Heal Your Sales Wounds with Julia Kline

Julia Kline
Heal Your Sales Wounds with Julia Kline

Sales Wounds™ are a set of 6 self-limiting beliefs - what I call Primary Sales Wounds™ - that take us off our path of being fully and authentically our selves. They are a description of the ways in which forces outside of ourselves have, throughout our lives, made us feel unseen, unsupported and even unsafe; and the coping mechanisms we’ve developed in response. Each Sales Wound™ has a different set of symptoms, or a characteristic pattern of how it shows up in our business or in our life. The path of healing our Sales Wounds™ is one of restoring the bone-deep certainty that we are valued, safe & supported at all times and in all ways. I call this the Master Path. When we’re on it, we are not just making sales and attracting people to us in ways that feels great for both us and them, we’re also living our highest expression of who we’re really meant to be. If you’re drawn to this podcast, I’d imagine that a few things are true about you: • You recognize that selling is a big part of what you do. Maybe you sell products and services in the traditional way we think of salesmanship; maybe you’re more of a fundraiser, selling people on the idea of donating to a cause; or maybe you’re just trying to persuade people to join your movement - whether that’s by growing your social media reach or attracting high caliber people to your team or even running for elected office. • As important as you realize sales is to your mission, you feel a lot of resistance towards it! Either you just don’t do it very much, or you don’t do it well enough (you aren’t successful at it), or maybe you’re super relentlessly great at it - and it leaves you feeling slimy and gross. But if you’re here for a podcast called HEAL your Sales WOUNDS, you’ve also got at least an inkling that whatever is creating your resistance to salesmanship is more complicated than meets the eye. It’s deeper than surface level. And you’re interested in going on a bit of a healing journey to uncover what might be going on for you. If this sounds like you, congratulations! You have indeed found your way to the right place. This podcast is essentially going to be a training workshop. Over the next couple dozen or so episodes I’m going to teach you everything I know about Sales Wounds™, how to recognize them in yourself and also how to begin to heal them. My hope is that it will be a guided journey of self-discovery that will prove extremely fruitful for you.


  1. Sales Wound #5: The Prostitution Wound™


    Sales Wound #5: The Prostitution Wound™

    This wound is by far the darkest; and because of that I feel I need to offer a trigger warning right now. If you’re somebody who feels deeply resentful about the things that you’ve been forced to do - or that others have been - because of systems that are broken, unequal, prejudiced, toxic, etc - then please listen to this episode with some caution.  The core self-limiting belief of the Prostitution Wound™ is, “I love what I do for a living, and I know that my products and services provide real benefits to people. But my industry is so fundamentally flawed, the only way for me to get hired or get paid or be successful is to sell myself out in gross, demeaning, despicable ways.”  This wound is unique in that it isn’t driven by fear. If you’re suffering from The Prostitution Wound™, any fears you might have felt about not succeeding or not being good enough - and which would have manifested as a Money Wound™ or an Anti-Selling Wound™ - have morphed into a bitter, determined resentment. You’ve adopted a clear-eyed practicality about what you think you want to accomplish, and what you think you have to do in order to get there.  The primary symptom of the Prostitution Wound™ is that the sales activities you’re engaging in leave you feeling like you need to go take a shower.  The main difference between that and the Anti-Selling Wound™ - in which you also feel a strong distaste towards selling stuff - is that with the Anti-Selling Wound™, you avoid doing the things that feel disgusting to you. Whereas with the Prostitution Wound™, regardless of how gross they make you feel, you’re doing them.  Similarly, there is an important distinction between the Prostitution Wound™ and the Selling Wound™, which is that with the Selling Wound™ you feel as though you have a choice. You’re acting with some degree of personal power. Whereas with the Prostitution Wound™, you feel trapped in some kind of way. Either you don’t have any choice at all, or the only choices available to you are all extremely distasteful.  The best way to illustrate the symptoms of this Wound is with a couple of examples..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ https://juliakline.com https://twitter.com/Julia_Kline Get in touch: Rosie@JuliaKline.com

