17 min

Live at HLTH: The Future of Healthcare for the Labor Workforce —featuring Matt Condon The Beat

    • Medicine

Technology innovation can revolutionize the compensation and healthcare experience of workers.

Matthew Condon, founder, and Chief Executive Officer of Bardavon Health Innovations, believes employee healthcare delivery needs to be reformed and shares his thoughts in this episode. Historically, workers’ healthcare has been divided into benefits and compensation for work-related injuries. Still, a shift is happening amongst employers towards providing their associates with good healthcare, something that current digital, cloud-based prevention tools can enhance even more. Matthew explains how the tools Bardavon is betting on allow employers to understand the type of care their employees receive and help providers learn from each other to maximize the care experience. Matthew sees musculoskeletal treatments as an entry point to integrate new technology and create quantifiable results that incentivize change.

Tune in to learn more about how Bardavon is revolutionizing healthcare for the labor workforce!

Technology innovation can revolutionize the compensation and healthcare experience of workers.

Matthew Condon, founder, and Chief Executive Officer of Bardavon Health Innovations, believes employee healthcare delivery needs to be reformed and shares his thoughts in this episode. Historically, workers’ healthcare has been divided into benefits and compensation for work-related injuries. Still, a shift is happening amongst employers towards providing their associates with good healthcare, something that current digital, cloud-based prevention tools can enhance even more. Matthew explains how the tools Bardavon is betting on allow employers to understand the type of care their employees receive and help providers learn from each other to maximize the care experience. Matthew sees musculoskeletal treatments as an entry point to integrate new technology and create quantifiable results that incentivize change.

Tune in to learn more about how Bardavon is revolutionizing healthcare for the labor workforce!

17 min