18 min

SEO Frequently Asked Questions Answered Digital Profits

    • Marketing

The Profit Squad unravels the mysteries of SEO in this insightful episode. They dive deep into the importance of sessions, clicks, and revenue/leads as key indicators of your SEO strategy's success. But did you know that local businesses can substantially influence their Google rankings? And it's not what you might think.
They also challenge widely-held beliefs about Domain Authority and how much weight Google actually places on it. Plus, they breakdown the real cost of investing in SEO, and the range of services you might expect for your buck. Beyond this, they explore other factors that could be holding your SEO back - and it's not all about keywords. Is your user experience up to par? How about your content quality? And let's not forget the technical updates.
Are exact match domains a silver bullet for ranking? The answer may surprise you. Similarly, the buzz around backlinks might not be what it seems. And if you're looking to see results from your organic efforts, they outline a realistic timeline. But what about paid ads and their intersection with SEO? And can AI content really secure rankings? The answers await in this episode. Tune in to discover Google's stance on duplicate content and, as a bonus, the Profit Squad also talk about the value of commitment in SEO.
Episode Highlights:
01:25 - No, SEO is not dead. This is a common headline that you'll see all the time in digital marketing forums and searchengineland.com and whatnot, but it's absolutely not dead. We talked about it I think in our last recording. There are billions of searches happening every single day, and you can optimize for those searches, for those user queries, answer their questions, and get in front of them and drive business through it.
04:56 - And really the reason why, the same way that a user would sort of evaluate reviews and read reviews to determine whether or not they want to do business with you. Like if they want to buy your product or they want to move forward with your service, whatever it is, Google evaluates those reviews to help kind of inform their rankings because Google really trusts the user's input. And they have so much data and the more information that they can get from users and via reviews, the more confident they feel in serving you as the top result for a given query.
12:14 - There will be some people that will tell you that you cannot rank without doing backlink building. They will just tell you flat face it's not possible. Others will tell you that you don't need to do it at all. It doesn't matter and it's not worth your time. If you build it, they will come. I will land on the side leaning towards it's generally not worth your time. And I say that with a caveat that backlinks do have value. In my personal opinion, they're not the most important ranking factor.
Ben Page
Ray Sawvell
Blake John
Join the Community

The Profit Squad unravels the mysteries of SEO in this insightful episode. They dive deep into the importance of sessions, clicks, and revenue/leads as key indicators of your SEO strategy's success. But did you know that local businesses can substantially influence their Google rankings? And it's not what you might think.
They also challenge widely-held beliefs about Domain Authority and how much weight Google actually places on it. Plus, they breakdown the real cost of investing in SEO, and the range of services you might expect for your buck. Beyond this, they explore other factors that could be holding your SEO back - and it's not all about keywords. Is your user experience up to par? How about your content quality? And let's not forget the technical updates.
Are exact match domains a silver bullet for ranking? The answer may surprise you. Similarly, the buzz around backlinks might not be what it seems. And if you're looking to see results from your organic efforts, they outline a realistic timeline. But what about paid ads and their intersection with SEO? And can AI content really secure rankings? The answers await in this episode. Tune in to discover Google's stance on duplicate content and, as a bonus, the Profit Squad also talk about the value of commitment in SEO.
Episode Highlights:
01:25 - No, SEO is not dead. This is a common headline that you'll see all the time in digital marketing forums and searchengineland.com and whatnot, but it's absolutely not dead. We talked about it I think in our last recording. There are billions of searches happening every single day, and you can optimize for those searches, for those user queries, answer their questions, and get in front of them and drive business through it.
04:56 - And really the reason why, the same way that a user would sort of evaluate reviews and read reviews to determine whether or not they want to do business with you. Like if they want to buy your product or they want to move forward with your service, whatever it is, Google evaluates those reviews to help kind of inform their rankings because Google really trusts the user's input. And they have so much data and the more information that they can get from users and via reviews, the more confident they feel in serving you as the top result for a given query.
12:14 - There will be some people that will tell you that you cannot rank without doing backlink building. They will just tell you flat face it's not possible. Others will tell you that you don't need to do it at all. It doesn't matter and it's not worth your time. If you build it, they will come. I will land on the side leaning towards it's generally not worth your time. And I say that with a caveat that backlinks do have value. In my personal opinion, they're not the most important ranking factor.
Ben Page
Ray Sawvell
Blake John
Join the Community

18 min