102 episodes

When you are ready to transform your sales for today’s transforming market, this is the show for you.

In the Salesology®️ podcast, you’re going to be getting the real scoop, the inside story from sales leaders who will deliver the goods on how to grow sales faster, more easily and more profitably.

With your host, The Queen of Cold Calling®️ and Founder of Salesology®️, award winning author, speaker, sales trainer and coach, Wendy Weiss.

Salesology® - Conversations with Sales Leaders Wendy Weiss

    • Business
    • 5.0 • 24 Ratings

When you are ready to transform your sales for today’s transforming market, this is the show for you.

In the Salesology®️ podcast, you’re going to be getting the real scoop, the inside story from sales leaders who will deliver the goods on how to grow sales faster, more easily and more profitably.

With your host, The Queen of Cold Calling®️ and Founder of Salesology®️, award winning author, speaker, sales trainer and coach, Wendy Weiss.

    102: Stacey Hanke – Influence Redefined

    102: Stacey Hanke – Influence Redefined

    Guest: Stacey Hanke
    Guest Bio:
    Stacey Hanke, a pioneer in influential communication strategies, began her career in voice-overs. She learned that every word matters and delivery is the key to being remembered.
    After twenty years of research, Stacey learned that titles don’t matter. Real influence requires trust and credibility—two factors determined by how we show up, communicate, and connect. Because of this, professionals at any level can influence action, motivate decisions, and drive momentum in every conversation.
    Stacey’s work is a catalyst for change. She empowers Fortune 500 executives to gain a fresh perspective by seeing themselves through the eyes and ears of others. Her transformative, humor-filled presentations equip audiences with proven strategies to overcome modern communication hurdles, capture attention, foster authentic connections, and inspire action.
    From high-stakes presentations to casual conversations, prepare to elevate your communication skills and raise your level of influence, Monday to Monday®.
    Key Points:
    ·        Stacey defines influence as consistent body language and messaging that moves people to action long after the interaction has ended. She emphasizes trust and credibility as critical components of influence, achievable through effective communication.
    ·        Stacey discusses the necessity for professionals to self-reflect by recording themselves to see how they are perceived versus how they feel. The disconnect between personal perception and external perception is a common challenge addressed through self-assessment.
    ·        Stacey shares common communication mistakes, including lack of awareness of how one comes across and the tendency to ramble, particularly in sales settings. The role of body language in building trust and enhancing communication effectiveness, especially in sales. Authenticity is defined as consistently presenting one's true self across all interactions, whether personal or professional. The importance of being genuine and avoiding the stereotype of the insincere salesperson by focusing on educating and providing value. The value of feedback from both personal and professional circles in understanding and improving one's communication style.
    ·        Stacey's approach to receiving feedback, including using recordings and seeking specific, constructive input to enhance personal branding and communication effectiveness. Shift from traditional sales tactics to a mindset focused on delivering value and educating clients about how products or services can improve their lives.
    Guest Links:
    About Salesology®: Conversations with Sales Leaders
    Download your free gift, The Salesology® Vault. The vault is packed full of free gifts from sales leaders, sales experts, marketing gurus and revenue generation experts. 
    Download your free gift, 81 Tools to Grow Your Sales & Your Business Faster, More Easily & More Profitably. Save hours of work tracking down the right prospecting and sales resources and/or digital tools that every business owner and salesperson needs.
    If you are a business owner or sales manager with an underperforming sales team, let’s talk. Click here to schedule a time.
    Please, subscribe to Salesology®: Conversations with Sales Leaders so that you don't miss a single episode, and while you're at it, won't you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!
    To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to https://podcast.gosalesology.com/ and connect on LinkedIn and follow us on Facebook and Twitter and check out our website at  http://www.gosalesology.

    • 34 min
    101: Frederick Cary – Idea Pros!

    101: Frederick Cary – Idea Pros!

