55 episodes

Scripture in Black and White is a show that examines what scripture teaches with clarity and no uncertain terms. We discuss the scriptures in black and white and bring perspectives from ministers who happen to be black and white.

Scripture in Black and White Renew.org Podcasts

    • Religion & Spirituality
    • 5.0 • 69 Ratings

Scripture in Black and White is a show that examines what scripture teaches with clarity and no uncertain terms. We discuss the scriptures in black and white and bring perspectives from ministers who happen to be black and white.

    The Five End Times Frameworks Part 2 | S4 Ep. 9

    The Five End Times Frameworks Part 2 | S4 Ep. 9

    Understanding Preterist Amillennialism and Millennial Views in Christian Eschatology
    Check out the Ebook: https://renew.org/endtimes/
    In this episode of Scripture in Black and White, Bobby Harrington and Anthony Walker explore various perspectives on millennial views in Christian eschatology, focusing particularly on Preterist Amillennialism. They discuss how this view interprets the millennium and the binding of Satan as symbolic periods starting with Jesus' resurrection. Comparisons are made to Classic Amillennialism, Historic Premillennialism, and Dispensational Premillennialism, covering the origins and beliefs of each view. The discussion also critiques Hyper-Preterism as heretical and emphasizes understanding symbolic versus literal interpretations of biblical prophecies. The episode aims to educate and engage listeners with a thorough exploration of these eschatological views.
    Key Takeaways00:00 Introduction to Preterist Amillennialism01:19 Exploring Preterist Amillennialism03:57 Critique of Hyper Preterism06:41 Symbolism in Revelation10:40 Classic Amillennialism Explained17:47 Historic Premillennialism21:17 Dispensational Premillennialism27:16 Postmillennialism: An Optimistic View31:10 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
    Other RENEW.org Resources: Identity -- Who You Really Are in Christ: https://renew.org/product/preview-of-identity-who-you-really-are-in-christ/ 
    The Disciples Mind -- Thinking Like a Disciple of Jesus: https://renew.org/product/the-disciples-mind-thinking-like-a-disciple-of-jesus/
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    This episode, provides an in-depth examination of various eschatological views within Christian theology, focusing on millennial perspectives. The discussion is led by two hosts, one explaining the perspectives while the other asks clarifying questions.
    Preterist AmillennialismThe episode begins by exploring Preterist Amillennialism. This perspective, endorsed by theologians like R.C. Sproul, posits that the kingdom of God began with Jesus' resurrection, marking the start of a millennium during which Satan is bound and unable to hinder the church's growth. This view sees the church's expansion as a fulfillment of Revelation 20, with the righteous reigning with Jesus in heaven until His return. This will be followed by the resurrection of the righteous and the wicked, final judgment, and eternal destinies. The hosts caution against Hyper-Preterism, which contends that Jesus' second coming, the resurrection, and the final judgment already occurred in 70 AD, contradicting foundational Christian beliefs and scripture passages like 2 Thessalonians 2.
    Classic AmillennialismThe discussion then moves to Classic Amillennialism, which aligns with the belief that the millennium began with Jesus' resurrection, inaugurating a period during which Satan is bound, allowing the church to expand globally. This timeline includes a last days' decline, the rise of the Antichrist, and significant tribulations before Jesus intervenes. The episode emphasizes the symbolic interpretation of the thousand-year period, a concept rooted in literature like Plato's "Republic."
    Historic PremillennialismNext, Historic Premillennialism is examined. This view, prevalent in the early church until the time of Augustine, posits an Old Testament era followed by the church age. A notable decline and great tribulation ensue, featuring the Antichrist and cosmic disruptions. Jesus' return initiates a literal thousand-year reign on earth with the righteous, followed by Satan's release, a final apostasy, and ultimate divine intervention, leading to final judgment and eternal destinies.
    Dispensational PremillennialismThe conversation then shifts to Dispensational Premillennialism, a modern view originating in the 1830s with John Nelson Darby and popularized by the Schofield Reference Bible. This perspective introduces a distinct period for Israel, delineating a church age that pauses prophe