    8 min
  2. Sales Wounds 3 and 4: The Selling Wound™ and the Anti-Selling Wound™


    Sales Wounds 3 and 4: The Selling Wound™ and the Anti-Selling Wound™

    In this episode, we’re talking about two wounds that are closely related to each other because they exist on a continuum. They are Sales Wound #3 the Selling Wound™, and Sales Wound #4 the Anti-Selling Wound™.  The Selling Wound™ is about the urge to force yourself on your customers, whereas the Anti-Selling Wound™ is about the utter refusal to do anything of the kind.  The cause of both wounds is the culture of forceful salesmanship that exists here in the United States. Everything about our consumer culture teaches us that the way to sell stuff effectively is to relentlessly badger and hound and even assault your prospective customers into buying.  If you respond to this approach by embracing it and trying your best to implement it, then you suffer from the Selling Wound™. If on the other hand you respond to this approach by resisting it and refusing to have anything to do with it, then you suffer from the Anti-Selling Wound™.  A third option, since these two Wounds do exist on a continuum, is that you have found yourself in the middle, which is where we find the Master Path for both of these Wounds.  When you’re on the Master Path of either of these two Wounds you recognize the essential and irrefutable value of both yourself, or what you’re selling, and your customer. You honor your own right to earn a living - and a very good living, if that’s what you want - by selling products and services that serve the highest and best good of both your customer and yourself.  Being on the Master Path of ethical salesmanship allows you to be extremely successful and earn a lot of money selling your wares if that’s what you choose - because you know for sure that you’re not the only one winning each time you make a sale. You feel a bone-deep certainty that all the people who are buying from you are receiving tremendous benefit as well.  So that’s the Master Path, that’s the goal, of both of these Wounds. Now let’s take a look at what the Student Path looks like, at either end of the continuum. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ https://juliakline.com  https://Twitter.com/Julia_Kline Get in touch: Rosie@juliakline.com

    12 min
  3. Sales Wound #2: The Love & Money Wound™


    Sales Wound #2: The Love & Money Wound™

    In this episode, we’re talking about Sales Wound #2, which is the Love & Money Wound™.  The core self-limiting belief of this Wound is, “Love & money are wrapped up together in many of my most intimate relationships, both present and past. So money is never just about money, and love is never just about love. To get one, especially in abundance, I must go without some aspect of the other.” If you suffer from this wound, you fear that you can’t have both money and love, freely and in abundance. Put another way, you fear that you can never have both FINANCIAL support, safety and security as well as EMOTIONAL support, safety and security.  Everybody suffers from this wound to some degree or another, because as babies and small children we all required both love and material support, and none of us got exactly how much we wanted of both. And not only that, but however much love we got, and in what form, was provided by the same people that gave us our material support. So the love that we got (or didn’t get) and the material support that we got (or didn’t get) always seemed intertwined.  Because the Love & Money Wound™ is the deepest & oldest of the Wounds - meaning it was formed in early childhood - it has the least direct impact on how we conduct ourselves professionally. What we do day to day is surface-level stuff, and it’s controlled or directed by surface-level beliefs, which we’ll get to in the next episode with Wounds 3 & 4, which are the Wounds that most directly impact salesmanship. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ https://JuliaKline.com https://twitter.com/Julia_Kline get in touch: Rosie@JuliaKline.com

    9 min
  4. Sales Wound #1: The Money Wound™


    Sales Wound #1: The Money Wound™

    The core self-limiting belief of the Money Wound™ is, “I want money – or the things money can buy – but I’m also pretty scared of it. So I’m just not going to think about money, or deal with it in any way.”  If you suffer from this Wound, you fear money itself (either having it, or not having it).  Or at least, you fear the power that this super powerful force we call money has over you and over other people.  This Wound can show up in at least the 3 following ways, any one of which indicates you have work to do around your Money Wound™. 1. Poor money management skills. Lots of late fees, increasing credit card debt, resistance to opening your monthly statements, etc. 2. Beliefs that money is “bad.” These include negative feelings about wealthy people, or convictions that people do all kinds of bad, wrong or evil things in the pursuit of money - perhaps even including yourself. You might fear that money brings out the worst in you. You might have been taught, or simply believe, statements like, “You can’t be both rich and spiritual.” 3. Anxiety about not enough money. Lying awake at night, worrying about your expenses, your financial future, etc. This anxiety sometimes morphs into a toxic belief that having LOTS of money - hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars - would solve all your problems, and that it should therefore be a primary focus of your life. I’m no advocate of austerity - I enjoy nice things and indulge in luxurious experiences from time to time - but if you get stuck in craving money and more money and more money all for its own sake, it becomes an addiction just like any other - and it’s a symptom of the Money Wound™.  How does Wound this affect salesmanship? Learn about that in the episode!  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ https://JuliaKline.com  https://Twitter.com/Julia_Kline Get in touch: Rosie@JuliaKline.com

    5 min
  5. What are Sales Wounds™ and how do I heal them?