    Guest: Frederick Cary
    Guest Bio:
    Frederick Cary is a powerhouse entrepreneur and CEO of IdeaPros, a company that guides qualified entrepreneurs through the complexities and pitfalls of the startup world.
    With his entrepreneurial spirit, Fred started many businesses in different industries, created many successes, and acquired thousands of lessons along the way. His desire to give back to a community of like-minded eccentrics led him to create IdeaPros, the world’s first super venture partner – a company that could roll up its experienced sleeves and provide every entrepreneur with the opportunity to see their vision become a real company with a real product. He also produces a weekly show for entrepreneurs that has been viewed by over 4 million people.
    As a Top 1% Business Professional, Who’s Who in America, and top-ranked attorney for several years, Fred’s personal brand can best be described as: “F *CK Average, Be Legendary.”
    Guest Links:
    Email: fred@ideapros.com
    Pitchcraft workshop, pitch.ideapros.com
    Key Points:
    1. Understanding the Big Idea
    ·       The "big idea" is crucial and must align with broader societal or market shifts.
    ·       Airbnb's example illustrates how understanding the big idea (people needing extra income and rising interest rates) was crucial for their success.
    2. Startup Dos and Don'ts
    ·       Do's: Conduct thorough research, understand market demands, and focus on customer needs.
    ·       Don'ts: Don't create something without market demand, avoid micromanagement as a founder, and be financially prepared.
    3. Transitioning from Entrepreneur to Leader
    ·       Entrepreneurs must transition to leaders by surrounding themselves with skilled individuals and letting go of micromanagement.
    ·       Leadership involves empowering others and fostering growth beyond personal control.
    4. Raising Capital
    ·       Investors look for market validation, growth potential, and a clear, well-structured plan.
    ·       Entrepreneurs should think like investors, emphasizing market size, growth rates, and customer demand in their pitches.
    5. Founder Fatigue and Strategic Growth
    ·       Founder fatigue can hinder growth; successful founders continually innovate and delegate to sustain growth.
    ·       Strategic planning and understanding investor expectations are crucial for sustained growth and funding success.
    About Salesology®: Conversations with Sales Leaders
    Download your free gift, The Salesology® Vault. The vault is packed full of free gifts from sales leaders, sales experts, marketing gurus and revenue generation experts. 
    Download your free gift, 81 Tools to Grow Your Sales & Your Business Faster, More Easily & More Profitably. Save hours of work tracking down the right prospecting and sales resources and/or digital tools that every business owner and salesperson needs.
    If you are a business owner or sales manager with an underperforming sales team, let’s talk. Click here to schedule a time.
    Please, subscribe to Salesology®: Conversations with Sales Leaders so that you don't miss a single episode, and while you're at it, won't you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!
    To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to https://podcast.gosalesology.com/ and connect on LinkedIn and follow us on Facebook and Twitter and check out our website at  http://www.gosalesology.

