to you! 
    Let's talk:  angie@realizemorewithgod.org
    Join the community - http://community.realizemorewithgod.org
    Mentions --  Romans 12:2, Genesis 3:1-6, Psalm 46:10,  Psalm 139:1-4,  John 1:18, and 1 Corinthians 13:12 (I referred to this verse as it is translated in the KJV, probably because that's the way I learned it as a young child, but I like the way the NLT explains our ability to know and understand, saying it this way, "Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.")  Amen!  
    Going Deeper -- A great little classic book on God's attributes and their meaning in the Christian life is "The Knowledge of the Holy" by A.W. Tozer.  His opening sentence says, "What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us."  

    • 26 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
56 Ratings

56 Ratings

Mary878_bye ,

Wow! Your Podcast always gives me just what I need!

Thanks Angie! Your Podcast always speaks to me at just the right time. Thank you for sharing God’s Truth and how it applies to us in the messy middle.

Growing Glowing Green ,

Less Mess. More Blessed.

Right on time, as I navigate the messy middle. Thank you, Angie, for "going there."

Kerri MWCL ,

Just what I was looking for!

I’ve been looking for a podcast to help me build a stonger relationship with God and this is it!!! ♥️🙏🏻 -Kerri from the “Mom Wife Career Life” podcast

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