43 min

Sam Rosen of Deskpass Transforming Cities

    • Marketing

On this episode I’m speaking with Sam Rosen, Co-Founder and CEO of Deskpass - a membership platform that provides access to hundreds of coworking spaces across the country. He also founded One Design Company - a digital branding firm based in Chicago - and opened The Coop, the first coworking space in Chicago.

Formally trained as a designer, Sam now spends more time at the business end of projects. He prides himself on connecting great people with lovely ideas, all with the goal of making meaningful work, and hopefully, making the world a better place along the way.

Related links for this episode:

· Deskpass
· One Design Company
· Coudal Partners
· Field Notes
· Big Delicious Planet Catering
· Sammy Rosen

Be sure to support this podcast by subscribing and reviewing! Visit Authentic Form & Function for more information: https://authenticff.com

© 2019 Authentic Form & Function

On this episode I’m speaking with Sam Rosen, Co-Founder and CEO of Deskpass - a membership platform that provides access to hundreds of coworking spaces across the country. He also founded One Design Company - a digital branding firm based in Chicago - and opened The Coop, the first coworking space in Chicago.

Formally trained as a designer, Sam now spends more time at the business end of projects. He prides himself on connecting great people with lovely ideas, all with the goal of making meaningful work, and hopefully, making the world a better place along the way.

Related links for this episode:

· Deskpass
· One Design Company
· Coudal Partners
· Field Notes
· Big Delicious Planet Catering
· Sammy Rosen

Be sure to support this podcast by subscribing and reviewing! Visit Authentic Form & Function for more information: https://authenticff.com

© 2019 Authentic Form & Function

43 min