20 min

S2 Ep 10: Carpentry Australia’s Helping Hand Day F&T Time with Kersten Gentle

    • Business News

Today, we're shining a spotlight on Carpentry Australia’s Helping Hand Day. This isn't just an event; it's a testament to the spirit of community and the craftsmanship that lies at the heart of everything that Carpentry Australia do.During Helping Hand Day, carpenters from all walks of life join forces to lend their expertise and support to various community projects. It’s a day when chippies roll up their sleeves, pick up their tools, and make a real tangible difference in our communities. W...

Today, we're shining a spotlight on Carpentry Australia’s Helping Hand Day. This isn't just an event; it's a testament to the spirit of community and the craftsmanship that lies at the heart of everything that Carpentry Australia do.During Helping Hand Day, carpenters from all walks of life join forces to lend their expertise and support to various community projects. It’s a day when chippies roll up their sleeves, pick up their tools, and make a real tangible difference in our communities. W...

20 min