4 min

Sales Wound #1: The Money Wound‪™‬ Heal Your Sales Wounds with Julia Kline

    • Entrepreneurship

The core self-limiting belief of the Money Wound™ is, “I want money – or the things money can buy – but I’m also pretty scared of it. So I’m just not going to think about money, or deal with it in any way.” 
If you suffer from this Wound, you fear money itself (either having it, or not having it).  Or at least, you fear the power that this super powerful force we call money has over you and over other people. 
This Wound can show up in at least the 3 following ways, any one of which indicates you have work to do around your Money Wound™.
1. Poor money management skills. Lots of late fees, increasing credit card debt, resistance to opening your monthly statements, etc.

2. Beliefs that money is “bad.” These include negative feelings about wealthy people, or convictions that people do all kinds of bad, wrong or evil things in the pursuit of money - perhaps even including yourself. You might fear that money brings out the worst in you. You might have been taught, or simply believe, statements like, “You can’t be both rich and spiritual.”

3. Anxiety about not enough money. Lying awake at night, worrying about your expenses, your financial future, etc. This anxiety sometimes morphs into a toxic belief that having LOTS of money - hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars - would solve all your problems, and that it should therefore be a primary focus of your life. I’m no advocate of austerity - I enjoy nice things and indulge in luxurious experiences from time to time - but if you get stuck in craving money and more money and more money all for its own sake, it becomes an addiction just like any other - and it’s a symptom of the Money Wound™. 
How does Wound this affect salesmanship? Learn about that in the episode! 
Get in touch: Rosie@JuliaKline.com 

The core self-limiting belief of the Money Wound™ is, “I want money – or the things money can buy – but I’m also pretty scared of it. So I’m just not going to think about money, or deal with it in any way.” 
If you suffer from this Wound, you fear money itself (either having it, or not having it).  Or at least, you fear the power that this super powerful force we call money has over you and over other people. 
This Wound can show up in at least the 3 following ways, any one of which indicates you have work to do around your Money Wound™.
1. Poor money management skills. Lots of late fees, increasing credit card debt, resistance to opening your monthly statements, etc.

2. Beliefs that money is “bad.” These include negative feelings about wealthy people, or convictions that people do all kinds of bad, wrong or evil things in the pursuit of money - perhaps even including yourself. You might fear that money brings out the worst in you. You might have been taught, or simply believe, statements like, “You can’t be both rich and spiritual.”

3. Anxiety about not enough money. Lying awake at night, worrying about your expenses, your financial future, etc. This anxiety sometimes morphs into a toxic belief that having LOTS of money - hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars - would solve all your problems, and that it should therefore be a primary focus of your life. I’m no advocate of austerity - I enjoy nice things and indulge in luxurious experiences from time to time - but if you get stuck in craving money and more money and more money all for its own sake, it becomes an addiction just like any other - and it’s a symptom of the Money Wound™. 
How does Wound this affect salesmanship? Learn about that in the episode! 
Get in touch: Rosie@JuliaKline.com 

4 min