50 min

Shedding Mom Guilt & Moving Into Boundaries With Teens With Parenting Expert Susie Pettit This is Ashlynn

    • Self-Improvement

Susie Pettit has been helping women live lives they love for over 20 years. She is the podcast host of the Love Your Life Show, offers the super successful Parenting Teens Survival Course and runs a monthly membership for Midlife Warriors. She is a certified Parent, Life + Wellness Coach and a mom of 5 sons ages 18-25.

Susie is passionate about helping women live lives that feel as good on the inside as they look on the outside. She spent more than half her life living a life she did not love; as a people pleaser and codependent perfectionist. She reflects that it’s as if she was trying to win an award for ‘Martyr of the Year’.  Luckily she hit rock bottom and now has the breadth of experience to teach first hand about setting healthy boundaries, beating your inner critic, conscious parenting, and how to use mindfulness-based tools to beat overwhelm and anxiety. 

The Love Your Life Show Podcast

Susie’s Instagram

SMBwell Website

Ashlynn Allen kicks divorce & betrayal in the teeth. With her real world example of what’s possible after betrayal & how to live boldly with compassion & forgiveness while being boundaried & free from the past.

She is an advocate for women who want to live a life full of adventure & freedom. Come listen to her perspectives while she has conversations with those she loves & respects who share their #bethebuffalo moments that may just help you shift your own journey in a beautiful way.

Follow her on social media at HERE

Retreats with her at HERE

Mentor with her at HERE

Move "Beyond Betrayal" with her at HERE


Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ashlynn-allen/support

Susie Pettit has been helping women live lives they love for over 20 years. She is the podcast host of the Love Your Life Show, offers the super successful Parenting Teens Survival Course and runs a monthly membership for Midlife Warriors. She is a certified Parent, Life + Wellness Coach and a mom of 5 sons ages 18-25.

Susie is passionate about helping women live lives that feel as good on the inside as they look on the outside. She spent more than half her life living a life she did not love; as a people pleaser and codependent perfectionist. She reflects that it’s as if she was trying to win an award for ‘Martyr of the Year’.  Luckily she hit rock bottom and now has the breadth of experience to teach first hand about setting healthy boundaries, beating your inner critic, conscious parenting, and how to use mindfulness-based tools to beat overwhelm and anxiety. 

The Love Your Life Show Podcast

Susie’s Instagram

SMBwell Website

Ashlynn Allen kicks divorce & betrayal in the teeth. With her real world example of what’s possible after betrayal & how to live boldly with compassion & forgiveness while being boundaried & free from the past.

She is an advocate for women who want to live a life full of adventure & freedom. Come listen to her perspectives while she has conversations with those she loves & respects who share their #bethebuffalo moments that may just help you shift your own journey in a beautiful way.

Follow her on social media at HERE

Retreats with her at HERE

Mentor with her at HERE

Move "Beyond Betrayal" with her at HERE


Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ashlynn-allen/support

50 min