    • 33 min
    The Five End Times Frameworks Part 1 | S4 Ep. 8

    The Five End Times Frameworks Part 1 | S4 Ep. 8

    Understanding End Times: Diverse Perspectives on Millennialism
    Check out the Ebook: https://renew.org/endtimes/
    In this episode, hosts Anthony Walker and Bobby Harrington discuss the complex topic of end times and millennialism. They explore various theological perspectives, covering subjects such as the new heavens and new earth, the second coming of Jesus, the resurrection of the dead, final judgment, hell, and tribulation. Bobby introduces and explains five key end-time paradigms. This episode encourages viewers to maintain an open, truth-seeking mindset while exploring different theological interpretations.
    Watch The Video: 
    00:00 Introduction and Greetings
    00:39 Overview of Previous Topics
    01:01 Today's Focus: End Times Paradigms
    02:04 Five Key End Time Beliefs
    07:12 The Millennium Debate
    07:41 Understanding the Antichrist
    08:13 The Rapture Explained
    08:52 The Tribulation Period
    09:17 Restoration of Ethnic Israel
    16:11 Different End Time Paradigms
    27:06 Respecting Different Views
    28:05 Conclusion and Personal Reflections
    Other RENEW.org Resources: Identity -- Who You Really Are in Christ: https://renew.org/product/preview-of-identity-who-you-really-are-in-christ/ 
    The Disciples Mind -- Thinking Like a Disciple of Jesus: https://renew.org/product/the-disciples-mind-thinking-like-a-disciple-of-jesus/
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    See below for a longer description: 
    In this episode Anthony Walker and Bobby Harrington dive deep into various interpretations of Christian eschatology. The episode starts light-heartedly, with Anthony referencing being called a "pan millennialist," before shifting to deeper theological discussions. They recap previously tackled themes such as the new heavens and new earth, among other eschatological topics.
    The episode's primary focus is on breaking down five key eschatological paradigms:
    Preterist Amillennialism: This belief posits that most prophecies have already been fulfilled, with only the second coming of Jesus remaining. This view is common among conservative Presbyterians and other fact-based Christian denominations.
    Classic Amillennialism: This perspective holds that the church expands over time, faces tribulations towards the end, and culminates in a final judgment. The millennium is viewed as a symbolic period of Christ’s reign through the church.
    Historic Premillennialism: This traditional stance anticipates that Jesus will return before a literal thousand-year reign on earth. Unlike other views, it does not separate the destinies of Jews and the Church and sees the millennium as a literal era of Christ’s rule following his return.
    Dispensational Premillennialism: This view outlines different dispensations (ages) in salvation history, particularly distinguishing between the church and Israel. It envisions a future millennium with events like the rapture preceding tribulation, following the sequence popularized by the "Left Behind" series.
    Postmillennialism: This belief asserts that the world will progressively improve under Christ’s reign, culminating in his second coming. The doctrines related to this view see the millennium as a current, symbolic period marked by gradual betterment.
    Bobby goes into detail about the origins and implications of these views, explaining how personal experiences and academic influences shape one's eschatological beliefs. For instance, he mentions Dr. Bruce Waltke's shift from Dispensational Premillennialism to a different view, illustrating how scholarly perspectives can evolve over time.
    They stress the importance of respecting differing views within the Christian community, emphasizing that these are not essential issues for salvation. They advocate for listeners to adopt a learner’s posture, encouraging informed and respectful examination of beliefs. Anthony and Bobby highlight how eschatological views shape believers' outlooks and actions in the present, influencing their engag