    • 32 min
    100: Benny Rubin – Cold Email Senders

    100: Benny Rubin – Cold Email Senders

    Guest: Benny Rubin
    Guest Bio:
    Benny Rubin is an email deliverability expert with broad knowledge of sales, marketing, and email landscapes.
    He is a 3x entrepreneur — with 1 sale, 1 failure, and now his current company, Senders.
    Benny has a wide view of what is working in sales, cold email, email deliverability, and sales team execution, which he shares freely. His team has overseen cold emails that have generated hundreds of millions of dollars in pipeline and garnered interested responses from massive companies such as Starbucks, Visa, Equinox, Coca-Cola, and beyond.
    Benny’s team facilitated the sending of over 30 million emails in the last 12 months alone and is eager to demystify cold emailing, debunk common myths, and give advice to anyone trying to grow anything on how they can leverage cold email while avoiding the spam folder.
    Oh, he also lived and worked for 7 years in Japan, has his degree in music (violin, viola, electric bass), and even toured on bass for a Sony artist… so he is happy to dig into any of that stuff, too
    Guest Links:
    Key Points:
    1. Introduction and Background:
    ·       Benny Rubin, Owner of Senders, is introduced as an email deliverability expert with experience in generating substantial pipeline revenue through cold emailing.
    2. Benny Rubin's Background and Expertise:
    ·       Benny shares his entrepreneurial journey, highlighting his experience in starting and running businesses, including his current venture, Senders. He discusses his transition into cold emailing and email deliverability, noting the evolution of techniques and strategies in this field.
    3. Cold Emailing Insights:
    ·       Benny demystifies cold emailing, debunking common myths and emphasizing effective strategies to avoid spam filters. He stresses the importance of technical expertise in ensuring email deliverability, especially as the landscape evolves.
    4. Personal Insights and Analogies:
    ·       Benny draws parallels between his musical background (violin, viola, electric bass) and his entrepreneurial journey. He discusses how repetition and practice in music translate to business success, highlighting the importance of persistence and refining processes in sales.
    5. Sales Techniques and Philosophy:
    ·       Wendy and Benny discuss sales methodologies, emphasizing the need for preparation, rehearsal, and asking the right questions (including hard questions) during sales interactions. They agree on the value of making a positive impression and providing value during sales calls, even if a deal isn't immediately closed.
    6. Future of B2B Sales:
    ·       Benny predicts that the future of B2B sales will blend entertainment and education, suggesting that sales interactions should be engaging and informative to justify customer engagement.
    About Salesology®: Conversations with Sales Leaders
    Download your free gift, The Salesology® Vault. The vault is packed full of free gifts from sales leaders, sales experts, marketing gurus and revenue generation experts. 
    Download your free gift, 81 Tools to Grow Your Sales & Your Business Faster, More Easily & More Profitably. Save hours of work tracking down the right prospecting and sales resources and/or digital tools that every business owner and salesperson needs.
    If you are a business owner or sales manager with an underperforming sales team, let’s talk. Click here to schedule a time.
    Please, subscribe to Salesology®: Conversations with Sales Leaders so that you don't miss a single episode, and while you're at it, won't you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!
    To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to https://podcast.gosalesology.com/ and connect on LinkedIn and follow us on Facebook and Twitter and check out our website at  http://www.gosalesol

    • 44 min
    099: Ivana Taylor – Market Like it’s 1999

    099: Ivana Taylor – Market Like it’s 1999

    Guest: Ivana Taylor
    Guest Bio:
    Ivana Taylor is the publisher of DIYMarketers.com where small business owners get low-cost tools, tips and strategies to do marketing on about $17 a day.  Her popular #BizapaloozaChat weekly Twitter chat teaches about 2 million small business owners each week. She’s been a contributor to AMEX OPENForum and has appeared in MSNBC.
    Guest Links:
    DIYMarketers Marketing Process Course: https://diymarketers.trainercentralsite.com/course/do-less-marketing-process
    Key Points:
    Ivana Taylor shares her journey from corporate marketing to consulting, focusing on low-budget marketing strategies, particularly in the manufacturing sector. She emphasizes her approach of achieving significant marketing results with minimal financial investment. The discussion highlights the evolution of marketing costs from expensive traditional methods pre-internet to more cost-effective digital strategies. They discuss the shift in marketing dynamics post-internet and the current challenges of rising lead acquisition costs. Ivana advocates for businesses to conduct thorough research akin to pre-Internet era practices. This involves understanding market opportunities, customer segmentation, and ideal customer profiles. She emphasizes the importance of engaging directly with customers through conversations rather than relying solely on digital metrics. Ivana shares her experience conducting a webinar as part of her content marketing strategy. She discusses the challenges of securing speaking engagements with national organizations and the value of gaining direct feedback from webinar attendees through personal conversations. Ivana stresses the effectiveness of content marketing, such as webinars and podcasts, in reaching target audiences effectively and efficiently.  
    About Salesology®: Conversations with Sales Leaders
    Download your free gift, The Salesology® Vault. The vault is packed full of free gifts from sales leaders, sales experts, marketing gurus and revenue generation experts. 
    Download your free gift, 81 Tools to Grow Your Sales & Your Business Faster, More Easily & More Profitably. Save hours of work tracking down the right prospecting and sales resources and/or digital tools that every business owner and salesperson needs.
    If you are a business owner or sales manager with an underperforming sales team, let’s talk. Click here to schedule a time.
    Please, subscribe to Salesology®: Conversations with Sales Leaders so that you don't miss a single episode, and while you're at it, won't you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!
    To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to https://podcast.gosalesology.com/ and connect on LinkedIn and follow us on Facebook and Twitter and check out our website at  http://www.gosalesology.

