25 min

Showing Up When It's Hard School of Self-Image

    • Self-Improvement

Discover how to meet yourself with compassion, and show up, even when it feels impossible. This isn’t about ignoring reality; far from it. I’m showing you how to process what’s going on around you in difficult times, and uncover your compelling reasons for showing up, so you can be a light in the world during chaos and uncertainty.
Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofselfimage.com/275

Discover how to meet yourself with compassion, and show up, even when it feels impossible. This isn’t about ignoring reality; far from it. I’m showing you how to process what’s going on around you in difficult times, and uncover your compelling reasons for showing up, so you can be a light in the world during chaos and uncertainty.
Get full show notes and more information here: https://schoolofselfimage.com/275

25 min