    • 30 min
    The New Heaven and the New Earth | S4 Ep. 7

    The New Heaven and the New Earth | S4 Ep. 7

    Exploring the Promises of the New Heaven and New Earth | Scripture in Black and White Season 4 Episode 7
    In this episode of 'Scripture in Black and White,' Anthony Walker and Bobby Harrington discuss the profound concept of the new heaven and the new earth, exploring biblical promises and the ultimate utopian dream. They reflect on life without the curse of the fall, the intimate presence of God, and the vision of an eternal paradise where believers dwell with God and loved ones. The hosts also highlight the importance of the final judgment and inspire listeners to look forward to an eternity filled with joy, free from pain and suffering. Furthermore, they emphasize the significance of heaven and how it offers hope and encouragement amidst life's challenges.
    Watch the Video:
    Key Takeaways 00:00 Introduction and Utopian Dream00:44 Welcome to Season Four00:50 Reflecting on the Final Judgment01:26 Promises of God and the New Heaven and New Earth02:09 Encouragement and Resources03:32 Insight into Heaven04:04 The Book of Life and Final Judgment05:59 The New Heaven and New Earth12:19 Living in God's Presence29:10 The Curse of the Fall and Its Removal34:59 The Garden of Eden Restored42:57 Conclusion and Next Episode Preview
    Check out the Ebook: https://renew.org/endtimes/
    Make sure to check out RENEW.org for articles, books, and more: https://renew.org/
    See below for a longer description: 
    In this episode of "Scripture in Black and White, hosts Anthony Walker and Bobby Harrington dive into eschatology—the study of end times, focusing specifically on the Christian vision of the new heaven and new earth.
    #### Introduction:- Bobby and Anthony Walker rexpress their desire to be in the presence of God with their loved ones, friends, and even those who don't know Jesus yet. - They highlight their gratitude for the listeners' support through previous episodes, particularly in discussing the tough topic of the final judgment.
    #### Discussion Points:1. **God's Promises and Eternal Destiny:**   - The hosts share their excitement about discussing a lighter and more promising subject compared to the final judgment—the promises of God for the future.   - Bobby Harrington emphasizes the significance of being firm and truthful according to scripture.
    2. **Introduction to the New Heaven and New Earth:**   - Revelation's depiction of the final judgment and the new heaven and new earth is discussed.   - The concept from 1 Peter 1:3 regarding inheritance in the heavenly realms is elaborated upon.
    3. **Living in the Presence of God:**   - Bobby and Anthony discuss the blessings of dwelling with God and the deep longing to be in His presence.   - They connect this experience to the description of the new Jerusalem in Revelation, explaining that the new Jerusalem represents the people of God.
    4. **End of the Curse of the Fall:**   - The segment elaborates on the removal of the curse of sin and death, highlighting the transformative power of God in the new creation.   - Additional biblical passages are cited to support this, including Romans 8 and Revelation 21, which promise no more pain, sorrow, or death.
    5. **Characteristics of the New Heaven and New Earth:**   - The hosts discuss how the new heaven and new earth will restore the pre-fall ideal of the Garden of Eden, filled with life and free from the curse.   - Revelation 22’s passage about the river of life and the tree of life is used to illustrate this perfect, eternal state.
    6. **Living Eternally Without Time:**   - Anthony and Bobby reflect on the challenge of comprehending eternity beyond the constraints of time, emphasizing desire for God's presence as surpassing temporal concerns.
    7. **Inspirational and Motivational Call:**   - The hosts stress the importance of inspiring others with the promise of heaven and focusing on Jesus amidst life’s struggles.   - They encourage listeners to keep their eyes on eternal joys that far surpass earthly sufferings or sa

    • 46 min
    The Discussion of Hell | S4 Ep. 6

    The Discussion of Hell | S4 Ep. 6

    Exploring the Realities of Hell - Scripture in Black and White
    Join Anthony Walker and Bobby Harrington in this somber yet necessary episode of 'Scripture in Black and White.' They dive into the biblical understanding of hell, its connection to God's holiness, and the eternal consequences for humanity. Featuring a deep discussion on passages from Exodus, Isaiah, and the book of Revelation, this episode underscores the serious nature of hell and the importance of living a life aligned with God's teachings. Secure your free ebook at renew.org/endtimes for an expanded exploration of these themes and guidance on joining a local church.
    Check out the Ebook: https://renew.org/endtimes/
    Watch the Video:
    Key Takeaways 00:00 Introduction to the Essence of Heaven and Hell00:34 Welcome and Episode Overview01:31 Discussing the Concept of Hell04:06 The Holiness of God and Its Implications06:56 Biblical Examples of God's Holiness10:20 Understanding Hell Through Scripture34:20 Degrees of Punishment in Hell49:25 The Importance of Evangelism50:58 Conclusion and Next Episode Preview
    Make sure to check out RENEW.org for articles, books, and more: https://renew.org/
    See below for a longer description of this episode: 
    In this episode of "Scripture in Black and White," hosts Anthony Walker and Bobby Harrington dive into a profound and somber discussion about heaven and hell from a scriptural standpoint. They open the conversation with foundational aspects of being with God and the emphasis placed in the commandments to prioritize God above all else. The essence of heaven is seen as being in the presence of God, while hell is defined as the eternal separation from God accompanied by torment.
    1. **Concept of Hell:**   - Hell is portrayed as eternal separation and punishment for those whose sins are not atoned for by Jesus’ sacrifice.   - Diverse terminology in scriptures refers to hell as Gehenna, which symbolizes a place of perpetual fire and torment likened to a garbage dump outside Jerusalem.
    2. **God's Holiness and Justice:**   - Discussions from Exodus and Isaiah underscore the necessity of understanding God’s holiness. Key references include Moses encountering God at the burning bush and the implications of God’s commandments.   - God’s dual nature of love and holiness means that sin must be punished to uphold His justice.
    3. **Reality of Sin and Punishment:**   - All humans are inherently sinful and stand condemned unless they accept Jesus’ atonement.   - The final judgment and the severity of hell’s punishment are emphasized, as described in scriptures like 2 Thessalonians, Luke, and Revelation.
    4. **Degrees of Punishment:**   - The Bible indicates varying degrees of punishment in hell, tailored to the knowledge and actions of individuals.
    5. **Eternal Perspective:**   - The immutable nature of hell and the importance of embracing Jesus’ salvation to escape eternal punishment were discussed. Jesus teaches that hell is far worse than any suffering experienced on earth.
    6. **Urgency of Evangelism:**   - The significance of sharing the gospel is highlighted, emphasizing the dire necessity for people to turn to Jesus to avoid eternal damnation.
    7. **Encouragement for Listeners:**   - Listeners are encouraged to obtain the free ebook available at renew.org/endtimeswhich expands on the podcast’s discussions and offers guidance on being baptized into Christ and joining a local church.
    Come back next week as we continue this conversation! This episode provides a crucial and sobering reflection on the afterlife, urging listeners to consider their spiritual standing and the significance of God's holiness.
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    • 52 min
    The Final Judgment | S4 Ep. 5