    • 33 min
    098: Jakub Hon – How to Structure a Predictable Sales Process

    098: Jakub Hon – How to Structure a Predictable Sales Process

    Guest: Jakub Hon
    Guest Bio:
    Jakub Hon is the Co-Founder and CEO of SALESDOCk. With a hands-on approach to sales, he has provided leadership and consulting services to over 150 organizations, including UberEats, Microsoft, YSoft, and Google, helping them set up effective sales processes and implement scalable sales methodologies.
    Alongside his work at SALESDOCk, Jakub has co-founded Banana.bi and served as the Head of Sales for YSOFT Clerbo. Through his various roles, he has developed a passion for helping organizations break free from sales mediocrity and unlock their full potential.
    Jakub is dedicated to showing audiences that sales can be a fulfilling and rewarding profession when approached with the right mindset and techniques.
    Key Points:
    1. Sales Processes and Methodologies:
    ·       Jakub emphasizes the importance of sales processes in standardizing sales activities and improving overall organizational performance.
    ·       He argues that having a structured process is crucial as it ensures consistency and reduces variability in sales outcomes.
    2. Challenges with Sales Processes:
    ·       He acknowledges initial resistance to processes among experienced salespeople who have been successful with unstructured approaches.
    ·       Jakub stresses the need for coachability in sales teams to adopt new methodologies effectively.
    3. Components of Sales Processes:
    ·       Sales processes include defined stages and milestones that guide salespeople through customer interactions, ensuring they gather essential information and progress efficiently.
    ·       Jakub emphasizes understanding customer needs, decision criteria, and involving key stakeholders as crucial aspects.
    4. Sales Methodologies vs. Scripts:
    ·       He distinguishes between sales methodologies (e.g., how to conduct discovery, and build relationships) and scripts, advocating for understanding and adapting methodologies rather than rigid scripts. 
    5. Hiring Best Practices:
    ·       Jakub discusses common mistakes in hiring salespeople, such as not clearly defining success criteria and not focusing on coachability.
    ·       He suggests using role-playing exercises during interviews to assess candidates' abilities and coachability.
    6. Role Differentiation in Sales:
    ·       He highlights the difference between sales roles like hunters (focused on acquiring new business) and farmers (managing and nurturing existing clients), emphasizing the need for tailored hiring criteria. 
    7. Final Thoughts on Hiring:
    ·       Jakub emphasizes the importance of formalizing hiring criteria based on successful traits observed in top-performing salespeople within the organization.
    Guest Links:
    Use Promo Code JAKUB100 to get Sales Academy FREE
    About Salesology®: Conversations with Sales Leaders
    Download your free gift, The Salesology® Vault. The vault is packed full of free gifts from sales leaders, sales experts, marketing gurus and revenue generation experts. 
    Download your free gift, 81 Tools to Grow Your Sales & Your Business Faster, More Easily & More Profitably. Save hours of work tracking down the right prospecting and sales resources and/or digital tools that every business owner and salesperson needs.
    If you are a business owner or sales manager with an underperforming sales team, let’s talk. Click here to schedule a time.
    Please, subscribe to Salesology®: Conversations with Sales Leaders so that you don't miss a single episode, and while you're at it, won't you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!
    To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to https://podcast.gosalesology.com/ and connect on LinkedIn and follow us on Facebook and Twitter and check out our website at  http://www.gosalesology.

