41 min

Reticular Activating System- How this Part of The Brain Controls Your Reality Glow Up Your Life

    • Self-Improvement

Hey hey Glow Gang! Are you ready for your minds to be blown ?! Today we are talking about the Reticular Activating System (RAS) and the function it plays when it comes to creating your dream life!Have you ever heard of the game "don't think of a purple elephant?" And then all of the sudden all you can think about is a purple elephant? Or what if I told you you'd see 5 red cars on your drive home for work? All of the sudden your mind will start to notice all the red cars on the road. Tha...

Hey hey Glow Gang! Are you ready for your minds to be blown ?! Today we are talking about the Reticular Activating System (RAS) and the function it plays when it comes to creating your dream life!Have you ever heard of the game "don't think of a purple elephant?" And then all of the sudden all you can think about is a purple elephant? Or what if I told you you'd see 5 red cars on your drive home for work? All of the sudden your mind will start to notice all the red cars on the road. Tha...

41 min