25 min

Sex Magick: 6 Steps for Creating an Abundance Ritual That Sex Chick

    • Sexuality

Get ready for today’s episode as Alexa brings you a fun crash course in creating a Sex Magick ritual! This practice can be a solo pleasure ritual or with a partner (or multiple!). Through these simple steps, you can begin to create your reality through your orgasms by attracting in whatever you desire. It not only connects you deeper to yourself and your partner, but it brings in new energy to your sex life, allowing you to play and spice things up!

Get ready for today’s episode as Alexa brings you a fun crash course in creating a Sex Magick ritual! This practice can be a solo pleasure ritual or with a partner (or multiple!). Through these simple steps, you can begin to create your reality through your orgasms by attracting in whatever you desire. It not only connects you deeper to yourself and your partner, but it brings in new energy to your sex life, allowing you to play and spice things up!

25 min

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