    • 31 min
    097: Deniero Bartolini – The Remote CEO

    097: Deniero Bartolini – The Remote CEO

    Guest: Deniero Bartolini
    Guest Bio:
    Deniero Bartolini has been a digital entrepreneur for two decades, a podcaster for 14 years, ⁠an Amazon best-selling author, and ⁠a remote work consultant. His moonshot is to change the world of work by enabling small businesses to retain control of their marketing.
    Key Points:
    ·        Introduction and Background
    o   Wendy Weiss introduces Dinero Bartolini as the CEO of The Remote CEO, highlighting his extensive experience as a digital entrepreneur, podcaster, and author.
    ·        Transition to Remote Work
    o   Dinero explains how he transitioned to remote work nearly two decades ago to maintain connections with both European and North American roots without sacrificing stability or family ties.
    ·        Definition of Remote Work
    o   Dinero contrasts traditional remote work post-COVID (hybrid models) with his concept, emphasizing complete independence from physical location, leveraging global talent and time zones for continuous operations and 24/7 support.
    ·        Employee Engagement and Fair Compensation
    o   He emphasizes finding remote workers globally who are dedicated and motivated, often paying above local averages and providing profit-sharing opportunities, which has built a loyal and effective team.
    ·        Recruitment Strategies
    o   Dinero discusses his recruitment strategies, including using platforms like Upwork and specialized internship sites where motivated individuals seek mentorship opportunities, ensuring a rigorous screening process based on core values like critical thinking and problem-solving.
    ·        Small Business Marketing Control
    o   Dinero's mission involves empowering small businesses to retain control over their marketing strategies, advising against outsourcing entire marketing functions to agencies due to potential disconnects in brand understanding and execution.
    ·        The Remote CEO Academy
    o   He introduces The Remote CEO Academy, designed to help businesses build sustainable internal marketing systems, covering areas such as podcasting, PR, social media management, and SEO to achieve agency-level results without high costs.
    ·        Benefits of Podcasting
    o   Dinero advocates for podcasting as a powerful tool for brand building, audience engagement, and community indoctrination, citing its effectiveness in providing valuable content and building authority within a niche.
    Guest Links:
    About Salesology®: Conversations with Sales Leaders
    Download your free gift, The Salesology® Vault. The vault is packed full of free gifts from sales leaders, sales experts, marketing gurus and revenue generation experts. 
    Download your free gift, 81 Tools to Grow Your Sales & Your Business Faster, More Easily & More Profitably. Save hours of work tracking down the right prospecting and sales resources and/or digital tools that every business owner and salesperson needs.
    If you are a business owner or sales manager with an underperforming sales team, let’s talk. Click here to schedule a time.
    Please, subscribe to Salesology®: Conversations with Sales Leaders so that you don't miss a single episode, and while you're at it, won't you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!
    To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to https://podcast.gosalesology.com/ and connect on LinkedIn and follow us on Facebook and Twitter and check out our website at  http://www.gosalesology.

    • 27 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
24 Ratings

24 Ratings

Rebecca Gebhardt ,

How to Scale Your Sales Team

This discussion covered so many critical aspects to scale any sales team. The focus on processes was great - you can scale unless you have the processes and systems to support it!

SaaSyssA ,

Best podcast for managers and directors

Lots of sales advice out there , but Wendy and her guests repeatedly break things down into actionable and meaningful insights.

Lori Richardson of SMS ,

These are Valuable Episodes to Learn about Selling

I've followed Wendy for a number of years. She is a fantastic interviewer and the sessions are well thought out and put together. I highly recommend investing the time to listen to some of the episodes with great women in sales like Julie Hansen, Alice Heiman, and others.

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