    The Final Judgment | S4 Ep. 5

    Understanding the Final Judgment | Scripture in Black and White Season 4 Episode 5
    Check out the Ebook: https://renew.org/endtimes/
    In this episode of 'Scripture in Black and White,' hosts Anthony Walker and Bobby Harrington dive into the topic of the final judgment as taught in the Bible. They discuss its universal nature, the comprehensiveness of God's knowledge, the basis of Jesus' teachings, the fairness of God's judgment, and its finality. The importance of repentance and embracing Jesus' teachings are emphasized. The episode also offers a free eBook related to the series for deeper study.
    Watch The Video:
    Key Takeaways00:00 Introduction and Welcome00:38 The Sobering Reality of Final Judgment07:16 The Universality of Final Judgment11:51 Comprehensive Nature of Judgment21:26 Jesus' Teachings as the Standard32:22 The Fairness of God's Judgment37:20 The Finality of Judgment45:06 Conclusion and Next Steps
    Make sure to check out RENEW.org for articles, books, and more: https://renew.org/
    See below for a longer description: 
    The episode of "Scripture in Black and White" presents an in-depth discussion on the theme of the final judgment as described in Christian scripture. The hosts, Anthony Walker and Bobby Harrington, go into the gravity and seriousness of the final judgment while examining biblical passages, personal anecdotes, and theological perspectives.
    The episode opens with a greeting and a brief reflection on John 3:16, emphasizing God's love for humanity. Anthony welcomes the audience and introduces his co-host, Bobby. Bobby shares his personal struggle and long-term effort in preparing teachings about basic Christianity, final judgment, and related themes. He mentions his long-standing project of developing a course on basic Christianity and the emotional impact of revisiting these teachings.
    The central topic of today's episode is revealed: the final judgment. The hosts agree on its sobering nature and stress its importance. They emphasize their commitment to spreading awareness and teaching the truth about this subject to help people turn to God. 
    For a free Ebook on this topic visit: https://renew.org/endtimes/ 
    Anthony and Bobby discuss five key aspects of the final judgment:
    1. **Universality of Judgment**: They explain that the final judgment will be universal, encompassing everyone who has ever lived. Bobby cites biblical passages like Romans 14:10-12 and 2 Corinthians 5, highlighting that every individual will stand before God's judgment seat and give an account of their actions. They address the comprehensive nature of this judgment, noting that God will remember every deed, word, and thought, even those we might have forgotten.
    2. **Comprehensive Nature of Judgment**: Bobby elaborates on the comprehensiveness of the final judgment, illustrating with passages from Revelation 20:11-15 that describe how all actions, good and bad, will be recorded and judged. They reflect on how sobering it is to know that everything, even our casual words, will be accounted for, as emphasized by Jesus in Matthew 12:36-37.
    3. **Basis of Judgment on Jesus' Teachings**: The hosts explain that the final judgment will be based on Jesus' teachings. They stress the importance of adhering to Jesus' words as the standard by which everyone will be judged. Bobby reads from John 12:47-50 to reinforce the idea that Jesus’ words, which are the words of God, will be the criteria for judgment.
    4. **Fairness of Judgment**: They assure the audience of the fairness of God's judgment, referring to Romans 2:6-11 and other scriptures that emphasize God's impartiality. They touch upon the nature of God's justice and how He judges every person without favoritism, ensuring that the final judgment is just and equitable.
    5. **Finality of Judgment**: Bobby discusses the finality of the final judgment, emphasizing that there are no second chances post-mortem, no purgatory as traditionally conceived, and no escapes. He references Hebrews 9:27-2