    What are Sales Wounds™ and how do I heal them?

    Sales Wounds™ are a set of 6 primary self-limiting beliefs that take us off our path of being fully and authentically ourselves. They are a description of the ways in which forces outside of ourselves have - throughout our lives - made us feel unseen, unsupported, and even unsafe. As well as the coping mechanisms that we have developed in response. Each sales wound™ has a different set of symptoms or a characteristic pattern of how it shows up in our business or in our life. The path of healing our sales wounds™ is one of restoring the bone deep certainty that we are valued, safe, and supported at all times and in all ways. I call this the master path. When we're on it, we are not just making sales and attracting people to us in a way that feels great. Both for us and for them. We are also living our highest expression of who we are really meant to be. If you're drawn to this podcast, I can imagine that a few things are true about you: First. You recognize that selling is a big part of what you do. Maybe you sell products and services in the traditional way that we think of salesmanship. Or maybe you're more of a fundraiser selling people on the idea of donating to a cause. Or maybe you're just trying to persuade people to join your movement, whether that's by growing your social media reach or attracting high caliber people to your team, or even running for elected office. Second, as important as you realize sales is to your mission, you feel a lot of resistance towards it. Either you just don't do it very much, or you don't do it well enough, meaning you aren't successful at it. Or maybe you're super relentlessly great at it. And it just leaves you feeling slimy and gross to do it. But if you're here on this podcast - a podcast called Heal Your Sales Wounds™ - you've probably also got at least an inkling that whatever it is that's creating resistance to salesmanship for you is more complicated than meets the eye. It's deeper than surface level. And you're interested in going on a bit of a healing journey to uncover what might be going on for you. If this sounds like you, congratulations, you have indeed found your way to the right place! This podcast is essentially going to be a training workshop. Over the next couple dozen episodes or so I'm going to teach you everything that I know about sales wounds™, how to recognize them in yourself, and also how to begin to heal them. My hope is that this will be a guided journey of self discovery and it will prove extremely fruitful for you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ https://JuliaKline.com  https://Twitter.com/Julia_Kline Get in touch by emailing my assistant: Rosie@JuliaKline.com

    4 min



Sales Wounds™ are a set of 6 self-limiting beliefs - what I call Primary Sales Wounds™ - that take us off our path of being fully and authentically our selves. They are a description of the ways in which forces outside of ourselves have, throughout our lives, made us feel unseen, unsupported and even unsafe; and the coping mechanisms we’ve developed in response. Each Sales Wound™ has a different set of symptoms, or a characteristic pattern of how it shows up in our business or in our life. The path of healing our Sales Wounds™ is one of restoring the bone-deep certainty that we are valued, safe & supported at all times and in all ways. I call this the Master Path. When we’re on it, we are not just making sales and attracting people to us in ways that feels great for both us and them, we’re also living our highest expression of who we’re really meant to be. If you’re drawn to this podcast, I’d imagine that a few things are true about you: • You recognize that selling is a big part of what you do. Maybe you sell products and services in the traditional way we think of salesmanship; maybe you’re more of a fundraiser, selling people on the idea of donating to a cause; or maybe you’re just trying to persuade people to join your movement - whether that’s by growing your social media reach or attracting high caliber people to your team or even running for elected office. • As important as you realize sales is to your mission, you feel a lot of resistance towards it! Either you just don’t do it very much, or you don’t do it well enough (you aren’t successful at it), or maybe you’re super relentlessly great at it - and it leaves you feeling slimy and gross. But if you’re here for a podcast called HEAL your Sales WOUNDS, you’ve also got at least an inkling that whatever is creating your resistance to salesmanship is more complicated than meets the eye. It’s deeper than surface level. And you’re interested in going on a bit of a healing journey to uncover what might be going on for you. If this sounds like you, congratulations! You have indeed found your way to the right place. This podcast is essentially going to be a training workshop. Over the next couple dozen or so episodes I’m going to teach you everything I know about Sales Wounds™, how to recognize them in yourself and also how to begin to heal them. My hope is that it will be a guided journey of self-discovery that will prove extremely fruitful for you.

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