    • 49 min
    The Resurrection of the Dead | S4 Ep. 4

    The Resurrection of the Dead | S4 Ep. 4

    In this episode of 'Scripture in Black and White,' hosts Anthony Walker and Bobby Harrington discuss the biblical concept of the resurrection of the dead. They dive into how early Christians viewed resurrection as a core part of their faith, citing various passages from both the Old and New Testaments, including Acts, Corinthians, Hebrews, Daniel, and John. They explore the significance of resurrection in Christian theology, Jesus' resurrection, and the final judgment. The episode also discusses the importance of being spiritually prepared for the second coming of Jesus. They explain the transformation that occurs at the resurrection, how it ties to eternal life, the difference in bodies of the righteous and unrighteous, and the ultimate judgment. They close with practical advice on how listeners can ensure they are ready for this pivotal moment.
    Check out the Ebook: https://renew.org/endtimes/
    Watch The Video:

    Key Takeaways 00:00 Introduction and Welcome
    01:04 The Importance of the Resurrection
    05:03 Early Christian Beliefs
    06:02 Resurrection in Jewish and Roman Contexts
    07:33 N.T. Wright's Perspective
    09:48 Resurrection and Final Judgment
    22:10 The New Heaven and New Earth
    34:34 How to Prepare for the Resurrection
    38:13 Conclusion and Next Episode Teaser
    Make sure to check out RENEW.org for articles, books, and more: https://renew.org/
    See below for a longer description: 
    In this episode of "Scripture in Black and White," titled "The Resurrection of the Dead," Anthony Walker and Bobby Harrington dive into the pivotal biblical concept of resurrection. Drawing upon key scriptures and theological insights, they illuminate the essential role the resurrection of the dead plays in Christian faith, contrasting it with cultural and historical beliefs about the afterlife. 
    Anthony and Bobby kick off the discussion by reflecting on a recent YouTube display, emphasizing the vivid imagery associated with biblical teaching on resurrection. They remind listeners of Paul's profound assertion in 1 Corinthians 15 that if Christ has not been resurrected, then Christian faith is in vain. This sets the tone for an in-depth exploration of resurrection's significance.
    Throughout the episode, Anthony and Bobby underscore that resurrection is a core tenet of early Christian doctrine, as evidenced by the teachings in Acts and the writings of Paul. They correct a previous misquotation regarding the second coming of Jesus, ensuring listeners have accurate scriptural references.
    A significant portion of the episode is dedicated to biblical passages that affirm the resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous. Bobby reads from Acts, Hebrews, and Daniel, demonstrating a consistent biblical theme that resurrection is not merely a New Testament concept but is rooted in Old Testament prophecy as well. They discuss the implications of these passages, noting how they challenge and expand cultural assumptions about life after death.
    Bobby introduces the scholarly work of N.T. Wright, who emphasizes that Christian hope is centered on the resurrection of a transformed, imperishable body. This hope is distinct from Greco-Roman and Sadducean beliefs of the first century. The conversation also touches upon misconceptions about the afterlife, such as the idea of becoming angels after death, and corrects them with a biblical perspective.
    The duo then examines the resurrection as a precursor to the final judgment. They delve into passages from Revelation, explaining how the resurrection leads to the ultimate accountability before God. They describe the final judgment scene, stressing its importance in Christian eschatology.
    In an engaging and thought-provoking dialogue, Anthony and Bobby reflect on the nature of resurrected bodies, drawing from 1 Corinthians 15. They highlight Paul's descriptions of a spiritual, imperishable body, contrasting it with the mortal, perishable bodies we currently inhabit. The conversation brings a personal

    • 40 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
69 Ratings

69 Ratings

MollyFW ,

Thank you!

I’ve enjoyed and appreciated your contributions to Fearless with Jason Whitlock and followed you to this podcast. The Essentials was excellent. I will remember and share the analogy about the weather report… If you BELIEVE it’s going to rain, you act on that and grab an umbrella or change your shoes. We need to act on our faith and live differently, live for our Lord, follow his teachings.

Taddypb ,

Great Insight

Great insight and encouragement. Please keep going.


Five Stars!!!

Loved hearing you two on Fearless with Jason Whitlock. And I so enjoy learning from your teaching of God’s Word! Keep up the great work!

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